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  1. Hey vicketio! I hope you are doing well.

    Can you guide me what changes i need to do in my gigs for orders?

    Thanks in advance.


    1. vickieito


      Hi @saimahameed473, I hope the flooding didn't affect you over there in Pakistan!

      For your gig - 

      You mention years of experience, so show it! Your Fiverr profile looks new with only a few reviews. It doesn't have to look new and inexperienced - you can give yourself a professional look if you highlight your years of experience through your profile - use your gig video, images, PDFs in the gallery and gig description to highlight those skills.

      I also thought your gig looked a bit generic - so make it uniquely you and cater to your target audience. Highlight your Unique Selling Points (USP).

      By targeting your audience and niching down, you can improve your visibility in search because you will be competing with a smaller market - not every SEO/Etsy expert out there. You don't need to compete with everyone. You only need a handful of clients to do really well on this platform.

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