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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Hi too.. Well you need to work on your gigs.. Why have you used the repetitive images in your gig gallery (gig images)? Any reason? Work on your Gig Images, Improve them further!. Add some of your work (portfolio) Improve Gig Descriptions also You have chosen a highly competitive niche i.e. WordPress so you need to make your gigs better to stand out.. Do some research regarding your niche on Fiverr before making any changes!
  2. No. But Question for You: Why do you want to create multiple accounts when you have already an existing account? 🤔
  3. Well what is the status on your clicks/impressions?
  4. Curious to know that how did you still survive with that dining room chair 😬 I hope you'll get an office chair for yourself soon. (Happy Office Chair Shopping 😁) Well, I am the only daughter of my parents so I am the one who is taking care of everything from finances, driving to kitchen stuff even taking care of my parents (they are 60+) so I usually get tired after doing house chores (that's obvious if I'm alone to do everything) so to take care of myself, I prefer to do rest in the afternoon only (obviously after finishing all the tasks and also, I have become sort of insomniac person these days). While doing rest in the afternoon, I do not touch android or laptop or any electronic devices!
  5. Elaborate: Why to stay active? You have Zero Sales since April 2021 then how can you suggest this to anyone else? 🙄🤦‍♀️ Kindly stop advising like this unless you have experienced it! 🙏
  6. Fiverr has sent you an email regarding it. What does it say? Let us know first!
  7. By working on all gigs. Improve Gig Images (add impressive portfolio / work of yours) Improve Gig Descriptions Tags Enable Get Briefs feature (not guaranteed that you will get a job but try it)
  8. Elaborate: Why to stay active? You cannot do anything now. Wait for few days and then check the status on clicks and impressions that they are increasing or dropping!
  9. If you really have read TOS then you should not have asked this question I guess 🙄 Whatever it is mentioned, follow them Read it again: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service 😬
  10. Honestly I did not ask you to change the Title of Gigs. I requested you to change the Gig Descriptions. Your Gig URL will remain same like the very 1st title you had.. Kindly read the tips again! (where have I mentioned to change the title?) 🤦‍♀️
  11. You have to do research on your own regarding your niche. Check TRS and Level 2 Sellers who are doing well with their logo design services on Fiverr!
  12. Well I'll encourage you to read this article: https://www.fiverr.com/levels If your earnings are above $2000 already then try to maintain other stats (reviews, on-time delivery, order completion rate, response rate etc..)
  13. Your profile says that it was created in Jan 2017? 🤔 You can follow the same tips which I have mentioned above!
  14. Yes you will be likely demoted to Level 1 due to your On-Time Delivery Issue (84%). You must have 90% On-Time Delivery (and other stats too) to maintain our Level.
  15. No. I have successfully transferred the funds from Payoneer to my Local Bank Today (an hour ago) and faced no issue. Everything seems fine to me! If you are still in doubt, then you can contact Payoneer via Live Chat and confirm it!
  16. You have chosen a highly competitive niche i.e. Logo Design so you need to work on your gigs Improve Gig Images further to make them more unique (to grab buyer's attention) You have used the same Gig Descriptions for all gigs. Why is that? Change gig description of each gig and create content based on the title/services Enable Get Briefs feature. Give it a shot
  17. Hi too.. It's possible only via Unique Gig Images, Tags, Gig Descriptions!.. Checked your profile. Your Gig Images are not attractive enough to grab buyer's attention. Make them more unique. Add some of your work (portfolio) Gig Descriptions: Improve them further. Highly Competitive Niche: WordPress is a highly competitive niche (74K services available on Fiverr) so you need to work on your gigs to make them more stand out! You can enable Get Briefs. Though it's not guaranteed that you will get a relevant job but give it a shot!
  18. Do you even know that it's a myth that by staying online for 24 hours or active all the time helps in anything (gig rank, increases impressions or clicks etc). So it's a wrong advice.. 🙏 Buyer Requests: Don't you know the status on Buyer Requests that it's gone forever! 🙄 P.S. You have been on Fiverr since July 2022 so have you implemented these tips for your own gigs and gotten any order? Do not advise anything else unless you have done or experienced them on your own!
  19. What a logic 🤦🏻‍♀️ at least he should run the current account and get orders first. He needs to know the benefits of Seller Levels! He has created 2 gigs yet since 2021 and now he wants to open a 2nd account 🤦🏻‍♀️😬 He has zero skills in Digital Marketing. Such a disappointing thing it is to see in his profile.. P.S. I am still in dire need of "Face Palm Emoji" in Forum Reactions.
  20. Only one but Question for you is: Why do you want to open multiple accounts when you have not gotten a single order yet? 🤔🤷‍♀️
  21. Currently, what is the status on your impressions? By improving your Performance, you will be able to do better! Work on your Gig Images. They are not attractive. Work on Gig Descriptions as well You can work with Get Briefs feature. It's not guaranteed that you will get a relevant job but give it a shot! P.S. You have posted your query in the wrong category. There is a separate category in the forum named "Improve My Gigs".
  22. Buyer Request is no more. Fiverr has gotten rid of it. We have Get Briefs feature now
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