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Everything posted by uiuxtanim

  1. Oh, this is too much annoying. A couple of weeks ago we Bangladeshi Freelancers faced this kind of situation.
  2. Kesha, Great to know that there is still the possibility of the 5-star. However, the problem with the new rating system is most of the buyers misunderstand the new system. Even the buyers who always loved to give 5 stars to the sellers with whom they have been working for so long days have given 4 stars mistakenly. There have been so many examples of this type of misunderstanding over the past couple of days on Fiverr. Does Fiverr have any plan for this issue?
  3. Welcome to the forum. The very basic thing to get an order is to create your gig with professionalism, stay patient, and send offers to the buyer briefs. Some people say that share your gig on social media. But I didn't have any good results from the last advice. All the best!
  4. In December each year, gig impression decreases as most of the buyers go on vacations.
  5. Try to focus on gig titles, gig images, and gig descriptions. These 3 things are the main focus to get the attention of the buyers.
  6. Welcome to the forum! Please don't try to promote your gig here at the forum, No one will give you a job from the forum, and it's proven. Only people will boo you if you try to promote your gig here at the forum. Moreover, the category you have posted is only for the introduction of the sellers. If you need suggestions regarding your gig post on this category: Improve My Gig - Fiverr Community
  7. The forum is still like it was before. Nothing changed, the spammers are still here.
  8. There are some good things and some bad things for sellers. So there is no alternative for us except to see what happens in the future.
  9. Yes, there are a lot.
  10. Today I touched the milestone of 150 order completion. I know some of you guys have already touched this milestone a long time ago. But in my category, on average, each order takes 5 to 7 days to complete. As a result, it took almost 2.5 years to reach this milestone here at Fiverr. The next milestone is to reach 200 order completion.
  11. Yes, URL can't be changed as it's the identity of a gig.
  12. Even though I use images on my gig but Fiverr says that gig videos are a great way to get more impressions.
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