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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. One Advice for you: Work on your Gig Images First then Gig Descriptions! They are not attractive. Do you think that buyers will be able to understand your native language i.e. Urdu? That gig is not gonna work! And other gig images are too distracting that no one would like to take a glance on them! Do some research on Fiverr first before making changes!
  2. You too tell me that why to stay active to get impressions!! 🤔
  3. Question for you: Does it makes sense (title)?... "I will Wix website redesign" 🤔 Also what is it > "I will wix website redesign wix website design wix website wix" (You have created a gig using this title 😳) So I think that it is recommended you to do research first before creating any gig!
  4. You claim yourself this ➡️ Expert Digital Marketer, Google Ads and Facebook Ads Specialist ⬅️ Still you have not figured it out that how to get orders on Fiverr? Even you have been on Fiverr since Feb 2022? 🤔 Anyhow, work on your gigs first. Your gig images are not attractive to grab buyer's attention. Make them unique. Improve Gig Descriptions as well You can turn on the Get Briefs feature (it's a tricky feature but not guaranteed that you will get a relevant job. Give it a shot. Need to know the status on your clicks/impressions? They are increasing or dropping?
  5. You are not the only one who has received that notification. Everyone has received it. It's not that you have broken the rules, It's to let us know that we must follow those rules set by Fiverr. Don't worry.. You are Safe!!
  6. Don't you know that it's a violation of Terms of Services if you create a second account. Stop advising this to others! 🙏 I feel like that you need to read the Terms of Services again!! 🙄 See the image below:
  7. It is clearly stated that it is due to quality issue means you have been not offering quality services. You need to improve the quality of your work.
  8. Seriously? Congratulating her for what? 🤔🤦‍♀️ Kindly read the question again please 🙏 Hi Well it looks like you got 4.7 and 2 stars three weeks ago and those buyers might have given you negative private reviews as well. That led to decrease in impressions and clicks as well as gig ranking.. So it is recommended you to: Work more on your gigs (improve gig images and gig descriptions). Try to deliver quality work Enable Get Briefs (give it a shot) Add more gig images (must be creative ones)
  9. If your gigs are strong and good enough to grab buyer's attention then Yes!!
  10. Then what's the problem? You cannot view Briefs.. Fiverr will send a notification if you get a relevant job
  11. Hello too First of all, Correct your Statement: You are a Level 1 Seller.. Not Level 2 Secondly, work on your gigs i.e. improve gig images and gig descriptions as well.. Turn on Get Briefs feature via Gigs page.. (Tricky feature but give it a shot) Try to deliver a quality work as you have received 3.7 and 4 stars reviews.. I would like to know about the status on your clicks and impressions? They are increasing or dropping?
  12. Click on Gigs (My Business) > Check the top right side > There will be a Get Briefs option (See the image below).. Enable it and set the price there!
  13. Yes, other than staying active on Fiverr (which is a myth that it's helpful for gig ranking etc..), SMM (Social Media Marketing) and SEO, you need to work on all of your gigs because your gig images/videos are not attractive and they are kind of distracting.. Improve gig descriptions as well..
  14. Do you want him to get his account banned by requesting buyers for reviews? Kindly do not advise this to anyone!
  15. Question for you: Are you getting impressions? If yes, then your gigs are being shown to buyers. Advice: Please change the gig images of your all gigs. They are not attractive. Work on your portfolio (gig images)
  16. One Advice for you: Improve Gig Images of your all gigs and add more images (portfolio) too!! They are not attractive!
  17. Okay if you say so, then did you get any order by staying online? I can see that your last delivery was 16 days ago. Did you get any order from last 16 days by staying online? You've proved it too that staying online has not gotten you any order! Usually sellers can get their orders even when they are offline. It's all about buyer's interest if he is really interested in buying services then he will get it done whether seller is offline or online!! So it's a wrong advice and a myth too! Staying online is not gonna help you with anything else!!
  18. Why to stay online as much as possible? Could you please explain the reason? And what's with your own gig link?? 🤔 You need to improve your gig images and gig description. They are not of good quality. Also, turn on Get Briefs feature via Gigs page. (not guaranteed that you will get a relevant job but give it a shot) I'd also like to know the status on your clicks/impressions? Are they increasing or dropping?
  19. Hi too Would there be any problem if you create your content writing gigs in the same account? So better to use the same account and create gigs there. Keep your Development gigs there as well. You cannot create a second account after deleting an existing (current) account as it's a violation of Terms of Services! You can offer multiple services using the current account, there will be no issue!
  20. Still you have violated the rules of Fiverr's TOS.. Also, we have already guided you that Contact Customer Support for this purpose! We have no authority to check and let you know its outcome! So wait for their response (Customer Support's)
  21. Elaborate your points clearly please! No one is gonna understand what actually you said 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ If you are not getting clicks, then it means your gigs are not strong or good enough to grab buyer's attention. So you need to work on your gigs like improve gig images/videos, gig description, tags etc.
  22. It means you have used the same template, made changes (without using your own work) and uploaded it for your gig image. It would be better if you add your own work in the template and upload it. It's not about License.. You were trying to sell the template via Gig Image even it was not allowed. That might be reason! Only solution is like @filipdevaere suggested that Contact Customer Support for it!
  23. Question is when you made the changes, did you use your own work/uploaded your own work in the template or you used the template and made changes in the same template (no use of your own work)?
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