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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. So read my comment again that there is no need to discuss that when we already have a great topic on it. Just follow everything mentioned in an article that will do the wonders. If you are here to help someone then you should have given some tips on it but you did not.
  2. No need to discuss this topic I think. We already have a great article published by Fiverr on "Creating a Gig". So just follow all the steps/tips given in the article. Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Creating your Gig Secondly, how are you gonna guide us when you have made 7 sales since December 202?. So I'll encourage you to focus on your gigs first and getting orders too.
  3. You are not allowed to mention/share the username of your seller/buyer here. It's a violation of Forum Rule 6 so avoid it next time. Secondly, why did you take your project outside the Fiverr when the seller was already on Fiverr? It's prohibited to contact sellers/buyers outside Fiverr so now unfortunately, you will have to bear its consequences. Should have done everything on Fiverr so that Fiverr Team could take an action against him but nothing can be done now (sorry to say this). @ana_tomy or @Lena Kindly remove the username of seller mentioned by OP. Thank you
  4. Not allowed. Only Zoom Meeting is allowed if you have an access to it via Fiverr's Inbox or Order Page. Avoid Google Meet. Not fine it is. If you do not have an access to Zoom Meeting then you cannot do anything but you might get its access via Order Page. See the below article on Zoom Calls: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011062838-Video-calls-Zoom-calls- Source: Fiverr Help Center > Order management > Communication tools
  5. Thank you for updating Fiverr Forum within the app. That was much needed.
  6. Question for you: If you really are a Social Media Marketing Expert then you must know how to run a Social Media Ad Campaign. Right? What will you do if your clicks and impressions are not improving? You will improve your creative (ad image) or will do some editing/changes in your ads to make it better. Same case is with your gig that if your gig images are not good enough to attract buyer's attention or its impressions/clicks are not increasing so you need to optimize your gig further i.e. images, descriptions, tags etc.
  7. See the below article on "Adding a Video to your Gig" and follow all the steps. Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451657-Adding-a-Video-to-your-Gig Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Editing & managing your Gig
  8. Have you checked your Spam folder (Fiverr's Inbox)? May be you have unread messages there. Check that..
  9. Have you tried contacting the seller via Fiverr Inbox to sort out this issue after the order completion (automatically)? If not, then give it a shot. Else, contact Fiverr Support and explain everything to them. They might be able to help you in cancelling the order so that you can get your funds back.
  10. I can see that your account is active and you have created one gig too then how is it not approved? Did you get an email about it that your seller profile is not approved? Clarify please.
  11. Hello too. Fiverr must have sent you an email about your issue. What does it say? And what was the new gig about?
  12. Have you followed all the tips suggested by the experienced sellers in your previous thread? See your own thread below: And use your Digital Marketing expertise to make your gig work or to get orders if you really have Digital Marketing skills.
  13. No because your buyers are not on the Forum. And staying online won't help you with anything else not even in getting orders. As a beginner, you should read the following thread and ignore content on Buyer Requests: Secondly, I will encourage you to improve your gig galleries (all gigs). Why have you used the repetitive images in each gig gallery? Any reason? Also, if you really have designed 200+ websites then where is the proof? You should add those designed websites in gig galleries in a creative way so that buyer can have an idea about your services.
  14. Kindly show us the screenshot of your gig description which is giving you an error of illegal characters so that we can check and guide accordingly.
  15. If you have been inactive on Fiverr, then your gigs have been paused by them. Contact Fiverr Support. They will guide you.
  16. Yes sure. Use the Search Bar on the Forum to find your answers easily as there are already tons of ideas on how to get orders
  17. I am able to see your ratings. See an inserted image below: Looks like that it's been fixed now.
  18. Hi too How will you share your gig when you have not published a single gig yet? I cannot find any gig on your profile. Create gigs first then you will be able to share it.
  19. Did you even read my comment carefully? Kindly read it again.
  20. If your account is restricted then you must have received an email from Fiverr regarding it. But from what I see, nothing is wrong with your account.. You are back to Beginner level. Regarding gig de-rank, it's probably due to your 4.3* which you got it 2 months ago. The buyer was not 100% satisfied with your work so he might have given you not a good private review. It will take some time to get back to track i.e. 3-6 months so meanwhile try to deliver quality work and make your buyers happy.
  21. Possibility: Your gig might not be eligible anymore for promoted gigs due to additional quality metrics and some buyers might have left you negative private reviews. Keep delivering quality work, hopefully it will come back soon once you are eligible for it, so wait for it.
  22. Questions for you: You have mentioned these on your profile: "Flyer, Poster,Postcard, Rool Up Banner Designe Expart". What are Rool, Designe, Expart? If you have these skills then why have not you created gigs on them? Any reason? Kindly change your English language proficiency level from Fluent to Basic/Conversational. Suggesting this tip after checking your profile and gig descriptions. You still need to improve your gig galleries.
  23. You have done 200+ projects but why can't I find any of your previous work in your gig galleries (all gigs)? Your gig galleries are not good enough to grab buyer's attention that's why your impressions plus clicks are not increasing. Portfolio feature is fine but you need to add some of your work in gig galleries too. Do research on Fiverr regarding your niche to observe how other sellers are offering their services and how are they utilizing their gig galleries in order to attract their buyer's attention.
  24. Do you really have a vast experience as a "WordPress Website Designer"? If yes, then where is the proof? Proof means where are your designed websites in gig galleries? I can't find any. This is the reason of your impressions being dropped i.e. your current gig galleries are not good enough to attract buyer's attention. Also, buyers have no idea about you that what actually are you capable of? So I will encourage you to add your designed websites in gig galleries. Edit: Another reason is the WordPress being one of the super competitive niche on Fiverr so competition is too tough. Your gigs should stand out among other sellers.
  25. Hi too If you have completed the requirements to become a TRS then it does not mean that you will become a TRS on the coming evaluation day. TRS is actually hand-picked by Fiverr Team and it can take months/years so I will encourage you to not focus on it. Because there are a lot of things to be considered in order to become a TRS (i.e. hidden metrics such as BSR which we have no idea about it - only Success Managers can guide you about it if you have joined a Premium Seller Plus program). Keep delivering quality work and one day, you will be a TRS if you meet all the hidden criteria to become a TRS. Good Luck!
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