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Posts posted by Shiran.M

  1. Last week, in our product release, we announced the launch of Fiverr Business Solutions, designed to help businesses seize more opportunities, and Fiverr Neo, built to help buyers connect faster with the right sellers. Some questions came up, and we wanted to make sure you had all the info: 

    What is Fiverr Neo? How is it different from Brief & Match?

    While both Neo and Brief & Match involve matching customers with sellers, they are two separate features that work differently. 

    With Brief & Match, sellers receive different briefs matched to their skills, decide if a specific project is relevant, and then contact customers to start working.

    Alternatively, Neo is our new chat interface that will effortlessly connect buyers with sellers by quickly understanding their unique requirements through conversational interactions. Powered by cutting-edge technology, Neo can quickly grasp a buyer’s unique requirements by asking relevant questions, generating a brief for the buyer to confirm, and finally providing several best-fit recommendations for the buyer to explore. They can then reach out to their chosen seller to get started on projects. Neo makes suggestions from our seller catalog based on buyer’s requirements including deadline, budget, and more. Please note that we are currently still launching Neo and the feature is only open to a closed group of buyers. 

    What is the application process for Fiverr Pro? 

    Application to become a Pro freelancer is currently by invitation only. Our internal evaluation team performs a vetting process to measure quality and experience to determine eligibility. At this time, any profile which meets the qualifying Pro criteria will receive an invitation.  

    Our team will review all applications and update regarding status. If you submitted your application before our recent product release, you don’t need to reapply. 

    Please note that for a Gig to be listed with a Pro badge, it must be priced at or above $100. If your Gigs are priced below $100, you may still be eligible for a Pro badge on your profile (just not on your Gigs). 

    Are Fiverr Certified and Fiverr Enterprise relevant for me? 

    Fiverr Certified enables big brands to offer customers access to freelance experts certified to provide services related to their products. 

    Fiverr Enterprise is a freelance management system that enables enterprises to manage their freelance workforce, which may include Fiverr sellers. 

    The Fiverr Certified and Enterprise teams will reach out to sellers who may be relevant for each platform based on their specific skill sets.

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  2. 20 hours ago, nicks_voice said:


    Would the buyer be eligible to leave a review if the order was:

    1. Manually cancelled by customer support because the buyer ordered incorrectly (incorrect price for example)
    2. The client refused a mutual cancellation at the last minute which caused the order to get marked late
    3. No deliveries were made (since they ordered incorrectly)
    4. This isn't a first-time seller.

    Hey @nicks_voice
    Questions 1+3: If the buyer canceled due to an order placed incorrectly and no delivery was provided (and also no lateness or unresponsiveness of the seller for 24+ hours) then this cancellation case is not eligible for a review.

    Question 2: In the case a client refused to a cancellation and order becomes late - this can be eligible for a review (for a completed or cancelled order-depends how the order ends), but this is a pretty rare case. Usually buyers agree to cancellations since they want to get their money back and find another service provider to complete their project on time. If the cancellation request was sent (by your or the buyer) before the order was determined late, and the order was canceled after this request, then it will
    not be considered late during the cancellation process, and shouldn't be eligible for review.

    Question 4: Not sure I understand what did you mean in “first time seller". Sellers can’t leave reviews for cancellations, and neither first time buyers in the marketplace. If it isn’t a first time buyer, and one of the eligibility conditions took place, then the buyer can choose to review the experience.

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  3. 1 hour ago, mandyzines said:


    So what if if a client gets their work delivered to them, leaves a review, then initiates a chargeback? Does the review go away?

    Hey @mandyzines
    If the chargeback was made after the buyer has already left the review for a completed order, this doesn’t count as a review for cancellation. This means the review will remain, and will be shown, as usual, as a review per a completed order.

    On the other hand, in case the buyer didn’t leave a review, and the order was canceled since a chargeback was made, they won’t be eligible to leave a review for this order.

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  4. 2 hours ago, hamza_teamalif said:

    As a seller if I look at these new updates, they look great and are welcomed! 

    I genuinely believe these updates will be more beneficial for sellers and platform as a whole in the near future.

    But still, fiverr has to improve a lot in this area.

    My biggest concern is ability of a buyer to leave a feedback on a cancelled ordered. On my account, an order was cancelled around 8 months ago, in Dec. And I received feedback from buyer on my gig just one hour ago.

    If I look at the article published by fiverr: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/17120664805521-Reviews-for-canceled-orders-

    It clearly says, the first time buyer can not leave a review, and a buyer will have to leave the review within 5 days after the cancellation. But in reality this feature has not been implemented yet. In my case, both conditions were met. The account was a first-time buyer on fiverr, and he/she got the ability to leave feedback after 8 months, not 5 days or 14 days or a month. But 8 months old cancelled order!!

    So, I hope fiverr team can take a look at this. Because it will be a bad impact for sellers profile if buyers get ability to leave reviews for years old cancelled orders just to get some kind of revenge from sellers. 

    1 hour ago, hamza_teamalif said:

    May be they are sending emails to buyers, reminding them to leave reviews on previously cancelled orders. But that's not sure as of now.

    I have contacted fiverr customer support. Hopefully they can clear the situation asap. I am also waiting for a reply from @Shiran.M 

    I am confident that these kind of reviews will be removed when CS will manually check everything but still, a feature should not be implemented if its not 100% done.

    Thank you for sharing this @hamza_teamalif, this sounds very strange and is not how the feature actually works. I’m glad that you contacted support already. If you would like to let me know your ticket number, I will try to expedite it. If there is a bug that caused this, we will ensure that it is corrected.
    Also please note that our system doesn’t send notifications to buyers to remind them about leaving a review for past orders that were cancelled before implementing this change yesterday

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  5. @vickieito @smashradio @visualstudios @skydesigner @farhan_editz
    Thank you for sharing this feedback.

    Top Rated Seller status stands for vetted freelancers who demonstrated exceptional quality of deliverables and service.

    The change to the revenue threshold meant to enable diverse sellers that are far from the $20K target (related to more specific service niche for example) but have shown great quality and comply with our high professional evaluation standards to get the opportunity to be TRS badge candidates. This change can increase the number of candidates to be considered as Top Rated sellers, but it will not reduce the level of the professionalism required to earn this badge. The evaluation process and the standards for earning and keeping this badge remain high and will not be changed. 

    We are working to increase the transparency of the evaluation process and criteria, and we will keep the sellers community updated.

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  6. 1 hour ago, logoflow said:


    In case, If the order has been cancelled through Fiverr customer support then client is able to drop a review or not?

    Hey @logoflow
    If the cancellation is eligible for review (see the eligibility criteria here) then the client is able to leave a review. Customer Support can't remove this option, unless the case involves a violation of our Terms of Service or Community Standards

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  7. Managing orders starts with having the right tools. In an effort to help you stay flexible while navigating changes that may come up, we’re launching more resolution tools designed to: 
    - Enable you to efficiently navigate order challenges 
    - Give you more control in unpredictable situations
    - Improve our rating system and customer trust
    - Help freelancers stand out for delivering great experiences

    Get to know your order resolution features:

    • Streamline resolutions with partial refunds
      Orders may change, but hard work should still pay off. In case a project’s scope changes or you and your customer decide not to complete the whole project, now you can easily offer partial refunds through our Resolution Center—allowing you to make any needed payment adjustments, get paid for your work, and conclude with customers on good terms.
    • Gain flexibility with extended delivery time
      Your ability to deliver on time can be impacted by unexpected factors, such as changes to project scope, missing or unclear requirements, customer communication, and more. In order to extend your delivery time when needed and give you more flexibility and control with every order, we’ve shortened the customer response window from 4 days to 2 days, automatically extending your delivery date if they don't respond to your request in that time. 
    • Pave your path to Top Rated Seller status
      In order to bring you and our diverse seller community more chances to achieve Top Rated Seller status and benefit from more perks, we’ve adjusted the lifetime earning threshold from $20k to $10k. We’re committed to keeping the vetting standards high through a professional evaluation process, while providing more freelancers who deliver high-quality experiences a chance to earn the status, showcase their talent, and attract more customers.
    • Increased trust with our improved rating system 
      A reliable review system is essential for building trust between freelancers and customers, and for helping freelancers who provide high-quality services stand out. In order to increase transparency and trust, we’ve updated our rating system with the option to leave a review for canceled orders under certain conditions. By improving our rating system to encourage buyer confidence, Fiverr will be able to bring and retain more customers and generate more business opportunities for you.

    We value our freelancer community and heard your feedback on our previous update. We have safeguards in place to prevent abuse or misuse on the platform. Please keep in mind that reviews for canceled orders are only available under specific conditions, meaning that not every cancellation is eligible for a review. Cases of first-time Fiverr customers, customers with seller accounts, orders made by mistake, and chargebacks have been excluded. We have also shortened the canceled order review window from 14 to 5 days. In addition, Fiverr may remove this option for customers who have violated our Terms of Service or Community Standards.

    Be sure to encourage positive reviews by providing exceptional service throughout the process, maintaining clear communication, responding promptly to inquiries, and making customers feel valued and supported.

    We are always open to hearing from you and value your feedback. If you have any further questions or need assistance with order resolutions, please reach out to our Customer Support team.

    The Fiverr Team

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  8. Hey @kaytee_seo
    All sellers can become Pro sellers by attending an application. If you have a suitable qualification, you can join our Pro program and be one of our Pro talents. If you are approved, your existing ranking is not changing, and also your level. But you will be more visible on the platform and enjoy all the benefits of Pro (you can learn more here)

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  9. 16 hours ago, charlsmcfarlane said:

    I’m curious about what this will mean for my pending application. The old pro application form link is broken but when I found the new link and tried to apply it still says “submitted”, so it seems like the form might be unchanged. I’d love to know if my application is still going to be looked at.

    Hey @charlsmcfarlane
    If you already sent your Pro application, there is no need to re-apply. The evaluation team will go over your application as in the regular process.

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  10. At Fiverr, we’re all about staying one step ahead of the changing workforce. As part of that, we’re releasing key product updates that will enhance the buyer and seller experience on Fiverr. 

    Since our seller community (that’s you!) is at the heart of Fiverr’s success, we wanted to make sure you don’t miss out on what we’ve been working on: 

    Fiverr Business Solutions 
    Meet our suite of solutions designed to help businesses access top freelance talent and advanced tools. 
    Check them out>

    Fiverr Pro
    Say goodbye to Fiverr Business and hello to the new and improved Fiverr Pro, packed with an all-new curated catalog of professional freelancers and advanced business tools and services.
    Learn more>

    Fiverr Neo
    Introducing our new chat-based matching experience, which leverages the newest technologies to help buyers connect with the right freelancers based on their needs.
    See how it works>

    Want all the details on our latest release? Get the info here. 
    The Fiverr Team 

    ****In case you missed it, here is some clarification we posted in a reply on page 4****

    Last week, in our product release, we announced the launch of Fiverr Business Solutions, designed to help businesses seize more opportunities, and Fiverr Neo, built to help buyers connect faster with the right sellers. Some questions came up, and we wanted to make sure you had all the info: 

    What is Fiverr Neo? How is it different from Brief & Match?

    While both Neo and Brief & Match involve matching customers with sellers, they are two separate features that work differently. 

    With Brief & Match, sellers receive different briefs matched to their skills, decide if a specific project is relevant, and then contact customers to start working.

    Alternatively, Neo is our new chat interface that will effortlessly connect buyers with sellers by quickly understanding their unique requirements through conversational interactions. Powered by cutting-edge technology, Neo can quickly grasp a buyer’s unique requirements by asking relevant questions, generating a brief for the buyer to confirm, and finally providing several best-fit recommendations for the buyer to explore. They can then reach out to their chosen seller to get started on projects. Neo makes suggestions from our seller catalog based on buyer’s requirements including deadline, budget, and more. Please note that we are currently still launching Neo and the feature is only open to a closed group of buyers. 

    What is the application process for Fiverr Pro? 

    Application to become a Pro freelancer is currently by invitation only. Our internal evaluation team performs a vetting process to measure quality and experience to determine eligibility. At this time, any profile which meets the qualifying Pro criteria will receive an invitation.  

    Our team will review all applications and update regarding status. If you submitted your application before our recent product release, you don’t need to reapply. 

    Please note that for a Gig to be listed with a Pro badge, it must be priced at or above $100. If your Gigs are priced below $100, you may still be eligible for a Pro badge on your profile (just not on your Gigs). 

    Are Fiverr Certified and Fiverr Enterprise relevant for me? 

    Fiverr Certified enables big brands to offer customers access to freelance experts certified to provide services related to their products. 

    Fiverr Enterprise is a freelance management system that enables enterprises to manage their freelance workforce, which may include Fiverr sellers. 

    The Fiverr Certified and Enterprise teams will reach out to sellers who may be relevant for each platform based on their specific skill sets.

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  11. Thanks for sharing your feedback. We apologize for the inconvenience.
    To ensure the reliability of the Top Clients feature, it’s important for us to carefully evaluate the submitted clients, a process we are still working on optimizing.
    Following your feedback, we went ahead and re-reviewed your submissions. Please check your profile to see the changes.
    If you believe there was a mistake in our evaluation, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the support team so we can address it.

    • Like 17
  12. Dear sellers,

    We would like to follow up on the previous post discussing the upcoming change.
    First, we sincerely appreciate your feedback and value the insights you have shared with us. Your concerns have been heard, and we want you to know that we are committed to addressing them in a thoughtful manner. As a result, we have decided to take more time to work on improvements before the implementation of the canceled orders reviews option. This will allow us to make the necessary adjustments to align better with your needs.

    We understand that sellers can sometimes face challenges during the order process with buyers. Our aim is to create conditions that promote fairness and ensure that your experiences on our platform are positive.

    While we continue to work on these improvements, it's important to emphasize that the reliability of our review system is crucial for the overall success of our platform and our sellers. The goal of enabling reviews on canceled orders is to reflect buyers’ experiences more accurately and increase transparency. We aim to ensure that sellers who provide the best service can really stand out and succeed on Fiverr.

    We are actively working on additional enhancements before the launch of this option, and will keep you informed in the upcoming weeks with all the necessary details. We appreciate your patience and encourage you to stay tuned for further updates.

    Thank you for being an integral part of the Fiverr community.

    The Fiverr team

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  13. We understand that cancellations can be frustrating and sometimes feel unfair. However, sometimes service quality does not meet buyer expectations set by high rankings that don’t reflect quality properly. This change is intended to foster transparency and trust on our platform through a more accurate reviewing system, recognize and reward sellers who provide exceptional service, and improve the buyer and seller experience in the long term.

    Here are some things to keep in mind: 

    • Reviews for canceled orders will only be enabled in cases of late deliveries (24 hours or more) or lack of response to buyer inquiries (for 24 hours or more). Buyers will also be able to review canceled orders that include deliveries, but safeguards have been put in place to prevent abuse or misuse of this feature. Sellers, first-time buyers, buyers who didn’t understand the service and placed an order by mistake—are not eligible to leave reviews on canceled orders.
    • Cancellations can cause inconvenience to both buyers and sellers, and the time and effort you put in your deliveries are important to us. We encourage you to keep up communication, make sure expectations are aligned, and address any possible misunderstandings at the start of an order. In case you still think you can’t meet buyer expectations, you can cancel the order prior to delivery without prompting a buyer review. If you think a buyer-initiated cancellation is unwarranted (like when buyers ask for unlimited revisions), you can reject the cancellation, as long as you’ve delivered based on requirements that were set. 
    • Sellers can always leave a response to reviews, both for completed and canceled orders. 
    • Please remember, not all canceled orders will result in a review as not all buyers choose to leave feedback.
    • We lowered the rating score threshold from 4.7 to 4.2 to help sellers better maintain their levels.


    Now, let's address some specific questions you posted:
    1. If a canceled order is over 14 days old, the buyer won't be able to leave a review on the order?  
    That’s right, reviews for canceled orders must be posted within 14 days. After this time, there will no longer be an option to leave a review.

    2. First-time buyers can't review a canceled order at all or are they just excluded from the rule?
    First-time buyers, which means buyers who purchase on Fiver for the first time, will not have the option to leave a review for a canceled order. 

    3. Is it a manual process or does the system determine what's eligible for a review or not? 
    It is not manual. Buyers can leave reviews for canceled orders in cases of lateness, unresponsiveness (even if a delivery was provided). This doesn’t include orders placed by mistake or by first-time buyers. Sellers who are buyers are not eligible to leave reviews.

    4. Is there any indication in the ratings that they are from canceled orders?
    Yes, reviews for canceled orders will be marked with a relevant tag.

    5. What is considered an unsatisfactory delivery?
    Unsatisfactory deliveries vary, so it really depends on the specific case. Our customer support team is here to help if you have questions about deliveries.

    6. Can a random seller try to abuse this system to give you a bad review?
    No. We will block these reviews, and we’ll treat such bad behavior on our platform with the appropriate means.

    7. What does ‘unresponsiveness’ mean? 
    A seller who fails to respond for 24 hours (or even longer for orders with a very long delivery time) is deemed “unresponsive” and may be subject to reviews on canceled orders. 

    We are collecting all of your feedback and will do our best to address concerns so we can improve your experience on Fiverr.

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  14. In order to create a more accurate review system and to increase transparency and trust on our platform, starting next week, buyers who cancel an order will also be able to leave a review and share their experiences. 

    This applies to cancellations of orders in which a delivery was received and/or orders that involve lateness or unresponsiveness. Of course, this option won’t be available for orders made by mistake.

    Following this change, we will decrease the rating score threshold for all levels from 4.7 to 4.2 in order to help sellers maintain their rating levels.

    We encourage our sellers community to use this feedback as an opportunity to improve your services and address any issues that may have led to cancellations. As always, you will be able to add a public response to the review on your Gig page.

    We believe that this update will yield long-term benefits for both buyers and sellers, especially those who provide quality user experiences.

    Click here to learn more about this upcoming change.
    The Fiverr team

    ****In case you missed it, here is some clarification we posted in a reply on page 8****

    We understand that cancellations can be frustrating and sometimes feel unfair. However, sometimes service quality does not meet buyer expectations set by high rankings that don’t reflect quality properly. This change is intended to foster transparency and trust on our platform through a more accurate reviewing system, recognize and reward sellers who provide exceptional service, and improve the buyer and seller experience in the long term.

    Here are some things to keep in mind: 

    • Reviews for canceled orders will only be enabled in cases of late deliveries (24 hours or more) or lack of response to buyer inquiries (for 24 hours or more). Buyers will also be able to review canceled orders that include deliveries, but safeguards have been put in place to prevent abuse or misuse of this feature. Sellers, first-time buyers, buyers who didn’t understand the service and placed an order by mistake—are not eligible to leave reviews on canceled orders.
    • Cancellations can cause inconvenience to both buyers and sellers, and the time and effort you put in your deliveries are important to us. We encourage you to keep up communication, make sure expectations are aligned, and address any possible misunderstandings at the start of an order. In case you still think you can’t meet buyer expectations, you can cancel the order prior to delivery without prompting a buyer review. If you think a buyer-initiated cancellation is unwarranted (like when buyers ask for unlimited revisions), you can reject the cancellation, as long as you’ve delivered based on requirements that were set. 
    • Sellers can always leave a response to reviews, both for completed and canceled orders. 
    • Please remember, not all canceled orders will result in a review as not all buyers choose to leave feedback.
    • We lowered the rating score threshold from 4.7 to 4.2 to help sellers better maintain their levels.


    Now, let's address some specific questions you posted:
    1. If a canceled order is over 14 days old, the buyer won't be able to leave a review on the order?  
    That’s right, reviews for canceled orders must be posted within 14 days. After this time, there will no longer be an option to leave a review.

    2. First-time buyers can't review a canceled order at all or are they just excluded from the rule?
    First-time buyers, which means buyers who purchase on Fiver for the first time, will not have the option to leave a review for a canceled order. 

    3. Is it a manual process or does the system determine what's eligible for a review or not? 
    It is not manual. Buyers can leave reviews for canceled orders in cases of lateness, unresponsiveness, or if a delivery was provided. This doesn’t include orders placed by mistake or by first-time buyers. Sellers who are buyers are not eligible to leave reviews.

    4. Is there any indication in the ratings that they are from canceled orders?
    Yes, reviews for canceled orders will be marked with a relevant tag.

    5. What is considered an unsatisfactory delivery?
    Unsatisfactory deliveries vary, so it really depends on the specific case. Our customer support team is here to help if you have questions about deliveries.

    6. Can a random seller try to abuse this system to give you a bad review?
    No. We will block these reviews, and we’ll treat such bad behavior on our platform with the appropriate means.

    7. What does ‘unresponsiveness’ mean? 
    A seller who fails to respond for 24 hours (or even longer for orders with a very long delivery time) is deemed “unresponsive” and may be subject to reviews on canceled orders. 

    We are collecting all of your feedback and will do our best to address concerns so we can improve your experience on Fiverr.

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  15. Announcing all new, fresh content from Shutterstock!

    We're kicking our content up a notch with new premium artists and top Shutterstock contributors, so you can fuel your projects with a top-quality selection of authentic images, illustrations, videos, and music tracks. This collection is curated with a thoughtful creative review process, ensuring you have access to exclusive creative assets.

    Now you can offer your clients a high-quality library while making sure all your orders include fully-licensed media that businesses can use commercially without any concerns. And of course, keep enjoying the 20% revenue share on every media you license for every order.

    If you’re not sure how to add Shutterstock media to your Gigs, just go to your Gig edit page and add it as an extra or as part of your Gigs’ price.

    For more information click here.

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  16. Non-visual Gigs (i.e. SEO, Software Development, Translation, etc.) are getting a bit of a facelift. We recently upgraded the appearance of these Gigs to improve the buyer browsing experience. 

    Here’s what’s new: 
    1) More focus on sellers (that’s you!) with name and profile picture in the spotlight
    2) Removal of Gig card gallery
    3) Added section showing elements relevant by service (so that means industries for SEO, skills for Software Development, and languages for Translation, etc.) 

    These changes enable buyers to get more relevant info about Gigs and sellers upfront, compare better, and start orders faster. Right now, only a select group of buyers can view the new experience, but soon it will be open to all buyers. 

    If you’ve got a Gig in a non-visual service, make sure your info (industries, skills, languages, etc.) is up-to-date to take full advantage of these changes. 

    The Fiverr team 💚

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  17. We recently launched a new field on your profile called ‘display name.’ It’s super easy to add and will be visible all over—from your profile to your Gigs to inbox and beyond. And the best part? Adding a display name will help buyers get over the hurdle of what to call you when they reach out. When buyers know how to address you, it’s easier for them to connect—and easier for you to close more deals. 

    Sounds like a good deal, right? To get all these goods in the works, just: 
    - Head to your profile
    - Click ‘Your display name’ 
    - Add your preferred name or use a suggested name 
    - Save changes

    Go ahead, put your name out there. 

    The Fiverr team 💚 

    *Want to learn more about adding a display name? Read all about it here.

    inapp image export - 580x200 X2.jpg

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