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Everything posted by saiduradspro

  1. If all the requirements are fulfilled on 1 April for the level 2 seller will I get the level instantly or do I have to wait until 15 April? Someone told me after Fiverr's New Update it gives level instantly. Is that true?
  2. Please, Can someone explain me? How did Fiverr cut the GIG promotion due? If In December my GIG promotion/ Ads Spend is a total -of $30 but my Fiverr balance is $25, if there is $5 due. Will I be able to promote my GIG next month?
  3. On which date or way did Fiverr cut the payment of the due ads spent from the Fiverr account?
  4. Saturday and Sunday are the Weekends in the USA and UK.So at the weekend western people usually don't work. So is that the cause these days I get the low impressions and clicks in my GIG? Please share your opinion with Experience.
  5. saiduradspro


    @catwriter @priyank_mod Thanks for your Guide.
  6. saiduradspro


    Today one of my Buyer placed an order without asking me and he purchased my BASIC package of 20usd. As his requirement, he should buy my Standard 70 package. When I explained that He wanted to cancel the order you guys knew a Canceled an order how much it affected GIG ranking. The problem is, My avrage sales are almost 51. So if it gets down below 50 I will not be able to do a Zoom meeting on Fiverr. So maintenance is the 50 Plus average, Can I ask him to TIp??
  7. saiduradspro


    Can I request a buyer for a Tip in the Fiverr inbox or order page?
  8. Contract to Fiverr support. Maybe they can help you with an alternative way.
  9. Is there any benefit or is that really helpful to promote our gig on Fiverr??
  10. When we promote our gigs Fiverr only promotes our gig inside Fiverr and or also promotes our gig outside of Fiverr, like Fiverr does email marketing?
  11. Yes. You can but Gig Title, Description, and tag must be different.
  12. Bro, You are very new to Fiverr maybe you join in Nov-2023. Stay online as much as you can & and wait 2-3 months. Hopefully, Something will happen.
  13. Stay Active with Activities in Fiverr. Don't use Auto Refesher.
  14. You need to be a level-1,2 TopRated seller with 20 reviews for the GIG 4.7 average rating. This may help you -- https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017729338-Promoted-Gigs#:~:text=You are evaluated for Promoted,has at least 20 reviews.
  15. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010949038-Tips-and-tricks-Before-creating-your-Gig-
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