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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. No. You cannot use the external link of Zoom Meeting (via Zoom's website). If you have no access to Zoom Meeting via Fiverr Inbox or Order Page then you cannot do anything.
  2. Okay so where are your gigs? I cannot see any gig on your profile. Create gigs first so that you can get orders. Start with the following article on How to create gigs: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Creating your Gig Then, Read the following thread so that you can get more knowledge about Fiverr. Ignore content on Buyer Request:
  3. Hello too Sorry to say that nothing is good on your mentioned gig. If you really have so much experience in Web Designing then why don't you present your designed websites in a creative way via gig gallery? Overall, you need to optimize your gigs (all gigs) and improve gig galleries as well. For this purpose, do some research on Fiverr regarding your niche to observe how other sellers are offering their services via their gig galleries and gig descriptions.
  4. Well, I have been doing freelancing since 2010 but on other platform along with my M.S. Degree. After 3 years, that platform had no more jobs related to my services so I quit that platform and tried other freelancing platforms but unfortunately they were not good enough for me. So I did some research on Fiverr in 2014 and created an account in the month of August 2014. Created gigs and got an order within 2 weeks. Since then, I decided to try my luck on Fiverr only. I wanted to be an independent lady and also wanted to help my family financially (even though I was not bound to but still) so thought of doing freelancing even I have done different office jobs too i.e. Back Office Manager, Graphic Designer and Campus Manager (2015 - 2020) along with freelancing on Fiverr but had to quit all those office jobs because they were not paying me enough according to workload. But now, Fiverr has become one of the best source of income for me as it helps me in covering all of my expenses and other things. I am still getting loads of job offers via my social circle due to my graphic designing skills but accepted only one local job (work from home). I will still prefer freelancing over office jobs no matter what!
  5. smartdezigns


    Well, you have already created an account so turn on the "Seller Mode". After that, create gigs first. Read the following article on How to create gigs: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Creating your Gig Then, Read the following thread so that you can get more knowledge about Fiverr. Ignore content on Buyer Request: Good Luck!
  6. It means you are not a Socisl Media Marketer yet. If you cannot do anything for yourself then you are not ready to work on buyer's projects too. Improve your gig galleries again.
  7. Read my comment again: Your gig galleries are not good enough to grab buyer's attention that's why you are not getting impressions or clicks. So improve your gig galleries and add yur previous work there in a creative way. And use your expertise to get impressions/clicks/orders etc. Gig Images/Gig Thumbnails
  8. Well read my comment again please. No need to share anything regarding buyer's discussion. I have explained the reason of your gig de-ranked so just try to deliver quality services no matter what it is.. We are the sellers so we can guide you only.. No one on the Forum can check anything for you. It's you who has to improve everything..
  9. 1* review (4 months ago) is the main reason of your gig being temporarily removed from the search results. That buyer might have given you a negative private review as he seems not fully satisfied with your services so it will take 3-6 months to get recovered from the effects of both public and private reviews. Try to improve your services. Hopefully you will be back to track soon. Good Luck!
  10. Hi too Kindly clarify 1 thing: Are you a Content Writing Expert or offering Influencer Curation Services? Read the following thread. Ignore content on Buyer Request:
  11. Clear reason is Poor Gig Galleries (sorry to say this).. If you really have 4 years of experience then where is the proof? I mean to say that why have not you added some of your previous work in your gig galleries? Any reason? Secondly you have Digital Marketing skills too so have you ever tried to use it for your own gigs?
  12. Only Fiverr Support can help you with it so contact them.
  13. Fiverr Team cannot help you with anything else but they can guide you what to do in order to get orders. You need to get knowledge about Fiverr first so read the following thread and ignore content on Buyer Requests:
  14. Only PayPal and Payoneer (Bank Transfer snd Revenue Card) are allowed on Fiverr.
  15. Wait for other two accounts to be banned too as you have created your own topic in which you have stated that you have 3 Fiverr accounts. Keep violating TOS, you will be punished accordingly!
  16. Get knowledge about Fiverr first that how it works. Read the following topic and ignore content on Buyer Request:
  17. You might be not eligible for it yet. See an inserted image below: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/4413134063633-Using-My-Portfolio Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Editing & managing your Gig
  18. Because your gig has been temporarily removed from the search results because of your 3* review which you received 1 week ago. That buyer was not fully satisfied with your services as well (it seems so) so buyer might have left you a negative private review. Hence, your BSR and performance scores have been dropped. It will take 3-6 months to get recovered from the effects of those reviews. Try to deliver quality services and make your buyers happy via your quality work.
  19. According to your profile: Best Illustration Creator Publisher: Why can't I see any gig on it? Do you really have 5+ years of experience as a Professional WordPress Website Developer? Then where is the proof? I mean you have not added your designed and developed websites in your gig galleries. Why? Improve your gig galleries (all gigs)
  20. Don't you know that to open a second account on Fiverr is actually a violation of TOS? Why are you breaking the rules? Is one account not enough for you? You should read TOS again: https://www.fiverr.com/legal-portal/legal-terms/terms-of-service (8.5 Violations > Abuse and Spam > Multiple Accounts)
  21. If you have been inactive on Fiverr then you need to contact Fiverr Support. They'll guide you and activate your gig.
  22. According to your personal description, you have mentioned this: "Experienced freelancer offering slideshow creation, meticulous proofreading, expert photo editing, logo design, creative writing, and captivating photo design services" but I can see only one gig on proofreading. Why is that? Are not you going to offer other services like logo design, creative writing etc.? If not, then you don't need to mention those in the description. Remove it. Else create gigs on them. Secondly, your gig images are cut-off so you need to work on it. Read the following topic:
  23. Kindly avoid creating the repetitive topics. 1 topic is enough. As for your question: The error clearly states that Try again after 24 hours. So wait for 24 hours and then try again. Meanwhile, you cannot do anything.
  24. Have you been inactive on Fiverr? If yes, then contact Fiverr Support. They will guide you about it. If not, then you will still have to contact Fiverr Support.
  25. Wa alaikum asalam. Read the following article on Creating a Gig: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig Source: Fiverr Help Center > Gigs > Creating your Gig Then, read the following topic so that you can get more knowledge about Fiverr. Ignore content on Buyer Request:
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