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Everything posted by samcaff

  1. Most likely means more fees for sellers + buyers in the future. Defo more Ad fees.
  2. We delivered a file by accident. Is there a way we can delete the file send to the cleint?
  3. Is there anyone here with a client satisfaction saying 'strong positive impact' haha? This is nice to know after years on Fiverr, hundreds of orders and 5 star reviews...
  4. This. Auto reply is a nice idea, but it is pointless as you, the seller, are not there to start a conversation.
  5. At least write your question properly
  6. From its highs of $320 share down to $20! Is now the right time to buy Fiverr? Where do you think Fiverr stock will be in 5 years?
  7. Does anyone know the answer to this as it seems a bit odd? I would like to review a buyer but in order to do this they have to leave a review first. It doesn't make any sense to me!
  8. A very good point my friend! Or a cancellation ratio percentage. (Seller has a 12% cancellation rate)
  9. I have been doing it this way since 2018 and never had a problem. I think this is quite an old article anyway. The name changed to WISE a while ago. As for 'may encounter issues' and 'technically you can' I see no problem and I have withdrawn 100k+. If it was a problem, they would have stopped it or not even let you go ahead entering and using a WISE account. If you are worried, withdraw smaller accounts frequently maybe. But honestly, go for it. As for how to set up the automatic payout, I set this up years ago. You may have the option when you enter the bank details, I'm not sure
  10. The BEST way to withdraw money without losing on Fee's and currency conversion. 1. Withdraw USD via Payoneer and set Payoneer to automatically pay the money out to a WISE account. 2. Convert USD into any currency you please. 3. Thank me later Withdrawals to Payoneer = $1 Wise currency conversion = Almost live market rate
  11. Chess and Catan are the only games you need to be playing
  12. That's a really good order/review ratio !
  13. Good and fair points. 'Why would Fiverr take $20 for Seller Plus and provide more exposure to someone that delivers low quality work?' Again, we don't know how the algorithm works. If a seller is rated low and they pay for seller plus, it might be that the low rating is put as priority, meaning that their listing may not be boosted from joining seller plus. The point I'm making is Fiverr is a business and the idea is to make as much money for the investors as possible, since its a public company. I'm not talking a massive boost here either, maybe even a small percent so that it wouldn't be obvious. Then you state 'equal opportunities for everyone' it's already not equal by putting a $20 entry price to seller plus which can intern help gigs perform better. $20 maybe a lot to some sellers.
  14. To add.. No one here knows how the algorithms work apart from the devs. If I were running the company, giving a boost to sellers who pay for the subscription would be on the cards. It signals that paying for the subscription alone = better chances of more work. Again, no one can prove this but it would make sense from a business perspective.
  15. Why do you 'not feel' Seller Plus members have their listings boosted? Is there any evidence?
  16. Does joining seller plus increase the likelihood of getting orders alone? I wonder if Fiverr boost your listing because you are paying the subscription? Thoughts?
  17. You agree to the 20% fee when you sign up, you can't complain. Upwork have dropped theirs to 10% recently for sellers. You have a choice!
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