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Everything posted by uzzal32

  1. Your success story gives direction because here you share everything about how you started and what mistakes you made to get this far. This story of yours will surely inspire newbies and keep them on the right track in their journey
  2. I am not getting any brief till now after updating the LEVEL SYSTEM. But I had gotten 2/3 briefs daily before the level system was updated. Currently, my success score is 4.9. I do not understand why this is happening. Are you facing the same issue?
  3. Hi mariavassistant, Thanks for the valuable suggestion. 👌
  4. Unfortunately, the briefs are off. I have not received any briefs for the last 20 days. But before that, I was getting 3/4 briefs daily. I don't understand why it stopped suddenly.
  5. Unfortunately, my ranked GIG lost its position. Also, I have not received any brief for a week. But even a week ago I was getting regular briefs. I did not understand any reason.
  6. Fiverr introducing the new Freelancer Level System, designed to give Freelancers more clarity and control over their business and success on Fiverr. Is it really helpful for Freelancers? What are you thinking about this new update?
  7. Be consistence, do quality work, deliver on time, and try to get good reviews.
  8. Good luck and hope you will get more success in your Fiverr journey soon
  9. Thank you so much for the well wishes
  10. Impressions and clicks are not increasing, but client trust is increasing. For that, I am getting a few more orders than in the previous period.
  11. I wish to rank all my GIGs in the first position and earn 1000 million.😱😱😱
  12. Your keyword is not in the first paragraph or even in the full description. Text is highlighted abnormally. Also, GIG images are low-quality and unattractive
  13. Many times buyers are too busy, so they don't leave reviews. There are some buyers who don't like to leave reviews. If you can build a good rapport with the client, chances of getting reviews increase. Never ask for a review directly. Always strive to build good relationships with clients and provide them with high quality service.
  14. Many times buyers are too busy, so they don't leave reviews. There are some buyers who don't like to leave reviews. If you can build a good rapport with the client, chances of getting reviews increase. Never ask for a review directly. Always strive to build good relationships with clients and provide them with high quality service.
  15. Every seller should fulfill the buyer's demand. And so before starting the work one should discuss with the customer and get a proper idea about his needs. Many times it happens that the buyer gave you a 5 star review but he gave a negative feedback in the hidden review. Then the gig will lose its rank, resulting in fewer clicks and impressions. So, be friendly with the client, understand his needs well and perform the work accordingly and deliver the work within the specified time.
  16. Of course, when the buyer sees that the wrong information is given here, they will definitely go to another seller.
  17. First, you are a digital marketer. So you know well how to do marketing. Apply your knowledge to rank your profile and GIG. Second, set up your profile professionally, such as a profile photo and description. Third, to get the buyer's attention, give them real information about you. If you are from Bangladesh, how is English your native language?
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