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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Wa alaikum asalam. Read the following article on Creating a Gig: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Creating your Gig Then, read the following topic so that you can get more knowledge about Fiverr. Ignore content on Buyer Request:
  2. Try the Availability feature then. See the below article on "Setting Your Availability": Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015529197-Setting-Your-Availability Source: Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Seller features
  3. Only solution is to contact Fiverr Support. They'll guide you about it. You can contact them at support@fiverr.com or create a ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr
  4. Because of your reviews (1* - 3 weeks ago and 3.7* - 2 months ago), your gigs seems to be either temporarily removed from the search results or might be pushed back in the search results. These buyers might have given you negative private reviews. It will take sometime i.e. 3-6 months to get recovered from the effects of those reviews. So try to deliver quality work and make your buyers happy via quality services.
  5. Check the following links on Fiverr Select: Link 1: https://www.fiverr.com/select Link 2: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011920618-Fiverr-Select-Buyer-loyalty-program
  6. If you are still facing the issue, then contact Fiverr Support. Click "here" which is hyperlinked on the red bar. Try that.
  7. Read the question carefully please. Sorry to say that your gig galleries are not attractive. You need to work on it further. And you have used the same logos in both gigs? Why? Do one thing: Do a research on Fiverr regarding your niche i.e. Logo Design to observe how other sellers are using their gig galleries to attract their buyer's attention.. Another thing is that Logo Design is a super competitive niche on Fiverr so you need to stand out among other sellers.
  8. Hello too Read the following topic. Ignore content on Buyer Request:
  9. Are you sure that you have been on Fiverr since last 2 years when I can see clearly that you have joined Fiverr in the month of October 2023? Why dishonesty? And what is Fiber Sector? See an inserted image below: Please change your English language proficiency level from Fluent to Basic. Suggesting this after checking your profile + gigs. Change/Improve your gig galleries as the images are not good enough to attract buyer's attention. Are you a robot who will stay online for 24 hours? Remove this part form your gig descriptions. Improve your gig descriptions as well.
  10. With these impressions, have you gotten any order? If not then it's not good enough. You have been guided already. Improve your gig galleries so that your impressions and clicks can be increased.
  11. By optimizing your gig (mainly gig gallery and descriptions), your impressions and clicks can be increased. If you really have 4 years of experience then why have not you added some of your previous work i.e. designed/developed websites in the gig gallery? Buyers have no idea what actually are you capable of so you need to work on your gig. For this purpose, you can do research on Fiverr regarding your niche. Secondly, are you offering Digital Marketing services on Fiverr or not? If not, then remove the title from your profile as you have not created a gig on it yet. Don't mislead your buyers. You have Digital Marketing skills so use it for your own gigs too.
  12. See the below inserted image: This 3.3* review is the main reason of your less clicks and impressions. That buyer must have left you a negative private review too as it seems that he/she was not fully satisfied with your services. Your gigs have been pushed back in the search results or might be temporarily removed from the search results. So it will take 3-6 months to get recovered from the effect of those private and public reviews. So you are recommended to improve your services and make your buyers happy via quality work.
  13. If that was a fake screenshot then you could have sent a custom offer to that buyer. And what was the screenshot about? Order placement?
  14. Simply use your Digital Marketing expertise and get orders, afterwards your gigs will start ranking. According to your personal description, "I always give my extra best effort to ensure Best results" so do your best for your own gigs first and prove it that you really can generate the best results. Change the primary gig image of your all gigs as they are not good enough to attract buyer's attention.
  15. Questions for you: Why did you do an order via Inbox mean without placing an order? Why did not you send a custom offer to that buyer and deliver work via Order Page? Actually, it seems you are at your own fault. Fiverr must have sent you an email regarding denial of your gigs. What does it say?
  16. Your gig images are sort of cut-off mainly primary gig images. Improve them further. Follow the guidelines given in the below topic: Read the following topic to learn more about Fiverr. Ignore content on Buyer Request: P.S. Avoid asking other sellers about guidance via Seller's profile (inbox). This is not a right thing to do.
  17. You need to contact Fiverr Support regarding it. You might not be allowed to open a new account as it will be a violation of TOS so better to discuss with Fiverr Support for it.
  18. It's happening because of your poor gig galleries (sorry to say this). If you really have 3+ years of experience then why have not you added some of your previous work in gig galleries? Buyers have no idea what actually are you capable of so you need to work on optimizing your gigs further (galleries, descriptions, tags etc.). For this purpose, you can do research on Fiverr regarding your niche.
  19. I can see only 1 gig on your profile. And seriously? 150 backlinks for only $5? I will encourage you to do research on Fiverr first regarding your niche to observe how other sellers are offering their services. Also, read the following topic to learn more about Fiverr. Ignore content on Buyer Requests:
  20. Yesssss you need to eat fibers as much as you should because it's good for your health.
  21. Because it's not updated yet. Fiverr Forum has gotten a new makeover but still some things are needed to be updated.
  22. Did you ask for a permission from Fiverr Team to open a new account? If not, then you are violating TOS. Logo Design is one of the super competitive niche on Fiverr so I'll suggest you to optimize your gigs (gig gallery, description, tags) in such a way that it stands out among other sellers. Or you can learn new skills and create gigs.
  23. It would be better if you contact Fiverr Support regarding it. They will guide you better.
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