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About isfak_ifty

  • Birthday 06/23/2004

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  1. Is it possible to submit my orders using a Google Doc? Are there any problems with doing so?
  2. Writing Gig Description With AI (is it harmful?) If I write my gig description with AI, will it harm my selling?
  3. I have been waiting for orders for 1 year.
  4. In incognito mode, I searched for my service keywords on Fiverr. Before the order, I was ranking on the 2nd page with my service keyword. However, after completing the order, my gig disappeared and I couldn't find it in the first 10 pages. Additionally, my impressions dropped, and I received no clicks.
  5. Last week I fulfilled an order, and my client was very pleased with my work. He gave me a 5-star rating. However, after completing the order, my gig disappeared, and I cannot find it on the first 10 pages of Fiverr. Why did this happen? I always knew that satisfied clients would improve gig status and rank it on the first page, so why did this happen to me? 💔
  6. There is no way to get an order from Fiverr? I have been waiting for over 8 or 9 months, but I have not received any orders from Fiverr marketplace buyers. Although I did receive three orders from posts I shared on social media. My gig image title and description are good I took advice from some experts in previous forums they ensured everything is good. now what should I do should I quit Fiverr or are there any chances?
  7. There is no problem with changing the gig image, but it is best not to change the gig image frequently. Use spell and grammar checkers to improve your English writing skills.
  8. Improve your gig image for a more visually appealing look. Take ideas from your competitors' gigs.
  9. Please provide your profile link so we can review your gigs and profile.
  10. Does anyone have any idea how buyers find our gigs? Do buyers only find us when we are on the first page? Is there any insight on how buyers discover our gigs? Do buyers primarily locate us when our gigs are displayed on the first page, or are there other methods as well?
  11. Yeah, it's definitely necessary because after building a website, clients come to us and we have to fix and rearrange them, which takes time and double effort. It's cost-efficient and time-efficient for clients. Offering this service not only adds extra value for clients but also impresses them.
  12. Hey everyone, just wanted to share a quick tip regarding SEO strategy for website development. Instead of running for SEO after building a website, consider starting with SEO planning in collaboration with experts. It's beneficial to make a solid SEO plan before diving into website development to ensure better optimization and visibility. Let's prioritize SEO and build websites strategically for optimal results. What are your thoughts on this approach?
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