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Everything posted by charlsmcfarlane

  1. The automated message feature is great for assuring a customer that you will get back to them soon and providing them with some resources to review etc. I’d love the ability to have these within the order chat, so I can write a “thank you for your order” message that’s automatically sent when someone places an order. I think it would be important to mark these messages, so the buyer knows it’s automated, but it would be great to have a place to share information etc. One big thing would be that one could include some important FAQs, or one’s personal stance on revisions etc. Obviously it’s good to have these in the description, FAQs and so on, but no matter how clearly things are stated, sometimes a buyer will place an order without fully reading these things.
  2. Personally, I don’t like offering a discount as I think it devalues the service and might make the buyer question why it was priced higher in the first place. What I’ve done in the past is to work with the client to find an option that’s more affordable for them – but without discounting the package. For example, if I offer a 60 second explainer video and they can’t afford the cost, I’ll find out their budget and then offer them a shorter length video to match their budget. Another thing I’ve done is to offer to remove included revisions, with the understanding that doing so will mean that any revisions are chargeable. I’ve found these techniques work well for me.
  3. 😂 I’m tempted to delete it and add it again. Not sure if it’s got stuck somewhere in the ether.
  4. I’ve never had any get rejected but I have one that’s been saying “pending” for about 3-4 months.
  5. Now I think about it, it’s not really gig creation I want either. It’s just the ability to easily edit little details like change pricing etc.
  6. Haha. Yes, I guess I wasn’t very clear about this. 90% of the work happens on my Mac and 90% of the communication happens on my phone. I get what you mean. It’s important to keep the quality on fiverr high. There are a lot of systems in place to ensure that low quality gigs don’t last long on the platform, or at least fall so far down the list that it doesn’t matter. Using the desktop interface on a phone is an option for anyone so I’d imagine what you’re concerned about will happen either way. I think I would just appreciate the added convenience of a mobile interface. I suppose you’re right, though – a mobile interface of some kind is probably inevitable.
  7. I’m sure I can’t be the first person that’s asked for this. I do 90% of my fiverr work from my phone. In fact, I pretty much only access fiverr through the desktop interface when I’m trying to do something that can’t be achieved in the app. Please add the ability to add or edit gigs on the go. It’s frustrating that I have to wait until I’m back in the office to fix a typo in my description or adjust my prices. Thank you.
  8. I’ve had a subscription sign up and then decided they had all they needed after the first month. Didn’t affect my metrics. It’s a bit like each month is treated as a separate order. As long as they cancel before the next order automatically begins, it just ends it there. That was my experience, at least. I think this is why any subscription discount applies from month 2 onwards – because if you applied the discount on month 1, the buyer could just cancel after it and get the cost advantages of a subscription without the seller having the advantage of repeat business.
  9. I have held the required quantitative metrics to be eligible for Top Rated Seller review for years. (See attached) 1 hour response time, no late deliveries in 60 days etc. I have more than tripled the required metrics required for consideration. Beyond this, I’ve had fiverr’s choice status on my most popular gig for well over two years straight and on and off with some of my other gigs in the last three years. In over 300 reviews, 95% of them are 5 out of 5. Then the next 4% are 4 out of 5. I am really not sure what box it is that I’m not checking. It seems like the only way to achieve TRS is to be one of the people that was selling on fiverr when it was new. Have I just missed the boat? This isn’t meant to be a rant. I genuinely want to understand what I’m missing here. Thanks
  10. Correct. This conversation refers to fiverr’s intention to let buyers review some cancelled orders. The feature has been delayed while fiverr rethinks the feature. Personally, I have my fingers crossed that this feature will be canned entirely, but we’ll see ,
  11. Every year I’ve been on Fiverr, I’ve had a more successful year than the last. 2023 has been pretty tough, by comparison. I’ve seen a slight decline in impressions but nothing substantial. It seems to just be orders. Is this just the rising cost of living and people having less spending power, or is there something else going on?
  12. I think a reminders feature should exist in the inbox and for open orders. Right now, if I need to come back to a specific message or task later, I mark it as unread. This helps but can make it hard to differentiate between these and actual unread messages. I know I can tag messages but there’s no prompt to come back to them. It would be great to have the option to select a message and set a reminder, which will then show as a notification at a specific time. Perhaps I need to build a complex milestones order for a potential client and don’t have the time right now, or the client wants to start working together in a few weeks and I’d like to send them a message as a reminder in a month. There are many other possible examples.
  13. Before everyone jumps down my throat, saying that you shouldn’t have multiples of the same gig – I know, and I agree. However, there are times that different services have similarities. I teach many different topics virtually on Fiverr, for example. The way I conduct and structure the sessions are very similar, even when the topics are totally different. If I could start off with all the FAQs and requirements pre-filled and make relevant changes, it would save me a ton of time and would be way faster than copying and pasting. I imagine this would help massively with different gigs that have similar milestones too – although I don’t personally use that feature. It would be a nice opportunity for Fiverr to add a prompt during the duplication process also, letting sellers know that they can’t offer more than one gig that is effectively the same thing. Thanks
  14. I have a particular gig that has been consistently very popular for some time and I've changed the packages a few times and all the packages have always performed well. It would actually be really helpful for me to have more options than 3. If I had the option, I'd probably have 4 or 5 packages. Rather than toggling between 1 and 3, could we just have an option to "Add another package"? Thanks
  15. One of my most popular offerings delivering online training. I find the gig package options a little limiting. It would be really helpful if we could implement a system whereby a training session length is on a scale, like words are for voice overs. So, for example, I could set a minimum session length at 20 minutes and a maximum session length to maybe 90 minutes and set a cost. Then the buyer could pick any amount they want and the system would adjust the cost accordingly. Thanks
  16. I’d like to turn off notifications but I have a 1hr average response time and I find that getting regular notifications help me maintain that.
  17. Please implement this feature into he iOS app. It would be great to glance at my Home Screen to see deadlines, without having to open the app each time. Thanks
  18. Completely agree. This is a much needed feature.
  19. I can understand the reason behind this but I don’t like the way it can just be unilaterally used by buyers to extend the order for as long as they want. They can already request an infinite number of revisions when the gig includes only one (for example). Sellers are obliged to deliver on time or face damaged metrics and, potentially, impacted impressions and sales. I think it’s only right that buyers are held to the same standard. I do, however, understand that each buyer has specific needs. This is why I think, instead, the review time should be something that a seller can define. So, if a buyer needs to run it through a colleague, that could be accommodated with a custom offer, where the seller sets the review time to 7 days, for example. For complex work, that requires more review time, the seller should be able to define a longer period in their gig offering. I do think a minimum makes sense, so it can’t be abused. 3 days is probably still a reasonable minimum time. Thanks.
  20. If you haven’t read the original post to which this refers, it might not make all that much sense. The first post in this thread does refer back to that original thread.
  21. I have disabled all email communications on this page but still receive this emails.
  22. To reduce confusion, it would be helpful to be able to reply to a specific message in the conversation. It could work like quoting in the forum or message threads in messaging apps. It would be helpful to visually show exactly what one is intending to reply to. Thanks
  23. Does anyone know if there’s a way to stop fiverr sending the buyer requirements reminder emails? I check the requirements when it’s convenient and I know the system is only trying to help but it just doesn’t fit with my workflow. Any suggestions would be most welcome.
  24. Not sure what the solution is but there’s no denying the problem. It does happen a lot. I do personally find that fiverr is pretty good at identifying the scammers but it does take a little while sometimes.
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