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  1. Hello everyone, Before you start, here's some quick info about me: I'm self-employed and I offer services on Fiverr that are unique due to my specific background and expertise. While others may offer similar services, none match my exact experience and approach. I've been providing services on Fiverr for several years. Initially, progress was slow, but things took off when I was invited to become a Pro Seller and later I became a Top Rated Seller. Throughout this journey, I’ve consistently received five-star reviews, with only one negative review from a difficult client who misunderstood my services and had unrealistic expectations (it happens to everyone, right?). Despite this, I remained successful. When Fiverr introduced the new rating system, I noticed one of my gig's success scores was at "8", with a warning to improve my rating to avoid demotion (FYI, the new rating system was asking me to improve to 9 without giving me any guidance). This was puzzling since I had consistently received five-star ratings, positive reviews, and tips from satisfied clients. When I contacted customer service, they explained that clients might be giving different private ratings to Fiverr. This made me wonder if clients were not being fully transparent with me. I assure you, I am meticulous in my approach. I ensure my clients fully understand the service they’re receiving by explaining every detail and providing examples. I was determined to improve. So I updated my saved messages and spent extra time clarifying details for my customers. Despite delivering numerous jobs with five-star ratings and tips after couple of months, my success score remained at "8". This didn’t make sense to me. I contacted customer service again, and this time they told me the new rating system compares my service quality to other sellers in the same category and price range. When I asked for specific guidance, they couldn't provide clear answers, saying the system was too complex even for them to fully see what I was asking for. I explained them that if the new rating system favors another sellers service over mine, maybe if they could guide me so I could improve. Customer service didn't give me any direction but vague answers. All I asked was transparency. I stressed that I needed transparency to protect my brand, which I’ve built over more than a decade. I take great pride in my brand. And I cannot let an AI like rating system to damage my brand any further. My inquiry was escalated to another agent, who repeated the same vague information. It was clear he hadn't checked my profile properly, as he gave incorrect information about my ratings. His response seemed like a copy-paste reply, and he mentioned that my rating "8" was high in their view. I suggested that if my rating was satisfactory, the system should reflect that positively instead of threatening demotion. Realizing that continuing on Fiverr under these conditions could harm my brand, I decided to stop offering my services on the platform. Despite being a diligent seller and significantly contributing to Fiverr's earnings, it was time to move on. Everything worked smoothly before the new rating system. Its introduction seems like an unnecessary disruption, creating complexity and dissatisfaction among sellers. The new system lacks transparency and is flawed. While it may address some issues for some, I only had bad experiences with it. Fiverr appears indifferent to seller concerns and fails to listen to feedback. It's concerning that I am seeing so many similar messages from other sellers, yet Fiverr does nothing to improve. When I was invited to become a Pro Seller, they said that I am a part of the team. Now I feel like a disposable work force for this company, the last customer support experience was horrible and I didn't feel like a part of their team at all. It is really saddening. I hope they will listen and improve for others. I just wanted to share my story. Thanks for reading.
  2. I already contacted the CS. Waiting for answer atm. It was showing the timer on the phone app. But it doesn’t show any timer onthe desktop browser. On the desktop browser, it says “ORDER NOT STARTED. We are waiting for the buyer to submit the requirements. Until then, the countdown for this order will not start”. Also, it shows the order “ACTIVE”. and it used to show “WAITING FOR REQUIRED INFO” (or something like that). But now it shows “INCOMPLETE”. I’ll wait for CS answer and see what’s gonna happen.
  3. So, despite requirements being mandatory, the order got started. Am I understanding correctly? If so, then it means your buyer must have attached at least 1 file. No. it did not start.
  4. It’s actually mandatory. But i could see on my screen how much time left for the delivery.
  5. Nothing. She just put the order. I’ve been waiting for the requirements. The order is now labeled as “incomplete”. Not sure if it is gonna affect my stats.
  6. You mean “I have all the information I need” button? If so, no. I did not click that. My gig is about editing photos, I can not do anything without having the photo files from my clients. So client knows that.
  7. I have this buyer who contacted me 1-2 weeks ago to ask about my services, and I answered all of her questions. A couple of days later she asked more questions and I replied and gave her more details. She was really happy and satisfied that she put an order. But she has never sent me any required information. I tried sending her reminder and messages but she never replied. Although I can see that she is always online (I can see that she was online 20 minutes ago today). I don’t know what to do… there is only 4 hours left for the delivery and I have no idea how this is going to affect my rating. What is Fiverr’s stand in situations like this?
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