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Everything posted by freelancerdj

  1. Go to Fiverr support team and inform them about your Gig publish problem. https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/create-a-gig/create-ticket
  2. I've noticed this recommended option appearing in my gig for the past 3-4 days. Why is it showing up, and what should I do about it? Thank you for your helpful feedback.
  3. I received my first order after 10 days but it depends on your skills.
  4. No, you can change do this.
  5. Seems a BUG! Please contact Fiverr customer support.
  6. It will be good if you share the gig on different social media like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram Etc.
  7. No, there is no problem you can do it and reupload.
  8. After an update on Fiverr, my success score was 5, but after a few days, it dropped to 4. When it dropped to 4, I went from level 1 to level 0. Today, my success score rose from 4 to 5 again as I completed some recent orders, and consequently, I regained level 1.
  9. I also want to know about this, I have the same problem
  10. As far as I know, you will receive this option after completing 4/5 orders. Selected sellers will then receive an invitation from Fiverr.
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