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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. As a new seller (beginner), you are allowed to create 7 gigs only which you already have created. So you cannot create 8th gig, for that, you need to become a Level 1 Seller. Read the following: Link: https://www.fiverr.com/levels It's not a technical problem.. You have created 6 gigs. Check if any gig is in Drafts/Paused/Denied mode. If it is, then delete that gig and create 7th gig.
  2. Read TOS agsin. You will get your answer there. Also, discuss with Fiverr Support.
  3. Read the following article: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010750318-Viewing-Gig-statistics Source: Fiverr Help Center (Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Statistics & seller dashboards)
  4. I am not feeling sad or bad because of 4* review because I knew something will happen after the launching of new changes in the review system so we all sellers have to get used to it somehow no matter what. Let's see what happens in the future because of new changes.
  5. Check if any gig is in Paused/Denied/Draft Mode. If it is, then delete it and create the 7th gig.
  6. Move On. No need to discuss with Fiverr Support else it will be considered a "Review Manipulation" and you might get a warning too. Recently, I got a 4* review from one of my buyer even though that buyer is a Repeat Buyer but I cannot do or say anything to her regarding it so I just have to move on and face it. That buyer gave me always the 5* review but this time, because of new changes in the Review system, she gave me this 4* review. It's alright!
  7. Because other sellers of your same niche are performing better than you, also you have chosen the tough competitive niche on Fiverr. I will encourage you to improve your gig galleries as they are not impressive enough to grab buyer's attention.
  8. I guess, unfortunately no. You will have to create it again.
  9. Being a Digital Marketer, you should know the answer of your own question, I guess. Well your clicks and impressions are not increasing because of your poor gig galleries (sorry to say this). Improve gig galleries and add relevant gig images there. Also, use your expertise to get the orders as well.
  10. Looks like that you have been inactive on Fiverr that's why your gigs have been paused by Fiverr. You need to contact Fiverr Support. They'll guide you regarding it.
  11. Buyer Request has been long gone. It has been replaced with Get Briefs. Read the following thread:
  12. Read the following article: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010530278-Payout-methods Source: Fiverr Help Center > Payments & withdrawals > Withdrawals for sellers
  13. Kindly share the screenshot of your description so that we can check and guide accordingly.
  14. Level 2 Seller has a benefit of Paid Consultation feature. See the link below on New Level Systems. Read Benefits of each Level: Link: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/freelancers-levels-ratings
  15. Hi too Did not you read the TOS while signing up for an account? Academic services on Fiverr is not allowed. And yes, academic services related gigs should be deleted. Read the following article: Link: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020869658-Academic-services-on-Fiverr-The-Dos-and-Don-ts Source: Fiverr Help Center > Trust & safety > Fiverr services - policies & guidelines
  16. Why are you spamming the Forum then? Can't you stop doing it? @imagination7413 Kindly guide him.
  17. And I think you are not in position to guide anyone else because of zero experience on Fiverr since October 2023 and have not made a single sale yet. Also, you are giving useless advices because staying online has nothing to do with the impressions/clicks/orders etc. So avoid guiding like this. You are a Digital Marketer so focus on your expertise first so that you can get orders. Well your primary gig image of each gig is not attractive enough to grab buyer's attention so you need to work on it. Secondly, why have you created the repetitive gigs? I will b2b lead generation and targeted lead for you I will provide lead generation service for you I will provide you high quality b2b lead generation in low price Are there any differences between the above mentioned gigs? Duplicate/Repetitive gigs are not allowed on Fiverr. So work on them too.
  18. Few points/suggestions: After checking your question here and your profile, I will encourage you to change your English Language settings from Fluent to Basic/Conversational. Spelling mistakes: Friverr, Fiber, Vatual, Servise. What are these? "Welcome to my gig and hearty congratulations, for joining my service. " You have mentioned this in your gig description. but why are you congratulating? Why have you used the word "You" instead of "I" in your gig description. Looks like that you have copied everything from somewhere (Google etc.). You need to work on everything i.e. profile description, gig description, gig gallery etc.
  19. Hello too There is nothing wrong with Fiverr. It's you who has never tried to read the TOS ever. Don't you know that to create a second account on Fiverr is actually a violation of TOS. So don't attempt to create a new one. If you want to open a new account then you need to contact Fiverr Support and discuss with them first. If they allow to create a new account then you can else no chance.
  20. Yes previous version was better (Earning Page). But we have to get used to the new changes somehow. I usually check my earnings per month via Analytics page or Earning page via Fiverr App at the end of every month.
  21. Yes. This is the best option for you to get all those incomplete orders cancelled by Fiverr Support. After order cancellations, request them to adjust your stats if it affects. Only if you want to misuse the Delivery Button and want to get your Fiverr account banned. So avoid this option. Never do it. Check those Buyer's account that are they getting online or not. If not, then you can get them cancelled else send messages via Order Page to see if they responds. In all, you should get them cancelled if it's really bothering you. I have been in the same situation before so I had to get the orders cancelled and Fiverr Support adjusted my stats back to 100%.
  22. Hello too Well usernames (i.e. @yourusername) cannot be changed as it's permanent but Display Name can be changed if you set it as your name like "HK Alina".. Others can see your username and display names only. Not your personal details which you have filled while signing up for a Fiverr account so do not worry about it. It's fine. See an inserted image:
  23. Kindly read the following thread:
  24. Contact Fiverr Support: Email: support@fiverr.com or Send a Ticket: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/buying-on-fiverr
  25. Show some proof via Video that you really can provide IT Technical Support remotely. Otherwise, no one will take interest in your gig.
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