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Posts posted by sunboatrecords

  1. 1 hour ago, stephanedr said:

    He started by saying he tried to work with few others designer and all were "bad" but seing my work I might be the one.

    Stephane, this was the red flag that you missed. He didn't say that he browsed other portfolios and thought that you are the man for the job. He said that he tried to work with them. And notice the plural.


    As for the rest, Fiverr is governed by a strict algorithm. When the AI detects two million revisions and on top of that a cancellation, make no mistake that this will hurt your success score.

    I understand that you are trying to build your reviews and take on projects that perhaps, you wouldn't under other circumstances but, the long term consequences are not worth it.


    A Fiverr order should be like this:

    - You receive the full requirements. Ideally, even before the order is placed.

    -  You deliver.


    "Collaborating" with amateurs isn't worth our time, and it is dangerous for our success score. Also, the endless back and forth is detrimental to the resources of your business. Namely, your time and well-being.


    Just a few thoughts from my experience.


    Warm regards,



    PS. Get in seller plus premium if you can. "Request to order" is your friend.

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  2. 3 hours ago, hammad_gghumman said:

    He said he wants to change the whole design of the website and want me to build it from scratch, I agreed.

    You lost the game here, if you didn't send a new offer (gig extra). If you indeed provided a full rework for the same money, you showed them that they can walk all over you.

    Also, from what you are writing, I understand that the client was showing clear signs of inability to understand how Fiverr works or what it means to hire a freelancer under contract. In my view, you should have rejected him. Fiverr is a long game. A misstep can cause you to wave goodbye to your current standing on the platform. It is better to lose an order - whatever size - than, all of your business here for 6 months or whatever it is.

    As for how to get out of this hole, I am not in a position to make any suggestions as I have very few negative experiences. I have heard stories of sellers that keep delivering the last revised version over and over again until the client gets tired but, I am not sure if that is in line with the ToS. The sure thing is that even if you cancel, they can still leave a review for you so, it is what it is. Perhaps, somebody else who has recent experience with a nightmarish order can pitch in.

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  3. I believe that you were too biased.

    The client was clearly an admirer of birds, and he merely tried to inform you that a hawk flew off in his area. He just made a spelling error.

    Now, not only did you miss out on making the big monies but also, the opportunity to watch a glorious hawk in flight.

    • Like 7
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  4. I am sorry that you had such a negative experience in your beginning on Fiverr.

    You can fix this by bringing clients from elsewhere to purchase your gig here.

    You only have three reviews. If you receive, let's say, another 10 five-star reviews, your profile will look a lot different.

    Fiverr is one of the biggest marketplaces on the planet. It's not something that a freelancer can ignore.

    As for the rest, unfortunately, we have to learn some lessons the hard way.

    Best regards,


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  5. Congratulations on your new beginning.

    Please blur out usernames as posting them on the forum is not permitted.

    And some friendly advice: try to improve your English. You can use a tool like Grammarly or ChatGPT to help you. This will aid in providing a good experience for your clients. I am referring to: “Your website server so slow can faces many problem”.

    Good luck with this order and I wish you many more to come.

    • Like 19
  6. 1 hour ago, lophophora said:

    While my interactions with the buyer have been amicable, it seems that they may not fully grasp the critical nature of having all the files before I can proceed with the mixing process. I am striving to fulfill the order, but the looming risk of a negative rating feels unjust given the circumstances.

    Your answer lies in this. Let them know what's going on and how things work on the platform. If everything fails, send a cancellation request and/or contact customer support.

    1 hour ago, lophophora said:

    Furthermore, I believe that Fiverr should consider implementing a feature that allows sellers to mark the requirements as "complete" before the order countdown begins. This would help prevent situations where sellers may inadvertently face late delivery issues despite their best efforts.

    That would be a great feature. Also, consider joining Seller Plus if you are given the chance. The 'Request to Order' feature can save you all this headache.

    • Like 8
  7. 32 minutes ago, viciam11 said:

    Hey guys,

    I have a question that I want to ask people that have been on Fiverr for a number of years and I'm sure a lot of newer users would find useful to know as well....what is it usually like on Fiverr during Christmas/New Year period? Is it slow for orders or normal? Or better?




    It is slower over the holidays, so sellers that rely on volume can be affected considerably.

    But, if you have returning clients and your average per order is on the higher end, you will be fine.

    • Like 10
  8. @mtt_harrison,

    If you accept their cancellation request, you lose all that and the payment.

    On top of that, they may be able to leave a review, if you delivered the product.

    Try to negotiate with them.

    You have the right to decline the cancellation request, if the service was provided as promised.

    There is an option to provide a partial refund as well.

    In any case, try to discuss the project with your clients thoroughly before accepting an order (if possible).

    Alternatively, there is a feature called 'Request to Order' that is available to Seller Plus members. This turns direct orders off and requires buyers to talk to the seller before placing an order.

    I am one of the least experienced sellers when it comes to cancellations as I only have 1 in hundreds of orders but, I hope that this helps.


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  9. 5 hours ago, vid_value said:

    not in the gig description

    That's the whole point. You are attracting slavers by overpromising and offering unlimited revisions. Who is going to 'test' somebody for $12 and then, demand to cancel the order? Did you deliver? Did they get your work for free? Are you aware that in many parts of the world you can barely buy some street food for that price? The point is to attract people that appreciate your skills and want to work with you.


    5 hours ago, vid_value said:

    How can I get more impressions and improve my ranking in search results?

    There are plenty of good threads on how the algorithm works. The bad stats will roll off in 3-6 months - I am not sure how long it takes. In the meantime, try to deliver amazing work and customer service to your repeat buyers (if any) and/or bring some business to your Fiverr profile from elsewhere.

    • Like 2
  10. @vid_value, here's my opinion – I am just another seller.

    I looked at your profile and main gig.

    You should change your English fluency to Fluent. Some of your wordings are awkward for native speakers. You should hire a native speaker to proofread your gig and profile. Maybe somebody who is just starting out on the platform and is willing to give you a bargain.

    Your gigs are fairly well-written. I did not like the 24/7 availability claim or the vague promise that you can fulfill the 'uncompromised vision of the client' through your premium package. Unlimited revisions have to go as well.

    I think it is this attitude that got you in trouble with the algorithm. Always underpromise and overdeliver. Never the opposite. And let's say you made $20, $40 bucks or whatever with that little order that saw your visibility plummet. Was it worth it?

    Hope this helps a bit,


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  11. On 8/19/2023 at 10:49 AM, filipdevaere said:

    Remember that many of the buyers who want immediate help from someone who is online at the time are the most dangerous buyers. These types of buyers are usually demanding and want a very low price because they know that many sellers who stay online are desperate for a (first) order.

    Sellers who have fallen into that trap then return to the forum with their (horror) stories. I avoid these types of buyers because getting into trouble is guaranteed. If a buyer cannot wait a half day until I answer his message, then he can search for another victim, it’s not going to be me.

    Sometimes, these are the best paydays as well. Some clients are willing to pay good money for a very quick turnaround.

    However, express delivery also entails being immediately available for revisions. Imagine if you deliver one of these orders at nighttime. Then, it can turn into a horror story.

    • Like 6
  12. Welcome back to the platform!

    I have 0 experience with pausing and resuming business here, but this does not seem to be the issue for you.

    You are a level 0 seller with 5 reviews.

    You need to build your portfolio of reviews to appear credible on the platform. It doesn't really matter who you are.

    At this stage, the only thing that you can do is to have an impeccable profile with great samples of work AND very competitive pricing.

    You have to give clients a reason to go with you.

    Hope this helps.

    Best of luck,


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  13. 27 minutes ago, charlsmcfarlane said:

    so I often get messages in the middle of the night. With this feature it hopefully helps them not feel like I’m leaving them hanging for 5+ hours

    That's the only reason to have it on, with a message explaining that you are out of the office and your business hours.

    Anything else seems redundant to me.

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