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  1. @vovkaslovesnyy A decade on Fiverr, wow! Supporting your business is a privilege and an honor. So thank you for letting us accompany you throughout your journey on Fiverr. To many more years of continuous growth 👑 🏆
  2. Hey Mike Thank you for your prompt response. Again, we do understand the frustration sellers may experience when they see lower impressions and low number of sales as a result. However, this can be a consequence of many factors and reasons. Each seller in this thread have a Success Manager with close familiarity of the history of the account performance, the needs and goals of the seller, as well as the person behind the service. We welcome each and every one of you to schedule a meeting with your Success Managers and explore together those possible setbacks that may have caused this issue, and brainstorm about possible solutions that can help you overcome it. Kind regards, Ran
  3. Hey Mike Thank you very much for your insights. We do take them seriously and do think about how such feedback can help us grow and improve. The Seller Plus team in general, and the CSM team in particular, is advocating internally many of the things we hear from our sellers, with hope that Fiverr can continuously serve your business aspirations of sustainability and growth. Your Success Manager will contact you later this week when back to office from her vacation to have a more intimate discussion about your profile and the situation you encounter. It is important to note that our Success Managers provide sellers with insights that might help them grow their business on Fiverr and this is our main goal. Eventually, your success is our success. Kind regards, Ran & The Seller Plus Team
  4. Thank you for writing to us about this issue ranamuneeb2. We are currently experiencing high volume of tickets and our Support team will do its best to answer within 24 hrs. Please note, tickets opened by Seller Plus sellers are still being prioritized accordingly. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience you may experience in this regard.
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