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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Hi too Well it's happening because of one 4* (3 months ago), one 2.7* (2 months ago) and one 1* (3 months ago) reviews. These reviews are the main reason of your poor gig performance. There is a possibility that your gigs might have been temporarily removed from the search results. Those buyers might have given you negative private reviews as they were not fully satisfied with your services. Your BSR has also been dropped, so it will take 3-6 months to get recovered from the effects of both public and private reviews. Try to improve your services. Hopefully you will be back to track soon. Good Luck! P.S. If you are a Premium Seller Plus Member, then discuss this issue with your Success Manager. He/She might help you.
  2. No. Never use it else your account will be suspended. You don't have to stay active all the time as it's useless. Just get online whenever you get notifications, buyer's messages, order, or when you need to do changes in your gigs/profile etc. You can use Fiverr App for this purpose.
  3. One reason: Pakistani never listens and follows the rules whatever they (the rules) are! (I am a Pakistani too but I have never broken any rule so far). If you have ever read the Fiverr's Terms of Services (TOS), then you would have known that Fiverr allows only one account to open. Multiple account creation is a violation of TOS. So I'll encourage you to read the TOS again and stop attempting to create more accounts as they all will be rejected! Your Fiverr's journey is Over!! Link: https://www.fiverr.com/legal-portal/legal-terms/terms-of-service
  4. Yes it is. Don't worry. Let them use it. Sooner or later, they will bear its consequences i.e. account suspension.
  5. You are trying to upload image via "Upload Work" Button but you need to use the "Upload source files" button too. Use both work and source files buttons then it will work.
  6. Contact Fiverr Support: Email: support@fiverr.com or Send a Ticket: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr
  7. For what OP has to contact Fiverr Support? To tell OP that how to do freelancing on Fiverr? Well to do freelancing on Fiverr, you must have a laptop. Not everything can be done via Fiverr App. What services do you want to offer?
  8. Use Fiverr Revenue Card as a Payment method if you want to keep the funds in Payoneer account. But for that, you must have a Payoneer card else it won't work. You are using Bank Transfer option on Fiverr for funds withdrawal which is why your funds are being transferred to bank account directly via Payoneer.
  9. Read my comment again then even if you have edited your gigs twice. ⬇️
  10. Yes only if they contact Fiverr Support on their own and it also depends on their case/reason. But as a seller, you cannot request or ask your buyer to get your review changed via Fiverr Support, else you will get a warning (your account might get suspended). So never request or ask for a review manipulation.
  11. It's happening because of poor gig galleries as there is no proof of your work. You have mentioned on your profile that you have 2+ years of experience then where is the proof? Add some of your previous work in your gig galleries so that buyer can see what actually are you capable of. Secondly, it's sad to know that with the Digital Marketing expertise, you are not able to help yourself? Have you ever tried to utilize your Digital Marketing skills for your own gigs? Start using your own skills for yourself. Thirdly, your primary gig images are not attractive and because of yellow and orange colors, they are kind of distracting. Improve them further.
  12. Read the following thread so that you can get more knowledge about Fiverr that how it actually works. Ignore content on Buyer Request: Secondly, you have added so many skills on your profile but I can see only one gig on Flyer/Social Media Post Design. So it would be better to create gigs on your other skills too.
  13. smartdezigns


    You need to create gigs first. Start with the following article on How to create gigs: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Creating your Gig Then, Read the following Thread so that you can get more knowledge about Fiverr. Ignore content on Buyer Request:
  14. What kind of issues are you referring to? I am not facing anything both on mobile and desktop.
  15. Hi too Do you have any gig in Paused/Draft/Pending mode? If yes, then delete that gig and create 7th gig.
  16. Hello too Don't you know that usually resume have personal contact details? So to share personal contact details on Fiverr is strictly prohibited so do not think about it. Avoid it else your account will be disabled. You need to read Terms of Services again: https://www.fiverr.com/legal-portal/legal-terms/terms-of-service
  17. Previous version was better. Actually, it's looking odd and sort of dull because of combination of black and dark green. The notifications which we get at the bottom when someone reacts are in the black box but with the white text (who reacted) and black text (thread name). My question is how can we read black text in the black box? Usually, it should be a light and dark combination but..
  18. Remaining 0.1 bothers a lot for some people.
  19. Why bother to use ChatGPT to create your question? And what is Fiber Efficiency Test? Answer to your Question: Read the following article on Fiverr Skill Test: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010881597-Taking-a-Skill-Test Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Become a seller
  20. Fiverr takes 20% of the Total Payment of your Order and it includes tips as well. If your order was of $5 then you will get $4 (after 20% fee deduction). So it's fine as $1 was deducted from Fiverr.
  21. Read the following article on How to create gigs: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Creating your Gig Then, Read the following thread so that you can get more knowledge about Fiverr. Ignore content on Buyer Request:
  22. This is why I am suggesting you and also asked you to provide tips so that we can get knowledge about it. But you are not getting it.. Anyhow, Good Luck Edit: Oh I forgot to correct your statement. It's 2014.. not 2015.
  23. Improve your gig galleries i.e. add some of your previous work there so that buyers can have an idea about your skills. Also, read the following thread created by one of the best and experienced seller (TRS).
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