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Everything posted by aashirsulehriya

  1. I am sorry to hear that but this is harsh reality of Fiverr. Fiverr will always support their buyers as they are the ones who are bringing money lol. He/She definitely left you a bad rating in private. That's why you have Lost your rank and everything. Now there is no room to cry, just move on. Get some more sales and good reviews. You'll get your rank back. Good luck 🤞
  2. Hello everyone! I googled but couldn't find the answer. My question is how do you justify your Freelance work to visa officer? Everyone knows that if you are applying for a visa you need a stable bank statement and a source of income. I am only working on Fiverr from last 2 years. Also, exact income is not guaranteed on Fiverr because you don't get the orders all the time. How do you convince the visa officer that you have a source of income and you are self employed on Fiverr. I don't have any business name, just a personal account where i am providing video editing services. I would appreciate if someone can answer and if you have already applied somewhere with Fiverr background? What documents did you show? TIA
  3. I am facing the same issue. Fiverr algorithm isn't working properly. I am a level two seller and my status are 100% but its been months that i didn't get any new buyer. Only getting orders from repeat buyers. I used to send buyer request and was getting few orders from there but now Fiverr has introduced new feature " Brief matching" which sucks. If Fiverr algorithm doesn't work properly within few months, i will be leaving Fiverr. There is no hope staying on this platform, we can easily make sales from the Facebook and we don't need to pay 20% comission as well, if we are giving 20% comission and using this platform, at least we should get the fair sales.
  4. I am a level two seller and facing the same issue. Its been a while that i got any orders. My all statues are 100% but still no progress.
  5. Same here. I am a level 2 seller but never got any matched.
  6. I don't have any friends 😃 When i feel lonely, i go to parties or gatherings to socialize with people. I am very introvert kind of person, i don't enjoy large gatherings but just to kill my loneliness i had to go to such places. Sometimes, i take my laptop to any cafe and do work from there just to make sure that i am surrounded by people 😃
  7. Free services? Wow! We are living in 21st century and the world has changed now. We can use many other social media platforms for deliveries and receiving/sending the payments. Why Fiverr than? Why do you need to work hard to bring sales for Fiverr where they get the comission of 20%, i am willing to pay more than that if Fiverr promotes my services. It is bitter reality that Fiverr is losing their reputation now and their algorithm sucks. Marketing handled by Fiverr? One of the worst marketing services i have ever seen on Fiverr. I swear that my marketing strategies are more powerful than Fiverr at least i achieved my seller 2 badge with that which makes no sense in a real. Lol I am not here to ditch Fiverr but at least give me one solid reason for staying on this platform.
  8. I am a level 2 seller and working on Fiverr from last two years, i worked really hard to achieve this level. I optimized my gigs and did marketing as well, i gave many new clients to Fiverr who even didn't know about the Fiverr and signed on this platform just because of me. I almost made sales from the Facebook and different social media platforms. I am glad that my marketing strategies are very powerful and i am able to make the sales. Well, the point is what i am getting from the Fiverr? On Fiverr, i was scammed multiple times and Fiverr couldn't help me with that scammers. I bought many clients on Fiverr but Fiverr didn't promote my gigs. I made some sales from buyers request as well but now buyer requests are gone and replaced with the so called brief feature. I didn't get any brief yet neither i am getting any messages in my inbox. Now, i feel there is no hope being staying on this platform. If i can make the sales from Facebook than why would i take the orders on Fiverr and give Fiverr 20% of comission? Obviously you deserve something in return. Please don't suggest me to optimize or market the gigs, i have done that and i got the sales as well, if you see my profile and say that i have delivered the order recently ( which means that order was from Facebook). What is the future of new sellers on Fiverr? We level 2 sellers are ruined by the Fiverr new system. Buyer request was the only hope for people to get some orders but now i don't see anything for new sellers to stay on this platform. And the brief system is limited to few sellers only. Wow! Fiverr is playing very well here.
  9. You'll need to market your gigs on different social media platforms. Don't just rely on Fiverr, bring customers from outside to Fiverr.
  10. Same problem with me. I am a level two seller but i am not matched with any brief yet.
  11. Same here. The way they announced i literally thought that something big is gonna happen. I am still facing the inbox and many other issues after the update. My buyer request section is full of scammers with YouTube link.
  12. I am sure it happened due to the order cancellation and also could be private feedback from your clients.
  13. I am a level two seller and working from last 1 and half year as a video editor. My question is what price have you set for matching briefs? I didn't get any single matching briefs, i don't know why its not working for me, i keep changing the brief prices after a week but still i don't get any match. Also, buyer requests are totally garbage, people are just putting links of their YouTube channels and their Fiverr gig profile. There is nothing left to see in buyer's request. Where we should go? Buyer Requests are garbage and briefs are not getting matched, i am only getting from my repeated buyers and from social media. 90% of my orders are from social media, i worked really hard to get level two badge. I have used gig promotion features too but i only get 100 impressions in a week. Nothing seems to be working out. Any suggestions? TIA
  14. My Fiverr is not working well since the dashboard has changed. I have to click on message 3-4 times to get it open and also whenever i switch to buyer mode it doesn't go with a single click, i have to click 2-3 times. I am facing these issues in google chrome. I am hoping that these glitches will be fixed.
  15. With lots of dedication and hard work, i am upgraded to level 2 seller. All thanks to Fiverr and Fiverr team who are always there to solve our queries and support us in a best possible manner. Nothing is impossible, you can achieve this too. Just don't lose your hope and work hard towards your goal.
  16. Do you mean in next 16 july evaluation? My 15 june evaluation didn't happen
  17. Hi everyone, Last month i was demoted from level 1 seller to new seller due to my compilation rate. Luckily i was able to maintain the compilation rate again. I was supposed to get my level one badge again but evaluation didn't happen. Evaluation still says 15 june and is stuck. I contacted CS but no reply yet. Have anyone experienced this?
  18. Same happened with me. My gig was showing in the first page . I had a buyer who was a scammer, she got the desired work and at the end she cancelled the order by contacting fiverr support team. After that my gig went down to page 11 which was so depressing with me. I think for now the only thing will work is getting more orders and reviews to get back to the same position. Five months, seriously? 😱 I think getting more orders and reviews will help now.
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