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Everything posted by words_to_wow

  1. This post title made me laugh but I understand your point and frustration. However @mariashtelle1is right. There is a price point for any and all buyers on Fiverr. Some people think if you spend a lot, you get better service. And some people think you get what you pay for. From a seller's perspective, I think it's all about the value you believe your work has, as well as how you value your time.
  2. Oh, okay! Thanks, @donnovan86. I get it now! Me overthinking things. lol.
  3. @frank_dHi Frank! I'm a little confused here. Could you elaborate on what kind of Fiverr feature you're talking about?
  4. That's a good option. I don't think I'd want to start a blog though. Seems like a big commitment. Lol. Jk. But you're right 😊.
  5. @smashradio Thank you very much. I do have a portfolio. I just wasn't sure if I should put it on my profile page. I do like your suggestion about using fake samples. I actually have some on my profile. But I need more and I can add those to my public portfolio once I build one.
  6. This is a good question and something I used to think about as well. I considered agencies to be skillfully better than individuals because they have a collection of skilled professionals. So, it's like talent tenfold :). However, I realized that the theory is not true. And I'm sure there are some sellers who call themselves agencies, but they really work alone. I guess it sounds better to be in an agency. You could use your own name then mention in your gig description that you are the head of your agency. But honestly, I don't think most buyers care.
  7. Hey everyone, I would like to get your opinions regarding sharing portfolios to your profile page. Many sellers have their portfolios uploaded for public view and others instruct buyers to request to see their porfolio or samples. Additionally, there are those who use clients' work as samples for interested customers to see. I know that it helps to have a portfolio; it's something professionals do and all that good stuff. Maybe it's the paranoia in me, but I feel as though anyone can go into a portfolio and steal work, and claim it as their own. For example, I read the gig descriptions for a writing service of two PRO sellers, and it was the same exact content. Plagiarism drives me crazy, and I couldn't believe that one of these people had copied the other's text. Or maybe, they both copied someone else. Who knows? If people are copying gig descriptions, what else are they copying? Besides that, they are writers! I mean, write your own 💩! For those who are writers, are you comfortable with sharing your stuff knowing there's a chance that it could be stolen? Before I knew any better, I used to deliver my customers' project as a PDF until I realized that I didn't want their content showcased for everyone to see. Fiverr keeps sending me notifications to upload my portfolio, but I am not sure. Maybe I'm overthinking all of this 🤔. I just want to see what everyone's thoughts are on this. Thanks.
  8. And what's with this statement? Is this a middle-school popularity survey or a way subtle way of sucking up? Wow.
  9. What a peculiar post. I thought that logo was a project Fiverr hired the OP to do or something. I didn't know it was just 'something to do' but, yeah, okay... It's a cute design, though.
  10. Why do you say to make seven gigs? This could encourage people who don't know any better to create seven gigs when they don't have seven gigs worth of talent or skill to offer. I don't have seven gigs, and many others don't either. I understand that you may think that having more gigs increasing one's chances of being viewed in the algorithm, but you still need a great, or at least, decent gig.
  11. Congratulations to you 👏🏾!! I got mine on the 16th. What a wonderful feeling 🤗!
  12. Thank you so much! And okay, got it 😃!!
  13. I considered raising my prices earlier in the month, mostly because of inflation. However, I wondered if it would scare customers away. And I definitely don't want that. Then, today, I found out I was chosen for Top-rated seller (so shocked but excited), and I wondered if I should raise my prices because of that. I'm still not sure what to do, but I'm tired of spending $100 to fill my tank.
  14. I guess I would be considered part-time. I love freelancing and I do it because I love the flexibility it provides. It's of course great to have the profit potential, but money is not my main concern; not yet anyway, but they way these gas prices are, I may have to up my prices. Other than that, I am a retired, disabled Army veteran, so my main income is from that. Thank you, Uncle Sam!
  15. Y'all are so talented! If I could draw like that, you wouldn't be able to tell me nothing. Lol. Seriously, though, beautiful work.
  16. My mother's womb 😐
  17. Yes, it was! So grateful for Frank taking the time to do this 😊.
  18. I've never tried the Gig promotion service 🤔. For some reason, I assumed it wasn't effective enough to bring orders. I don't trust any of that stuff...
  19. I've never used social media either, but one day, my Fiverr profile showed up on my husband's Facebook feed. I don't know how that happened. It was as if Fiverr had advertised for me. Not sure 🤔
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