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Posts posted by dannykojima1

  1. I hardly use Fiverr Forum and didn't spend too much times on the forum though. So I couldn't find a way to delete my Fiverr profile from the forum, but I want to keep my Fiverr (as a buyer) account just for purchase gig in the future. But I couldn't find the option to delete my Fiverr profile here. Or, do I have to contact Customer Support?


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  2. It's okay. Look at me, I'm not a level 2 and a "Nobody freelancer" like you guys. Hahaha. Well, I thought you were a creative writer, but it doesn't matter. I checked your gigs when we followed each others. You seem like a nice person who will reach out to help other fellow sellers and buyers on the forum. 🙂

    The reasons why I picked one of you as the Top freelancers/sellers because I can one day orders one of your gigs for my comic. The WWF/WWE style logo is fun to created with Fiverr on it, and I love doing that. But I don't want Fiverr and WWE come after me with the lawsuit. 😂

    • Like 8
  3. These are the Top Level 2 Sellers on Fiverr I can only list I've seen on Fiverr's online marketplace.

    1. @vickieito - Creative Writer
    2. @imagination7413 - Artist & Designer.
    3. @frank_d - Video Editor

    Sorry, I don't know anyone else. These are the only people I've see active on the forum. But maybe I should spend little more time to get to know some sellers on the forum, one day.

    You may leave a comment, which member (seller) is your favorite on the forum, and why.

    "World's Top Fiverr Freelancer 2023: The Money In The Bank" logo designed by Danny Kojima


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  4. @sawoda_sumi_29, why would you even bother replying to this kind of buyer? I have some buyer like that contacted me before, sending me a message asking about working outside of the platform, but never seen someone would contact a seller on Fiverr through Whatsapp.

    Anyway, all I do is ignored, [click the] reported button as spam and [click] blocked them for asked about working contract outside of Fiverr platform. Reporting them as spam like I'm playing Whac-a-mole game with scammers whatever I can so Fiverr can take care of them after.

    • Like 5
  5. 22 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    you've almost listed every danger/disadvantage there is on the road but forgot one - me! Yes, vickieito is very dangerous on the road. 😂 It's good that I don't drive now.

    Thank you for the warning, @vickieito. I'll make sure to write this down and pass to a friend of mine, so she'll watch out for you in the future. Hahaha. I'm kidding. 🙂

    22 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    Also, I'm sorry you had to deal with that awful racist passenger, but I'm glad you had such a nice bus driver to take care of you!

    It was scary at that time I was just a high school student when I was junior. He was sitting right behind me and started saying all weird stuff. But I can see the bus driver's eyes keep looking at the passenger sitting behind me from the rear view mirror. He has enough of this man and stopped the bus, then force the man out. It was scary how he looking at me right in my eyes spewing racial slur.

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  6. Well... you know, I never drive or own a car. Ever in my whole life (grew up in California). It's not just because I lost both of my hearing and has been wearing hearing-aids since my childhood in the 80's. The only things I go to grocery shopping is having a friend take me to shopping. She was the only friend I had since I was little. I'm just glad that I don't drive and own the car, why? Because I didn't have worries about gas price. Insurance. And car accident. Because I always fear of driving, road rages (from crazy driver). I never trust Uber either. I'm always afraid of taking public transit such as bus because I have encountered some racist crazy white man in the bus spewing anti-Asian slur when got off work from SacBee (where I used to work as a designer for article/newspaper).

    Thankfully the bus driver stopped the bus and forced the man out of his bus. And you know what the bus driver said to me? "Don't worry about it, kid. You're safe. I can't let anything happen to my passengers." I smiles to him when he then reach out his right hand for a handshake. I'm glad there are will some good people to intervene if something go wrong. 

    I did tried to take a driving test while back in 2018, and pass my driving test. But I didn't have a car for practicing driving. Oh well, the driving permit has been already expired. So I decided to not take a driving test again. Ever. I realized that, whatever happen I'm driving. I will never know who I will be dealing with some crazy driver who will cut in front of you or pull out a gun and threaten to shoot. I have heard and seen many things happens from people of all colors (who was pleading guilty) in court after road rage gone wrong, accident cause by text and drive person, drunk driver, etc.

    Well, that's my story. 🙂

    • Like 11
  7. 26 minutes ago, nomuffinsforyou said:

    I do not know a lot about the 90s, I am not born yet at that time!

    The 90's is the weirdest year for most of us who growing up from those era, although I didn't care much about the internet back then. All I care about drawing and the SNES gaming! At least, you can see why the designed of the internet browser looks funny because most designers who created the AOL (America Online) think the graphic looks good enough to attractive the people to technology of the internet they have never experience with before. The designing of the internet browser is all about making money. lol


    33 minutes ago, nomuffinsforyou said:

    my dad connecting to dial-up for internet. I was sitting next to his laptop (I was 3 years old) and it made that funny noise every time.

    Yep, they still had that kind of internet via AOL for those who can't afford cable or ethernet cable. That's why I used to buy an AOL CD and pop into my Windows 2000s XP and installing the internet from there at the time I started my first year in college. Create AOL account. Click OK, then sit back and wait for the computer to make a noise with phone dialing. Then boom, there is the internet with the male voice said "Welcome!" Or sometime it said "Welcome, you got mail!".


    39 minutes ago, nomuffinsforyou said:

    I would do like what @imagination7413 said, ship a physical copy of my art to buyers! I would also make comic books and stuff, maybe also make comics for the newspaper

    That's exactly what I did in 2000s when I was high school. I enjoys creating art with watercolors and color pencils until I moved to digital art when my art teacher introduced me to the Adobe Photoshop 5.0 on a Mac G3. For now, I'm more focusing into creating character art for the comic and comic writers

    You should check out Wacom Intuos Pro if you're going for comic books. Adobe Illustrator CC also a great choice to create the comic template as well. 🙂 

    • Like 3
  8. 46 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    I'm not sure if freelancing would have been a possibility (unless it was a weird futuristic world where technology is retro but babies 'exist' before being born

    Honestly, I don't think freelance would be possible in those days, if Fiverr was created in the 90's. I think it would create create a lot of stress for me if I ever did try uploading my drawing through a scanner machine. Internet and technology those days are just too painful and frustration for me.


    52 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    I... also would have lost my work while writing a LOT. Even now I forget to save sometimes, so...


    Same, at one time I forgot to save the test in computer art class 5 years ago at Sac City College. Then I gave up doing a test all over again.

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  9. 28 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

    Amusing mockup!


    I am glad this give you a good laugh, imagination7413! I love coming up with something I was curious about what was the internet and technology today would like in those days 30 years ago. Like visualstudios mentioned it is impossible to freelance via internet in the 90's. I agreed with him on this one.

    34 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

    I'd like to think I'd be doing well with freelancing, though I'd probably consider shipping the physical copy rather than trying to upload images.

    Yeah, I remember the time in 2003, I had to sit through and waiting for 30 minutes for download to complete the image while reading a book but didn't realize my mother was on the phone. But honestly, I never tried uploading image or send to friend, so I can't tell how fast the upload speed on the AOL dial-up connection.

    39 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

    I'm a bit younger than you, so I'd be more inclined to use a Logo rather than my face, for credibility

    I know what you mean, I mean, I thought it wouldn't make it feel the nostalgia for use any of my artwork or a logo from 2010 to 2022 on the Retro version of Fiverr profile pic (lo). So I didn't have a choice, so I should use my pic instead for the Fiverr 90's kids work as a freelancer.

    47 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

    4th grade artist? Believable. 1st grade beta-reader? Not so much.

    Lol yeah, I remembered those day when my 4th grade teacher told me that she got contacted by the Raley's Bel Air that they wanted to commission me to draw a dragon with a cookie jar for their product for $40. So I did take that commission from them. Haha. 🙂

    Those days, I used to draw a lot of characters from the video game and Saturday Morning Cartoon shows for the neighbor kids who promised to pay $10 for it. Even though $10 seem sounds like a lot to me though. I wasn't a good writer or a reader as a kid back then, but I regretted for skipping reading class. 😞

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  10. Here is the retro version of Fiverr I created this morning. Let's say if Fiverr was created those year between 1993 - 1994, but you all knew how terrible the internet dial-up connection was. Super damn slow as hell, even this may sounds not right for anyone who wanted to work from home as a freelancer, because the upload files or a very large JPEG image may take 40 minutes before the deadline end, and you have to sit through reading your magazine while the uploading still processing on the delivery process.

    Imagine, what would you do if someone in your home pick up the phone and it cause the internet disconnected. You can imagine how frustrated this can be working as a freelancer if those days really happen. Would you still be working at the workplace, or would you still want to continues your journey as a freelancer online?

    Share with us what you hates the most about living those days using the slow dial-up internet if Fiverr happen to be exist 30 years ago. I know uploading artwork take 10, 14 or sometime up to 20 minutes to complete when sending to a friend through online mail. But not sure how long it take to sending a writing contents to a buyer.

    Oh I almost forgot, the kid in the photo was me. It's my school yearbook photo taken in Spring 1994, but I'd like to use this if I go back to those year, and I would be 12 again.


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  11. 23 hours ago, vickieito said:

    I think it’s awesome that you were a kidpreneur!

    Well, being a kid back in the early 90's is hard when without supportive from my parents. They didn't have a job and was unable to work, until my mother finally got her first job at the bakery in 1999, but she later retired in 2002 at the time my high school graduation. However, I have to find a way to support myself at the age of 11 (during the mid-90's), because I knew I couldn't rely on them to find work and support me. So I finally pick up the pencil again when I first created a children book about shoes titles with "Who Wear This Shoes?" won in 1993 with the helped from a dearest friend (who was a former 3rd grade teacher) at the book award for all kids who were young authors. Of course, she and I finally reconnected again through Facebook in 2017 after we haven't seeing each others from 1995. I'm glad we still staying in touch on Facebook everyday.

    I stopped writing and creating book because I struggles a lot with paragraph and essay etc in school. So I decided to quit writing and stay focusing on art career instead, and creating art for book in 1999 after suffered from small seizure. However, I finally got a job as a graphic designer at Sacramento Bee for newspaper (only for 3 months as work experienced) as a high school student in 2001. I can say that my former boss at SacBee has been very fond of me. He admired my courage and my work so much. I'm so glad I had great experienced in the workplace, and having great communication with my former boss and awesome co-workers I met at SacBee.

    With Fiverr today as a seller and buyer--I'm so glad I can browse around many great writer's gigs on Fiverr's online marketplace, maybe or sooner I can hire them to write me a book for my art, biography, web-design, resume or whatever I'm looking for.

    23 hours ago, vickieito said:

    And funny how you found Fiverr through “a friend’s niece who’s husband” told you about it!

    I know, right? A friend of mine (a former 3rd grade teacher) brought me with her to her youngest daughter's birthday, so that's where I met her niece's husband who working as a real estate. He think I could make a living with my art on Fiverr, when I told him about I have been taking advantage of by several people who claimed they own a legitimate shoes company. I've done two piece of shoes concept design artwork which they were supposed to paid me $450 total, instead, they disappeared. That was while back in 2015. I never knew about Fiverr, and no one mention to me about the online freelance site until a friend's niece who's husband talked to me about it. Excepted Upwork, I tried signed up with the account, had to verified it through webcam with Upwork staff. Honestly, I did not like Upwork as much as I like Fiverr. So I just abandoned Upwork because I couldn't find a way to deactivate my Upwork account.



    23 hours ago, vickieito said:

    I also find the order system on Fiverr (and the timer) stressful.

    Yes, it is very stressful for me. That's why I wanted to take the time away from freelance on Fiverr and focusing on my art online shop for short time, until I'm ready to come back. Also I have been thinking about coming back to freelance on Fiverr with new art style for book cover, maybe lower my price as much as $30-$90. Until then I can raise up the price once I reach to level 1, one day. As for order system's timer, and I hope setting the limit for queue system could help prevent many buyers order on the new gig.

    • Like 12
  12. To be honest, Fiverr seem to be the only everyone's No.1 favorite online marketplace, but almost not everyone could rely on the incomes in the marketplace; no matter how some people can run their service, unless they follow the rules and not make any small mistake such as breaking Fiverr's Terms of Service, or having more than 1 accounts and not aware of that the site doesn't allow That. However, Fiverr is a good place for everyone to work from home for clients around the world. But not everyone in the U.S. were able to work as a freelancer on Fiverr platform as sellers like all of us, especially for those people who are currently in the United States, Australia or Canada on student or tourist visa. Take the DACA migrants and people without document for example, they can't work as a freelance. So they have to find a job and work hard to support their family, but get push around by their own boss, and threaten with deportation if not working hard picking up fruit in the field. I feel their pain. It just sad for me to see these people have to work hard and not having a skills working from home like all of us do on Fiverr.

    Being a very shy kid back in the early 90's, I didn't have any idea that freelance existed in the 90's. I never own a personal computer because my parents doesn't work. And guess what? I decided to pick up a pencil and draw again, of a characters from Saturday Morning Cartoons from TV screen on a piece of paper. Then the kid who went to same school with me brought $10 his dad gave to him, and asked me to draw his favorite Street Fighters character (RYU), although I didn't have any like for anime/manga art. Of course he paid after we came back to school and I hand him the finished drawing. I could tell from his face he was SUPER happy with the result!

    Yes, I continues drawing and drawing for 10 bucks for the neighbor kids of their favorite TV Shows like Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and few other characters I'm trying to get a SNES because my parents couldn't afford one for me. But I did bought myself my own SNES gaming system, so the girl neighbor decide to come over and play Super Mario World with me at my house!

    Well, here we are today with the internet access to Fiverr's marketplace for the buyers around the world. We all are only good at what we do; like art, music, writing, video editing, graphic design, web design... whatever you name it. Being a freelancer, like vickieito said, "no one can tell you how to run your business" on the platform. We are our own boss. We set our times, but this doesn't mean we can charge them whatever we want.

    When I first joined Fiverr in February 2019 after a friend's niece who's husband mentioning to me about Fiverr. So I decided to give a try signed up with. I was left with confused and didn't understand how the gigs work or what to do with the gigs. So I abandoned my account for about a year until 2020. Then come back and went to search for Fiverr tutorials how to set up gigs on Fiverr from popular Youtuber after my brother told me about popular YouTubers are paying artist to create art for them. After everything buckle up with 2 gigs, then I received an order from first buyer in 2 weeks! Then next things, 4 more buyers show up which is putting me in a lot of stress and pressures due to the countdown times start. Yes, I didn't know I could limit queue after searching on the forum. Well, for now. I decided to take a long break from freelancing and stay focusing on creating art for sales and commission works on DeviantArt. I probably be back on Fiverr and doing freelancer again or not, depending on my mood. The buyers who didn't write a feedback or leave a star rating doesn't bother me, but all I know is they are happy with the artwork!

    I understand some sellers are upsetting with buyers not leaving them any good feedback (they thinks they deserve it) or with bad rating. I don't care about "Buyer Request". I don't care about "feedback" or star rating or whatever. All I care about is I can do my best at what I do to make the buyers happy with the project they paid for. Then now this is my happy ending on Fiverr life as a freelancer, but for temporarily only, until "I'll be back to Fiverr land in January 2023" as a freelancer I'm planning on bringing new art with new gig.

    Just be honest. Be good at what you can do, and get the job done. Be polite. Treat your buyers the same way you wanted to be treat with respect. Work out with the buyer if they wasn't happy with the project. Stop complaining or blame on the buyer for your mistake.

    Alright, now you all know how my freelancer life on Fiverr end (only for short time). I hope you all have a happy freelancing.

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  13. 5 hours ago, ozan_erdi said:

    I am interested in your deviantart journey without disturbing this topic. Would you care to inform what accomplishments/failures you have experienced trough a chat or something?

    Hi ozan_erdi. Yes, I wouldn't mind sharing with you on what good and bad about Deviant Art compare to Fiverr through message or chat.

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  14. And please don't take my words for it (about commission work on Deviant Art). Not all artists success at what they do on Deviant Art (depend on their art style). Not all artists can sell well on Deviant Art with their art either. Because most art on there are anime, and furry art which not much people are looking to buy them anyway. I would suggest you try out freelancing work on Fiverr and see how it's goes, because to be come a seller on Deviant Art, you have to pay $9.99/month to become a Pro Membership to be able to sell your art on the platform. Then you can create Tiers where people can pay $19.99/month to become your subscribers. You can create how many Tier and set a Subscription price whatever you want!

    I only set my price as $2.99/month on my subscription since no one could afford $19.99/month!

    • Like 9
  15. 33 minutes ago, nomuffinsforyou said:

    Ah! I now understand from what catwriter said about that if you work for lower price you will start feeling terrible...

    That's true. Creating realistic character art took me 2 and nearly 3 weeks to complete. And sometime nearly a month to complete it before made a delivery to buyer. But some client can be impatient and pushy, but most give you a lot times to finish the artwork while they are busying creating music. I had a client once who needed the artwork complete for her film. However, I had to contact Fiverr Customer Support one time to cancel it for me since the client didn't respond the 5 days extending request. 1 month for $79 which ain't right for me to freelance on Fiverr platform, which is why my parents didn't want me to do freelance work on Fiverr. Ever.

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  16. When I was still doing freelance art work in the past 3 months before quitting freelancing on the platform -- I set $24.99 for line drawing only with full body character and environment with no revision. And so, $49.99 for (single) character with full body colors only without background environment and colors with 2 revision, however I will charge $50 more if the client wanted to add another character in the coloring version. Although with all full colors picture including complete background environment colors, the price was $79.99. These price usually drawn the clients to my service since it cheaper than I charged $799.99 for a clean 2D video game and film character concept art. And $1,000 for album art cover.

    One the reason I decided to quit freelance on Fvierr because I couldn't catch up with 3 more in queue from clients which leave me under pressure, because most clients preferred ordering the $90 complete version for their book and music. If I continues doing the freelance art on Fiverr, this will lead me to abandoning my Deviant Art store completely and my buyers will be looking to buy elsewhere. This is why I don't like to create the art the clients wanted on Fiverr. But on Deviant Art, I can create any art I like and ready to release it for sales on there, then sit back and relax while buyers browsing the art they like, then pay to download. All your money will goes into the Deviant Art balance. I like doing commission on Deviant Art because they don't take % cut from you for themselves like Fiverr do. Once you done the job for a clients, the money is all yours!

    Anyway, if you think you're ready for freelancing on Fiverr as an artist, you have to be prepare what kind of art style you could do for the clients. I still love Fiverr too, and maybe one day (if my sales didn't go well on dA store), I will definitely come back to freelance on Fiverr. But for now, I'm only just browsing on Fiverr as seller to look for hiring a creative writer to write for my comic.

    Good luck and happy freelancing!

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  17. 10 hours ago, nomuffinsforyou said:

    I saw your profile, your art is so good!! Thank you for giving your tips on how you practice drawing anatomy! Bit off-topic: maybe you can teach me some tips on painting as well? >u< 

    Art is very difficult to get commissions I think, you have to be confident and good at what you do. If your art is bad no one will come to you 😞 If you lie about your skill people can REALLY tell it. If you post your art in other social media and you lie about your skill, people will really come after you and prevent you from ever making art again

    Aww you're welcome, nomuffinsforyou! Of course, drawing human anatomy is the hardest part if you have never try human figure drawing before, beside creating animal art. Character design concept art is really fun to create when you're not doing commission work for the clients, because you a chance to sharpen your creative artistic skills in drawing. I would suggest find some good portrait art you like, and practice drawing a portrait using gesture technique. I always use gesture drawing when start out sketching from head to shoulder before draw a face.

    It's not hard to get a commission once you have the skills in art, you can share your art on ArtStation and Deviant Art all you wants. But of course, you may receive a commission a lot faster on Artstation from the indie or the AAA Games. Most artists I knew on Facebook are still work as a 3D character designer at Activision and Ubisoft on Assassin's Creed project. It really depend on your style how you create which will catch the game or film company attention. You will be lucky to be the person to receive a job proposal from these company on Artstation such: Walt Disney, Warner Brother, Activision, Ubisoft, EA Games and many other big company out there depend how they browse around your art portfolio on Artstation and, of course Deviant Art as well.

    As you mentioned "If you lie about your skill", I have seen that a lot around Facebook 9 years ago, when some guy post bunch of 3D Star Trek artwork on his Facebook, and everyone was so impressed by his work. Then someone came to me and accused the guy (who posting Star Trek art) of plagiarism. He also said when the TV producer sent the guy a job proposal to design a new Star Trek spaceship if he could designed one similar to the one he posted on his Facebook. Unfortunately the guy couldn't do it. Then they realized guy was plagiarism and all the 3D space art wasn't his original work. He actually took from someone else and shared it on Facebook. I was shocked when they told me this.

    Since you brought up teaching drawing tips, of course, I can give you some tips on how to paint realistic skins and texture colors and portrait drawing. And I will post a link of my speed drawing YouTube video on my Fiverr profile status and see if Fiverr allow me share a link of my speed-drawing video.

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  18. 10 hours ago, vickieito said:

    @dannykojima1, You can submit a buyer's request by clicking on the "Post a Request" button on your main buyer's page. Or by clicking on your profile picture (this is also where you "Manage a Request.") The forum seems to be full of sellers asking about how to get buyer's requests, so it may be easier just to refer to the Help Center for tips:




    Oh, thank you so much Vickieito!

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  19. With a creative artistic skills, sure it is that not easy as most people thinks, I mean... those who wanted to make money with art, especially commission. I have been creating art for private commissions for several musicians over the years since 2012, I can tell you how much painful this must be to create realistic illustration as possible for the clients for their music cover which have me spent a month to complete the illustration for the album of their model, and put me a lot of pressure which force me quit creating art for the music industry.

    In the artworld of drawing character design, you have to understand how the human figure anatomy work through human figure drawing. Back in the 90's before YouTube when I was 8, I have to trained myself drawing my favorite Street Fighters character Ryu, Ken and Guile. Of course, I spend the day to night on the weekend studying the body of Street Fighters characters I re-drawing and drawing over and over in my studying. It took 27 years for me to master the work of art, but of course, this doesn't mean the drawing skills will stay with us, which mean we will lose our drawing ability if we stopped drawing for month or year!

    For now decided to quit as a seller/freelancer on Fiverr. So I'm now only remain as a buyer hope to searching for any writers who has a creative skills I can hire for my comic and magazine through sci-fi and fantasy art, because I have too many art business I have to take care which I'm currently heavily relying on Deviant Art sales and ArtStation, Facebook business page instead of looking for future freelancer work on Fiverr. But of course, for now -- I'm just a buyer. Not a freelancer anymore.

    Anyway, I'm still feel very new to Fiverr as a buyer which I'm pretty much done as a freelance artist as I made a post on my status. Well, I guess I will have to search around the forum for some tips on how I can create job through Buyer Request for any available freelance writers out there, someday.

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