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About farrukh_bala

  • Birthday 08/26/1904


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  1. You're in a tough spot, it seems the buyer is unsatisfied with your work and that's one way to cancel the order. I suggest that you reach out to the buyer and try to understand the root of their dissatisfaction. If the buyer remains insistent, you may consider contacting support for assistance in resolving the dispute. It is important to remember that your hard work and effort should not go to waste and if you believe that your work is up to the standard and the buyer's request is unjustified, support may be able to help you resolve the situation in a way that does not negatively impact your profile.
  2. Send a extend request. If they don't extend the delivery time and are not responsive, then you should contact CS again and hopefully the'll cancel the order on their behalf. This will not affect your profile.
  3. There shouldn't be any issue. Since you're bringing in work on fiverr.
  4. You have a lot of orders in the queue right now, I would suggest to close them as soon as possible while proviging top notch service. Try to give them a bonus service for a low cost, this will increase your orders and hence it may affect the ranking. The more orders you clost with great private feedback the better results.
  5. I think in this situation you can simply ask the buyer that the changes they are asking for were not in the scope of work hence I'll have to charge you a small fee. You can also let the buyer know that I don't provide after-service. if you think that the client is impolite then what you did is right. The review phobia is preety bad, to be honest.
  6. technically this is not fiverr's fault as they are doing their job in getting you clicks. Clicks are not converting to orders, so maybe the fault lies in the gig.
  7. I think contacting support would be the best option in this situation.
  8. Ask support to cancel. Have a clear reason.
  9. I think the public review doesn't matter as much as the private review. So your ranking was dropped because of that. If I were a client of yours and saw this negative review, I'd probably look at other reviews. Really can't judge someone because of one review.
  10. The reason for this question was. About last year, I had a bad experience with the buyer so I gave him 3 stars and then the buyer messaged me why I gave him 3 stars, I simply said that was my experience. But after a couple of days, he changed the rating from 5 stars to 3 stars. So Now I always give out five stars to buyers fearing they might change it later. But fiverr probably changed it as per your reply so buyers can't edit their reviews.
  11. What are the benefits your sister getting? This will help alot if you answer this question.
  12. That doens't answer my questions but thanks for taking the time and answering it. Well I guess a buyer can probably answer it, as fiverr doesn't mention it anywhere.
  13. Hey, just a question as I can't seem to find a definite answer in the search. Can a buyer edit or update the review after the review is published?
  14. I think your thumbnails can be better. But Besides this, you need to send requests as many as possible. Quality requests tailored to the client's needs.
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