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Everything posted by christiangrollm

  1. Yes, you are 100% correct. All your points and more have been discussed over and over again. It doesn't change my mind though that some people got run over and Fiverr can't/won't fix some issues. I won't go into the details again, as I'm really over it. It's just sad for some.
  2. There are returning customers who have ordered thousands of times on Fiverr. They couldn't care less about giving public feedback, so they're never going to give anyone a private review. The imbalance when getting private reviews @donnovan86 mentioned is the main problem from my point of view. Fiverr probably knows about this but can't or won't help it. That's probably why some people got lucky and others got dumped when the new system dropped. Of course, bad sellers got hit as well, as intended, but I've heard from many good ones who have been virtually run over and simply have no strength left to take action - myself included - because Fiverr does not listen, does not help individuals who would be worth it and responds with copy/paste from their FAQ. It's funny that I'm still a bestseller on page 1 in my niche. Despite dropping to level 0 as the only seller among my competitors and being tied there. The algorithm somehow can't categorize me, and neither can my Success Manager. Nevertheless, I have lost around 50% of my Fiverr income and have made my peace with it because I've run into a communication wall too many times when it comes to talking to Fiverr. To cut a long story short: The whole issue is incredibly complicated and Fiverr itself doesn't know exactly how it works either, as it seems. Hence the useless official statements.
  3. Hey man, sad to hear that I can feel that pain, I experienced quite the same - except I fell from level 2 to level 0. After three months of no help at all (SM and CS) someone from CS deleted the unrightfully impacting Order Cancellations which shouldn't have impacted me in the first place out of 3 reasons at least. Meanwhile, I had dozens and dozens of 5 star orders, but no change in my score at all. I'm still on page 1 of best selling gigs for German and international voice overs though, got the repeat buyer's badge every week, Fiverr's Choice most of the time, and so on. I had all of that, including a 100% score in every metric, before the new system dropped, too, of course. Yet, no change at all, still a level 0 seller - best selling, but still level 0. It's so sad that I can laugh about it by now, I actually thought that I might be eligible for Top Rated or even Pro due to my metrics and high-end customers like Google and several nation wide TV campaigns. But Pro isn't open for applications at the moment and well, I'm not even level 1 so I can't even run ads - Top Rated is out of reach because of an algorithm that hates me but loves my success somehow. All the best for you, hope you can leave it behind you!
  4. Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with it, but thanks for sharing anyway 🙂
  5. Because we are still talking about the Success Score here, a piece of advice that my Success Manager gave me: - Even though 99% of my customers come from Germany, because I offer German voice over, she recommends that I speak English with them (as much as possible). I really like my Success Manager, she is extremely solution-oriented and tries to help me. Nevertheless, this leaves me rather puzzled.
  6. Hey man, really sorry to hear that. I know that a lot of level 2 sellers dropped to level 0 though. Let's hope that this isn't the end of us guys here on Fiverr. Feels unreal to be a proven successful seller but an algorithm states otherwise and punishes you for reasons that feel random at best.
  7. It has now gone live: After endless conversations with my Success Manager, thousands of comments from confused sellers here in the forum and the hope that the wrongfully negative Order Cancellations would be deleted and thus no longer affect me ... all of this has achieved nothing. I am now officially a level 0 seller on page 1 of best-selling gigs (let's see for how long) thanks to negatively affecting order cancellations (1 out of 545 orders was cancelled), an average 5-star rating, Repeat Buyer's Badge and high-quality customers like Google, Renault, Volkswagen, and co. That doesn't feel good, it's a shame that no help can be expected. By the way: My Success Manager recently said that the order cancellations that have a negative impact on the Success Score, even though they were caused by Customer Support and should never have affected us, were NOT a bug. It was intended that they would affect us, but Fiverr has changed its mind (even though that wasn't helpul at all, at least yet). Anyway, have a nice evening, I hope you're doing better.
  8. Exactly. I am a Level 2 seller, now becoming a Level 0 seller. I got a success score of 4 because of order cancellations that weren't my fault, I always got the negative impact reversed by the support - so my completion rate was 100% all the time. Except once, when I cancelled an order because the customer wanted me to promote a far-right political thing. I don't understand why this is now ruining all my work. It feels random and unfair and frankly, it's a nightmare. It's having a really negative impact on my trust in Fiverr as a seller. If this stands, I'm devastated.
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