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  1. I have to be more careful about how I spend my posts for the day:


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    2. vickieito


      @imagination7413 & @Lena ... is there any way to get my unlimited posting back on the forum? I used too many trigger words in my posts about my Fiverr account getting hacked/shut down (but the posts passed review with no issues found). However, since then, I have been limited to 5 posts a day.

      If it's possible to remove that limit, please let me know!

      If not, I'll just be patient until the post limit falls off again. 😊

      Thanks for your help!

    3. imagination7413


      I have no access to that, so I hope Lena will be able to help.

    4. Lena


      Hi @vickieito

      As you know, that is set automatically for all the users. The good news is that I have removed all the trigger words I have added recently due to the most recent spam wave. Your posts shouldn't get flagged anymore. 

      If there is anything else I can help you with, please feel free to contact me. 

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