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Everything posted by nomuffinsforyou

  1. You know so many languages! That's super impressive wow!! 😮 I speak English, Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia), and I'm learning Mandarin! Mandarin is super hard you have to memorize so many characters and words and each of their pronunciations ;w;
  2. Oh!! You are right!! I want to make my art into like, a phone wallpaper or desktop wallpaper for others, or as a merchandise design, or a banner or profile picture for Youtube! I will make more gig for specific purposes then, after my exam (need to research and stuff)! Thank you so much for advice!!
  3. Uh oh, I think you would be surprised if you went down that path of the internet 😮 The market is actually huge! I took a look at your gig >u< This is from someone giving advice that doesn't have commissions yet on Fiverr (I have some outside of Fiverr) so take with a grain of salt xD I like your art! There is a problem though, is this your best art? Do you have anything that looks really really good that other people say "wow I really like it"? Perhaps finding someone to help critique and improve your art will be best 🙂 Since you only have 3 pictures to show that you are good at what you do, place only the best artwork on there. If you have even more, maybe you can show multiple drawings in one picture? I also see you have a full body package, but no full body art for examples. Maybe you can take that into consideration? Also try searching for other people's gigs that draw furry art like you. If you think your art can compete with them, go for it! If you think no, do not worry, nobody can make the best art the first time they draw. Take some time to practice your skills! You can see their gigs as inspiration, but remember to never copy! Another problem I see with your gig, unlimited revisions. THIS IS VERY DANGEROUS, especially if you are doing art. There are going to be that scummy people who try to make revisions when your art is done and request for new drawing altogether. These people are trying to get art for free from you! Never put unlimited revisions on art commissions, it's going to attract a lot of scammers u_u That's all the advice I can give you, good luck! 😄
  4. omg I needed this!! Thank you so much!! In art commission, it is usually very difficult to make major changes after the sketch stage of the artwork, especially when the art is already lined and colored. Major changes may even require to redraw the whole art, which is another artwork that needs to be paid! There are probably going to be those people that ask for BIG revision after the art is already done and it is very troublesome! Hopefully they are just clueless on how art works and I will be understanding of that. But if they have an intention of exploiting the revisions to get new artwork for free... that's bad 😠 I removed revisions for my art commissions that have color for this reason. I also added a fee for an extra revision. Now I know what to politely say when a buyer does this!
  5. I want to dye my hair a cute light pink! But, I'm not allowed to by my strict parents ;w; So I just have my Animal Crossing character with pink hair instead... I really want to be free and dye my hair though!! I hope I have the confidence for it!!
  6. I see you, liking every single post, u guilty! >u>

  7. Oh good, I was worried, because I saw some reviews on other people's art commission gigs where they gave 1 star reviews as they asked for a realistic portrait when the artist can only draw anime/manga style. I think that means I will have to cancel their order if they ask me for something I can not do! Thank you for advice! I saw your profile, your art is so good!! Thank you for giving your tips on how you practice drawing anatomy! Bit off-topic: maybe you can teach me some tips on painting as well? >u< Art is very difficult to get commissions I think, you have to be confident and good at what you do. If your art is bad no one will come to you 😞 If you lie about your skill people can REALLY tell it. If you post your art in other social media and you lie about your skill, people will really come after you and prevent you from ever making art again ;-;
  8. I'm doing art commissions, and I make it clear on what can do and cannot not do. I also tell them in bold letters to message me first before placing an order so I have an idea of what they want and assess my capabilities if I can draw the art or not. I still struggle in drawing anatomy for humans, and I make it clear in my description that I need a reference for the character if I want to draw it for them. I made my gig description as clear and as honest as possible. I make it clear "I will draw with my art style". What I worry is that people will not read my gig description and just place an order, and then they will be disappointed at me because I cannot do as their request 😞 They will think I'm lying about my skills which I do not want happening... I wonder if anyone has advice for me for this situation? ;w;
  9. oooo I see, that sounds cool! But people spamming here in the forum, make me sad that something like that will not work anymore 😞 But is nice to have a place to chat where there are only forum regulars!!
  10. Whoa is this going to be like, a Fiverr convention? Can you explain what is it like? 😮
  11. waaa the pictures of pizza make me want to go back to Italy and eat the pizza there >u<
  12. The most important thing for me on pizza is the cheese has to be stretchy when i take the pizza slice out >u< I have never heard of pizza with like, fruit other than pineapple! Or even with Nutella! A sweet dessert pizza sounds really interesting! (I'm not sure if I want to try it >u<)
  13. Oh no I am new but I am guilty >u< Same like Discord I spend too much time reading chats from other people! I am lonely my irl friends are all living in different countries ;w; But I am a lot less lonely here 😄 Maybe I should not visit the "all activity" section too much........
  14. nuuu the post limit thing is making me sad ;w;

  15. I am limited to posting now, will go back to studying >u<

  16. Wow there are a lot of people who like electronic dance music? I excited! I like the songs that sound very pretty. My favorite EDM artist is Porter Robinson! If you do not like EDM because it is boring, maybe you can give his songs a listen 🙂 Other stuff I like to listen to is video game soundtracks/remixes. I have an obsession with Touhou remixes ouo;; Deltarune/Undertale soundtrack is amazing!! I forgot to add that I used to play piano! I like playing stuff by Chopin, though they are really difficult to play >u<
  17. Yep yep!! I will ignore the gibberish! >u< Yeah!! I found out those people giving advice such as "stay active online", "do 10 buyer requests", are spam people!! Though I want to give props to those people who are trying and putting effort in their posts even if their english is not that good. Omg I'm always so happy to find another artist in any community I join! Maybe someday we can do an art trade? That would be super fun 😄
  18. Procreate! I also use Procreate 😄 I want to try practice drawing with a watercolor style using Procreate. The main brushes are so good to use! Massive respect as well 😄 I want to draw traditionally but, alcohol markers and good watercolor paints are expensive for me ;w; I used to fill up a sketchbook with doodles during lunch breaks when I was still at school and then ink with a cheap drawing pen, it was so fun >u<
  19. I am reaaally sorry but I do not understand what both of you mean >u<;;
  20. Aaaaa I got post limited too, but that's good, I just have to be mindful of what to post 😄 I did not expect that I would get such a warm welcome! When I am interested in something, I always join their community. Everyone here are so friendly! Thank you so much everyone for welcoming me ;w; I feel a little more comfortable introducing myself, I hope it is okay to write something about me here 😮 I have a group of friends on Discord where I usually hang out and I post my art there. Many of them really liked it and I am super glad! The most surprising thing they told me is "I would definitely buy your art" and "I would definitely buy a shirt with your design". As someone who draws as a hobby, it gave me confidence that my art is good enough that some people would gladly commission me! >u< I kept it in my mind for a while. I currently need a new drawing tablet (it is supeeer old and the pressure sensitivity is janky), so I thought maybe I could earn money and buy the tablet myself. I have some commissions I am going to do with my Discord friends, but I thought if there is a way my art can be recognized outside of just my friends? I watched some art youtubers commission artists from Fiverr, and I thought that maybe I can give it a try! I found that only few people are drawing with my art style (doodling), so I hope I can have someone take interest in commissioning me! I am also looking for a place so people can give me feedback on my art commission page (gig), and I came across the forum 🙂 I am so glad that I found the forum, because this place taught me MUCH more than those Youtube videos (how to get rich quick on Fiverr! very sus I say). I never had experience at all on business and marketing stuff, and I am really grateful that the forum has so many guides on this. I want to make a thread later when I start doing commissions and share my experience! Hopefully it will also be helpful for anyone else that is also interested in doing art commissions on Fiverr 😄 Now I will ignore all the spam and continue reading and bookmarking stuff, eventually I will be able to help people here n_n Thank you for the cookie too. I ate it and it was really good! 😛 I can give currently one advice though, if you are doing art commissions, never lower your price. Low price is indicator of someone who is not confident in their skills and art with a very low price is usually counted as suspicious! People can also take advantage of you this way, you do not want that!
  21. Hello! I can't post yet, I got limited!! But when I can post again, I want to join the fun! 😄

  22. Heyo I hope I'm not reviving a dead thread. Is sad that no one is replying! >u< I think personally its better to stick with one app because you can master the app and work more quickly and efficiently! I currently use Clip Studio Paint! It's mainly for drawing manga, but you can also make painterly drawings too! Pros there are you can work really fast with the tools given! There is a 3D model where u can use as a reference for, tools for making quick base colors, an eraser that only erases outside the lines and many more. You can also make a brush into a stamp so you do not have to draw the same thing over and over! Cons is that if you do not draw on the desktop (drawing on iPad for example) you have to pay a subscription (like photoshop!). I draw on both my laptop and iPad and the price for 2 devices is becoming expensive! I hope this helps for you 🙂
  23. Thank you so much for the links! 😄 I will read them when I get up >u< I didn't know that Fiverr has courses! I need to explore more stuff!!
  24. I've been here for a few hours and I finally have confidence to post a thread looking for feedback >u< I'm also still looking through the forums in case there is anyone else who is also doing art commission like me! But what makes me scared is, why are all the posts the same thing? About not getting sales, being new, copy pasted advice, a bunch of thank you posts after the main advice posted... They are on many different sections of the forum! Are these bots? Why are there so many spam bots on the forum? Is it always like this everyday? The atmosphere is very unsettling for me 😞 I am just looking for genuine feedback and advice ;-; I don't want to be labelled as a spam bot for being new!
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