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Posts posted by joyh97

  1. If you have expressed full transfer of all ownership to clients, then you probably can't use the work to advertise your own services without express permission, so it's best to avoid the risk in my opinion.

    Your best bet is to ask your previous clients if they're ok with it, or write something fresh for illustrative purposes that you have full rights to.

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  2. Fiverr continuously cycles gigs to be in different pages on the search results. Sometimes at the front, sometimes at the back. This is to give everyone an equal opportunity to do well on fiverr. When you're on the front you will have more impressions. Nearer to the back of the search results will mean less impressions.

    Sometimes, it is normal not to see your own gig in the search results, even when other people can view it. I've had that before and I've gotten daily orders on fiverr almost since like 2019. Do not worry about that, as long as your description, portfolio, gig video etc is good, you'll be fine regardless of being able to find your own gig. Make sure to add a gig video instead of gig picture if you haven't done that yet - it can help get you 40% more clicks/orders according to fiverr statistics.

    Learning to search through the forum is the best way to learn how to improve your gig, stats, orders, etc on Fiverr.

    Since the same questions are posted every single day and hundreds of people have spent hundreds of hours answering them. 


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  3. Fiverr continuously cycles gigs to be in different pages on the search results. Sometimes at the front, sometimes at the back. This is to give everyone an equal opportunity to do well on fiverr. When you're on the front you will have more impressions. Nearer to the back of the search results will mean less impressions.

    Sometimes, it is normal not to see your own gig in the search results, even when other people can view it. I've had that before and I've gotten daily orders on fiverr almost since like 2019. Do not worry about that, as long as your description, portfolio, gig video etc is good, you'll be fine regardless of being able to find your own gig. Make sure to add a gig video instead of gig picture if you haven't done that yet - it can help get you 40% more clicks/orders according to fiverr statistics.

    Also, your title doesn't have much SEO, you could improve that. 

    Learning to search through the forum is the best way to learn how to improve your gig, stats, orders, etc on Fiverr.
    Since the same questions are posted every single day and hundreds of people have spent hundreds of hours answering them. 


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  4. Two hours is not enough time. It can take days/weeks to get your first order.

    Learning to search through the forum is the best way to learn how to improve your gig, stats, orders, etc on Fiverr.
    Since the same questions are posted every single day and hundreds of people have spent hundreds of hours answering them. 


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  5. 3 hours ago, fahadislamjuel said:

    "Tested skills increase buyers' trust and generate more orders!" - This statement is from Fiverr.

    That's what fiverr says, yes, but I really don't think that many clients actually pay much attention to it at all. It isn't necessary, as long as you have a strong portfolio, good description, good gig video, good reviews, you don't need to do any skill tests to do well on fiverr. You can get orders without them. I got my first orders without any skill tests. While they MIGHT help, they are still not essential, necessary, or needed. You can do fine without them.

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  6. Are you asking about a buyer request that you posted (you are wanting sellers to bid)?

    Or are you asking why you are not getting responses when you as a seller bid on a buyer request because you want to complete the work?

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  7. A fresh gig starts from zero. It is completely fine to publish it and then change the thumbnail after. 🙂 because its already at 0 it won't make a difference. It doesn't affect your profile or other gigs. Plus, the negative affect even for a popular gig is very temporary and still worth doing if you will improve the gig overall, so don't be scared of doing it occasionally. It's really only an issue for people making silly changes or who are updating their gig every week. 

    • Like 4
  8. Because people can still order from paused gigs. Pausing it just removes it from the search. People can still place orders if they have saved your URL. People can still order from you if you have sent them custom offers. "pausing" does not deactivate or remove the gig, it just takes it out of search.

    Furthermore, the whole point of allowing users more gigs as they level up is to reward them by allowing them to try to succeed in other areas. If you want more gigs, you can work on increasing your levels and delivering quality content. Fiverr wants users to have high quality gigs. They don't want sellers to throw lots of sh*t at the wall just to see what sticks. They are intentionally trying to avoid the situation you are describing (lots of low quality, low effort gigs). They want you to put time, effort, energy, and love into a small area of specialty.

    • Like 11
  9. Completion rate relates to cancelled orders. Because fiverr stats reset every 60 days, this is how that looks:

    You complete an order on Day 1, Day 30, and on Day 59, you cancel an order. You have 2 complete orders and 1 cancelled order, so your completion rate is 2/3, or 66%. 

    However, the stats only account for the past 60 days. So on day 61, your order from Day 1 is no longer counted. Only the orders between Day 2 and Day 61 make up the past 60 day period for stat collection. In that time, you have only completed 1 order, and cancelled 1 order, so your order completion is now 50%.

    This will improve when you either:

    1. Complete more orders

    2. 60 days pass since your order cancellation

    Clients are allowed to place orders without speaking to you first. Cancelling an order for any reason will bring down your order completion rate. The only time I have gotten cancellations without it affecting my stats is because someone just never filled in the order requirements, so after 6 months, Customer service cancelled it without having it impact me.

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  10. Fiverr continuously cycles gigs to be in different pages on the search results. Sometimes at the front, sometimes at the back. This is to give everyone an equal opportunity to do well on fiverr. When you're on the front you will have more impressions. Nearer to the back of the search results will mean less impressions.

    Learning to search through the forum is the best way to learn how to improve your gig, stats, orders, etc on Fiverr.
    Since the same questions are posted every single day and hundreds of people have spent hundreds of hours answering them. 


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  11. We are just buyers and sellers here on the forum, we are not technical support, and we cannot see any of your account details or errors you have experienced. You haven't provided enough information for it to be possible for us to help you, but it seems this would be a better question for customer support anyway: support@fiverr.com



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  12. 22 minutes ago, aygultas said:

    Actually I want to make translate so I create account. In the messages I receive, they want to me a insurance fee for the project. If I finish project they say we will give back the fee.

    Ah, I'm very sorry, this is indeed a scam. You never, ever have to pay any money to a potential client in order to do a job for them. 

    Likewise, you never have to pay any money to a seller directly if you hire them, only the normal gig fees through fiverr, which is not refundable (unless there is a problem or you cancel the gig).

    I would recommend reporting that message to fiverr because this is a scam

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