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Writer99025's Garden on a Sunday Morning


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@writer99025 Since you have shared your personal photos, I want to share something with you. We were going to a friend´s place yesterday afternoon. We wanted to take a few of the dogs with us, like 3 of them. But one of them did not want to jump into the car. He was playing with a piece of wood and did not care about anything else 😂

Awesome 🙂

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I’m guessing the larger flowers in your garden are what we call hibiscus, but they are probably called something else in India.

It’s nice to see such a well cared for dog. I can tell from his coat is gets good care.

@misscrystal Thanks. I love all my dogs. I almost never wash them though, LOL. They are not city dogs 🙂

NB: They have nice fur from nutrition from the food and vitamin I give them. 😋

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Guest anjylina

Thanks 🙂 …The one on the left is my home, that on the right is the neighbor’s home.

Too bad you really live alone in such a beautiful home…😡

What is the capital of Afghanistan BTW? 😜

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I think of hibiscus 🌺 when I hear India, but it looks like roses, but whatever they are, it’s nice to have a garden. I don’t have one, but relatives I spent a lot of holidays with when I was in school, have a very big one, partly more an orchard, it’s great to eat cherries and plums right from the tree. I have a really nice park in walking distance though.

Fun thing is, having a Google play subscription, I often listen to music while falling asleep but last week I suddenly thought to check if they have audiobooks too. Well, they do, not many, and I suppose it’s all things with expired copyright, but anyhow, I saw ‘The Secret Garden’, a children’s book by Frances Hodgson Burnett, published in 1911. I read it long ago, and thought it was a good choice for a read to fall asleep to.
The book is about a neglected ugly girl with ugly manners, who was born and grew up in India, English parents, father in the military, living in a big house, with servants, maids and all that stuff, though the book never tells if they have hard boiled eggs or no, and of course a garden. But one day, cholera strikes, and everybody in the house but the little girl dies or runs away. Some military guys finally find her there and she is sent ‘back home’ to England, to live with an uncle, who lives in a big mansion on the moor. The girl is left to herself there too, when she finally arrives, and there are no servants or maids or nannys for her to terrorise so she starts exploring the bunch of gardens belonging to the mansion, making friends with a little nice bird who happens to seem to live in ‘The Secret Garden’, a walled garden, which was the favorite Garden of her uncle’s late wife, and which he, so the housekeeper told her, locked after her death and nobody had entered since. Now she is an ugly little girl with ugly manners, of course, and as she can see, by the 🐦 's flight and the lay of the walls of some gardens she can enter, that there has to be a Garden she can’t find the door to and most probably is the forbidden to enter one, so she sets her mind to finding the door and entering it.
But if you want to know more, you’ll have to read, or listen, for yourselves. 😛

Anyhow, the fun thing is that while the English gardens are being described and are, well, like English Gardens, the book makes you think that the Indian Garden from her birth place is like some desert, not at all like that garden of that writer99025 guy. Hope his garden will survive the water crisis.

And since its Sunday morning here now, I think I’ll get ready and go out for a walk in the park instead of looking at gardens on my small phone screen over coffee. Good I saw this thread. :deciduous_tree:🌺
A good Sunday to everyone, don’t forget to take some time today to appreciate and enjoy whatever trees and flowers and stuff your place has to offer!

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