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About customerin

  • Birthday 08/17/2000


  • Location
    Dhaka, Bangladesh

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  1. In my case, no effects I got. But I've heard that this can severely affect ranking!
  2. Wow! Congratulations on your brilliant achievement
  3. Fiverr rotates all sellers' gigs. So don't be depressed. Keep patience. I also don't have enough orders like before. But still utilizing my time for learning instead of overthinking.
  4. There is no connection between withdrawal and deranking. Please read some of the top posts here on forum. Thank you.
  5. As you are new, it would be better to read the top recognized posts. Thank you
  6. If you/we can provide what they ask! 🤷‍♂️
  7. Keep patience. Hope good days will come soon.
  8. I should say keep patience. Good times will come soon!
  9. @lloydsolutions congratulations for getting the position of a Moderator and thanks for your kind information for the questionnaire.
  10. I've seen in past few days that you have gone curious to get more orders in a short time! This is not an easy thing! All of us should have to learn first then we can expect.
  11. Not exactly measurable. It fluctuates day to day and week to week
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