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  1. Just in case you ever will be contacted by a Fiverr team member. They always have this green badge with the Fiverr logo. In all other cases, it would be a scam. And I'm sorry for what happened to you @shahzebhaider1.
  2. Where will it go?

  3. hi..how are you plz tell me like in a 20days ago i have lot of work my gig was ranked i received daily lot of briefs but suddenly fiver send me warning for outsource contacting and after warning my all gigs was dranked   and also i didnt receive briefs notifications  so plz  help me what can i do  ?h

    1. hygge24


      Emma, of course it's good that you so proactive, as you sent me direct message and also posted the same text here. But you need kind of work ethic. Because this proactiveness may be also viewed as spamming. 

      So my recommendation to this problem is to carefully read Fiverr terms of use and follow it.  

  4. @mjensen415 please let me know if editors team can include my gig to the list 🙂
  5. I found the answer https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/8423950960913-Request-to-Order-for-sellers?segment=seller It available only to selected Seller Plus members.
  6. I'm a Seller Plus member but the feature is not available for me yet. What your gigs category?
  7. Hey, fam! 

    So, I am new on Fiverr - actually I joined the platform for the first time since 2015. 

    Yes, there's been a lot of changes, but it's fine...so many learning curves, yeah, but I am learning fast and applying the things I learn on my profile.

    I see you've got quite a decent reputation here on the forum, so I thought to familiarize myself with you.

    I'm Sam Adeyinka and I'm the creative lead at Merakee Digital Solutions, an agency that's focused on helping personal brands and small businesses increase their brand awareness, hence, become more visible and earn what they truly deserve through proper branding and winning marketing strategies.

    Mind introducing yourself too?

  8. It’s happened to me after one of the orders was canceled by customer support. But after two weeks I got it back. I contacted CS, and they couldn’t help. After that, some more orders were canceled but I still have the feature. The cash advance provided not by Fiverr exactly but from another service. So it may be some bug in the connection between that service and the Fiverr website. Was any of your orders recently canceled? Or maybe you got some negative rating before the Cash Advance disappeared?
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