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Zahid I.

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Everything posted by Zahid I.

  1. If client requested you an offer by message, you can avoid it. But if you can make a sale for them then it will be an advantage in that sense that how good you're in converting a message/knock to a sale. It has positive point, but not negative in my opinion. If client placed order directly and you cancel the order from resolution center "ask buyer to cancel the order", then it will directly affect your completion rate and also metrics. If client placed an order directly and you reach customer support with logical reason that why you want to cancel the order and also ask a favor from them to help you to avoid negative impression from cancellation, based on the reason they can support you with that.
  2. Restriction - means the account is partially disabled. The customer, either buyer or seller, can access the account, withdraw funds, complete ongoing orders, and review their order history. They cannot place or receive new orders, nor can they communicate with other customers through inbox messages. Seller's Gigs will not show on the marketplace, and buyers will not be able to place new orders. Once an account is temporarily disabled, the customer will need to wait for the trial period which can take upwards of 90 days to be completed to know if their account will be restored or permanently disabled. Note: Customer Support cannot influence the result of this review, nor can they update the user on the review's end date. You can read more details at https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360014585217-Why-was-my-account-disabled
  3. There is no reason to hide buyers username in fiverr forum.. Reviews are public, so whenever someone visit your fiverr seller profile using (fiverr forum username), They can easily see the buyer username. Additionally when buyer name is visible, some other may respond to your post with working experience with the same buyer (if any). Btw, Congratulations!
  4. No, there is no option to withdraw partial earning. Only the option is if you have over $5000. Cause in a single withdrawal maximum limit is $5000
  5. Fiverr rank is just for fun usually. Ranking in forum is not related to fiverr seller profile. You can click on drop down button on your username (top right corner) You will see the points there and milestone. Completing each milestone will promote you to a new rank.
  6. I will suggest you to avoid using any other tools or tricks like auto refresher. So many people will say they are using without any issues. But stay away from tricks and tools for fiverr platform. Be natural!
  7. Being active in fiverr for 24 hours is not a natural activity. Also it will not give a positive impression. So better skip using any tricks for that. Keep using fiverr on browser and you can install Fiverr Mobile App. Stay online when you are available only.
  8. As you already took further steps by yourself, then don't do it. Also, in future reach support team if you think you were right with your work.
  9. Simply reach to customer support and explain everything, that you did your work well but he couldn't provide you the required details, But work already done.
  10. I would like to know if buyer cancelled the order before or after mark the order completed? Also, According to your gig details, is there any information that you will give this task with any package or it will be count as an extra paid work? Give a clear message in your gig description about your working process and what will be the end result. Also, if you think you did this specific order according to your gig details or buyer's initial requirements, and also you asked to budget adjustment for additional work (as you said it wasn't possible to do that with that small budget), You can reach Customer Support and explain everything, they will help you to sort this issue. And for new order, Discuss with buyer in details about the total work, after that if he changes anything, you can ask for adjustment. If not, then CS will help you.
  11. Research your competitor, Improve your gig image, title, tag, descriptions with keyword as needed. I hope this will help you. Remember, impression is how many times your gig appeared to the people. And if your gig title and gig image attract visitor, they will click to visit it. So there is a great result of having a great gig image and title.
  12. You can get paid early, just after each milestone completed. Previously it was for total order completion after all milestone completed.
  13. Allowed link lists is only for gig description and profile only. In inbox/order page you can write links as needed without any issue. Just be careful in your links there shouldn't be your contact information. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421218-Gig-policies?segment=seller
  14. No, it's not that you have to talk to CS. But As there is an option to discuss with CS in Ticket categories, So you can do it. I was also waiting for the level update by this month, but no luck. Before I discuss them, I thought to ask you if you already contacted or have any update.
  15. I agree. Also with discussion, time limit can be adjusted too after getting an order. I remember Last year September, I had to ask half of my buyers to accept 7 days time extension as I can not complete within this time because of pressure, and I don't want to work faster as it's all related to a brand image. And they all accepted happily. Yes, we should always tell them the true reason. Not like I lost my ###, I'm sick etc etc.
  16. Sometimes raising limit doesn't work. So many orders overnight before changing the delivery days as well. haha
  17. The craze of September started from August for some categories. I saw some great creative peoples are forced to limit the order queue for getting a big number of orders haha!
  18. Congratulations on your journey! Did you contacted CS about some suggestions to be TRS?
  19. Then I think there is some special instruction for EU Zone for withdrawals. Though I can't find it. Better you reach customer support to clear with this for this one and also for future withdrwals.
  20. If it's because of currency conversion then I don't think so. Cause currency conversion rate can't be 6.82% But if you say You withdrew in USD, converted it into EUR currency and again converted to USd. then it could be, but yet for double conversion, it shouldn't be 6.82% Only the possible way if you withdrew in USD, you will see you received 88 USD then converted it into EUR. Then calculated those currency with google rate, how much USD you received based on google or bank conversion rate, then it could be only. as paypal gives less conversion rate. I will suggest you to check with your paypal registered email. That transaction email should state that actually how much USD sent to you. And also you will see the transaction breakdown stated fees or currency conversion if really that happened! Same thing you can check with the transaction history from your paypal account.
  21. Try with a private window/incognito window ( i mean without login to fiverr) https://www.fiverr.com/username (username will be replaced by his username) If you see that his id is available, it means he blocked you. If you don't see then may be he is facing any issues with fiverr.
  22. We advice you to write your inquiry in details cause you didn't said your service details. What you do actually? And also pricing is personal matter. You judge yourself how much you want to get paid or you can compare others to understand the standard.
  23. Usually it's free. I will ask you to check the transaction history if there is any information like you received 88 but fees taken $6. I don't think the fees will be that much higher though! I searched to findout the EU or Germany based withdrawal details if there is anything about the fees while sending, I didn't find any. If you don't get any clue then I will suggest you to reach customer support by opening a ticket from https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/new If you get any response, you are requested to reply here. So other people will know as well.
  24. Congratulations! Best wishes on your new adventure. Keep patience and provide better service to flow with the wave.
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