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  1. all the best for future
  2. to get an order your gig should be on the first page That increases the chances of getting order
  3. follow this:https://www.fiverr.com/cp/article-grab-more-attention-with-your-gig
  4. keep up the great work
  5. please share your experience How did you do it?
  6. getting the first order is hard. and it's the right time to upgrade your skills to market needs and research the market. you can follow this page:https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/
  7. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010949038-Tips-and-tricks-Before-creating-your-Gig
  8. tonmoy729

    Gig SEO Tips

    How do you SEO your gig? title to description. please share your experience and what technique worked for you.
  9. it doesn't grantee you that after seller plus you will get an order for sure but it will help you in many ways that increase the chance of order.
  10. congrats. keep up the good work. god bless
  11. as a new seller on Fiverr, you can create a maximum of 4 gigs and you should create 4 with different keywords .cant tell which will change your luck.
  12. yes, you can add a portfolio.Add good-quality pictures and videos of previous work as your portfolio and add a good description of your work.
  13. please suggest a better guideline to get an order.🙂
  14. did you add the portfolio on the profile section or on the gig?
  15. All the best for your future !
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