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Everything posted by misscrystal

  1. Exactly right. Sellers can’t give a buyer a review until they leave a review first but until we see the bad review we have no indication anything was wrong. The bad review comes out of the blue without warning.
  2. If the buyer initiated a cancellation it should show on their profile. Or simply show the number of cancellations initiated by everyone.
  3. It really is sort of mind boggling to get a negative review when you know you did the same great work you always do. It does lead me to wonder what is going on with the psychology of people who do this. The human mind never fails to amaze me. I could never leave a review like that person did. He paid a $2 fee to fiverr and put that in the review as if that was too much and the seller got it? I wonder if he really thinks that somehow the seller was responsible. I see this as deliberately leaving a bad review for some kind of personal gratification. He saw the amount he was going to pay before he agreed to the sale. I think it’s buyer’s remorse and for some, the money they spend is all they are thinking about after they buy something. I don’t know how else to explain it.
  4. In addition to a perfect response to his review, your song that you did for him was fantastic including the claps. You can view the response you gave if you look at your gig reviews. It won’t show under your profile.
  5. Yes but there is nothing you can do but carefully think of a response, keep it unemotional and factual. You can say you have nothing to do with the $2 service fee but he had agreed to $15. And would have removed the claps if he had asked.
  6. Hello, I see he had agreed to a $15 price then said in the review it was $17 which was too much. He included the fee from fiverr in there and blamed you. Sorry this happened to you! He could have asked you to remove the claps. No need for him to complain about an extra $2 fiverr fee in your review and the claps. Sounds to me like he is the mean one. And it’s not like he didn’t know how much it would cost. He paid for it so why do that if he thought it was too much.
  7. I love dragons. I can attest to them not being bad, just a little scary looking and acting.
  8. None of the above. I like things about the exploration of consciousness, and how that applies to current discoveries in physics: The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities Russell Targ https://questbooks.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=73&product_id=825
  9. There is no way to tell how many people he is not taking messages from. I assume he blocked you but I’m not positive about that. Was he a buyer of yours, or a seller you were talking to?
  10. Most of the people asking why they can’t get a sale have gigs no one would buy. It’s no mystery why they don’t get sales, only a mystery to them.
  11. I have advice. Find a skill you are good enough at that people will buy it. Or think of what it is about your gig that makes people not want it. This seems obvious to me but it is something that apparently some don’t do. If you saw your own gig, sitting there among the rest, would YOU buy it? Look at your gigs with a VERY critical eye.
  12. It will use the title. Web designer and web developer are two different things. What does the description call it? I looked at your gigs and I’m a little confused. The one gig you have called “I will be your web developer” has the same URL.
  13. I don’t know what the mistake was but it will not hurt the gig as long as the title is for the same thing as the URL> for example if the URL is about logos, then the gig should be about logos. If the URL is about something different from the gig then you will need to delete the gig.
  14. https://sellers.fiverr.com/en/article/keep-in-touch-with-buyers-with-the-my-contacts-tool This is explains everything you can do - I’ve no idea why anybody would read this and be in any doubt as to what’s allowed. Just my personal POV. I could explain why but why bother since it won’t change anyone’s opinion. You don’t think I know what I’m talking about. It’s ok if they expect a reply from you to message them. Otherwise not ok. You had four very long time sellers and forum regulars tell why not to contact previous buyers. You’ve been on fiverr as a seller a long time too so hopefully you won’t have any problems about it. Maybe you won’t get reported for it. Maybe fiverr will overlook it if you do.
  15. You can’t be too cautious. I don’t know how long you’ve been using the forum or if you read it much but we see people getting banned constantly for all kinds of things. Fiver does not hesitate to ban people’s accounts. If you are “reaching out” to people for any reason and getting reported for it you risk anything from having your messaging ability blocked to getting your account banned. I would be annoyed if someone messaged me whom I had purchased from before to see if I wanted to order from them. I dislike getting spam. The buyer knows where to find you if they want to buy from you. If you don’t hear from them it means they don’t want to buy from you. Most people won’t say “I’m not interested” if they don’t want your service. Not hearing from them means they are not interested. You put them in a very uncomfortable position when you contact them and force them to reject you outright.
  16. So it affects more categories than just voiceovers. Video producers Sound engineers Anyone with a gig video
  17. I don’t think I could have be any more succinct in this this thread about the problem. If anything its probably over-technical. Its not my intention to bring the horse to the water. Only as an explanation for those who are already aware. I knew something was wrong when I created my new gig that the audio was terrible, but only dug deeper after I saw other sellers were complaining about it on the forum. Hope that makes sense #misscrystal It’s a huge difference in quality when you compare the two, to a shocking degree.
  18. No I definitely do not think it’s acceptable and that’s not what I said. Sorry I offended you. I think you misunderstood or took what I said in a way I didn’t intend it. I was trying to be helpful. All I meant was that the average person will not realize it’s been compressed and actually has had the sound degraded unless you let them know that. I hope this explains it better so you see what I meant. I know it’s a problem. I was trying to figure out some kind of solution. I agree 100% that it shouldn’t be happening. What I meant was that the average listener to the compressed samples will not think it sounds horrible and they will not realize it’s been compressed. I didn’t say it was acceptable to have it compressed. I can’t explain it any more but they need to hear how it sounds uncompressed, since it sounds so much better. And to that end I tried to find a solution until fiverr stops compressing them.
  19. The only thing wrong with this poll is that unless you point it out that it is happening most won’t notice it. Now that I know about it I can see it is a problem. If I’m unaware of it I won’t know about it. So it may be a good idea to mention it in your gigs or your questions section. A question such as this in your questions section might help your buyers: Can I hear how it will actually sound uncompressed? Yes, since fiverr compresses our voiceover samples, hear the actual sound of my voice on Youtube: (URL of your youtube sample)
  20. I have a good feeling about this. I think they will change this back.
  21. So anyone who has earlier samples on their gigs won’t be affected in essence giving them an advantage. In some cases the difference is extremely dramatic such as Steve’s cinematic sample. Are you allowed to have a soundcloud link in your gig description or post the url to that?
  22. Congratulations, it’s very pretty! For newcomers to freelancing this is a good course to take and highly recommended.
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