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First time fiverr and not inpressed

Guest caseller

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Guest caseller

I purchased a service 2 days ago with delivery within 24 hours. Nothing but now the seller wants more money before he delivers the same item. He also says for me to cancel this purchase and purchase by going through s***e at a higher fee. What is the best way to handle this/ This is my first time on fiverr and not very good. I have sent in a request ticket. Or is this place just a waist of time?


Everything the seller is asking you to do is against 5r rules.

I’m glad you didn’t follow through, otherwise you could have gotten into trouble with the seller.

Report to Customer Support about sellers inappropriate behavior. Tell them you want to cancel and would like a refund.

Have a screen capture of your conversation and tell them you’re not comfortable working with this seller.

I know you’re upset and I don’t blame you, but remember to stay cordial with support. These poor guys and gals have to deal with bad apples (buyers and sellers) all day.

Depending how busy they are, it could take them as little as a day or long as three to respond.

Guest caseller

Yes I have already gone there and I do have screen shots of the conversations.


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