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Everything posted by manuelmarino

  1. I use Steinberg hardware, and of course Cubase and Wavelab are fantastic with it. What hardware do you use? Which software and why you coupled it?
  2. Since you asked for this, here we are, my past webinar: How To Optimize Your Gig Description, SEO and Keywords https://fiverr.zoom.us/rec/share/ARhD9lmPXkMjmR8JLDsSLZmOa8YZ03ubpLXJvBgDeqq7YetmwxzINu1HZFsmBN5H.iECHKIhhiDdU-u-d Passcode: %?0@26as
  3. The best "frame" is the most personal one. The more it's unique and related to what the customer asks, the best
  4. I would like to join as well, thanks 😊
  5. Hey anyone, I’m back. I want to share with you my new instrumental track, dedicated to Mars Exploration. @benedictrm I know you’ll love it 🙂 Welcome Kate, it would be great to work together on something. I’m an acoustic guitarist but can do something cool with electric guitars as well. I play also electric bass 😊
  6. Fantastic software. It is so powerful and simple at the same time.
  7. Well, maybe the second. I use Cubase + Wavelab since centuries 😉
  8. I still think that the combination Cubase + Wavelab is one of the most powerful. Used together, the quality you can reach is State of the Art. Means the maximum quality available thanks to modern technology and professional skills. I could not work without them, so thank you Steinberg.
  9. Yes, it’s mainly a “gadget”, I see it this way. A cool thing to consider but it’s not something to influence your job in any way, which is to focus and daily improve your service to provide the top of the top quality.
  10. something similar for me, I presume my customers are 80% from USA
  11. I am a Steinberg customer since many years. I bought both Cubase and Wavelab. Never had a problem. I must say I’ve got 64GB of ram. I don’t know if this is the key factor to keep it stable. For sure 64GB of ram are important in any DAW, so I suggest it.
  12. I agree, it’s very powerful. The voice is so good you don’t even need post processing. I know it but still don’t own one. It’s my next product to buy, in my wish list.
  13. ahhhh memories… fantastic. 20 years ago. I remember one of my first soundtracks was a midi score using probably a 2MB wavetable 😊 for a Multi User Dungeon… they were the initial MMORPGs of the period. Text, few images and a very simple interface, but it was multiplayer so a real innovation for the period.
  14. nice! Reason is very powerful… synth design is one of my passion, my next buy will be Roland System 1. It’s a very basic synthesizer with two octaves (so a small keyboard but it’s enough for a synth) with 2 oscillators and 2 filters, but it was exactly how synths were in the 70s and the Plug Out feature (were you can upload a synth model from the history of Roland synths, and System 1 mimics the circuitery) is a fantastic thing… price is about 425 Euros.
  15. I’ve read enough audiophile forum posts from various websites to know that there are people who would turn their nose upon seeing your selection as well! 😉 They’d say the U87 AI is a horrific abomination of a “true” authentic old school U87, or even better, a vintage U47 that’d you’d have to sell your kidney to acquire a prime condition used model from some other audiophile’s microphone locker. They’d say the TLM 103 is the poor man’s introductory version of a Neumann and is only fit to record the sound of flatulence for a gag reel. They’d say the Rode NT1 is fit to record audio for only those suffering from substantial hearing loss. The world of audiophiles is indeed a wondrous thing! haha fantastic… love it 😊
  16. Any of you use DSP cards to empower your system? or software only?
  17. Coughs. Genuinely. Was going to wait till I’d completed my studio, done some training sessions and sorted a demo before jumping in here but I really did cough at that statement. They were named after rats, “RODENT”. With the exception the NT1, their products are verminous. The NT-USB is a better headphone amp than it is microphone. Rode’s PSA-1 is far surpassed by the Blue Compass in terms of style and cable management, that’s the only Blue product I would entertain, and even then I’d honestly resent paying them so I would more likely go for a Thronmax, or a Mika if I was feeling stupidly rich. Sorry but I’m a mic-supremacist, and can’t stand things like the Podmic, RE20 or other mics people think pass as being broadcast worthy: too much coloration. There are only three mics I take seriously for VO. U87 AITLM 103Rode NT1Why? Clean frequency responses. There’s a reason why so many have the U87 AI and TLM 103: they’re Neumann’s flagship mic products and their capsules are what many other mic manufacturers try to emulate in a lot of cases. The NT1 is common, it’s a poor man’s Neumann. The average ears on the street wouldn’t know the difference between them, or something recorded on a potato. Some of the audio demos here have convinced me some audio buyers must be tone deaf, and have tinnitus. Anything else doesn’t cut it in my opinion. I can’t stand the SM7B, and dislike the MKH 416: too much coloration. The SM7B needs a lifter, that’s like buying a car and needing to add an extra engine to it before it’ll drive. Pointless mic, so over-rated. Michael Jackson and Joe Rogan are not valid reasons to buy one. I’m not sure there is a valid reason to purchase one, ever. “It looks good” er yeah, but it sounds like mud. Buy artwork based on how it looks. Buy microphones based on how they sound. How can people confuse these things? The 416’s shotgun nature is great to reduce environmental sounds, and that raises the more important point about noise floors and recording environments: if that’s not right, it doesn’t matter if you’ve got a homemade ribbon mic, a $10 wish dot com headset or a $12k Telefunken, it’s gonna sound baaaaad. @torrelles “I’ve settled for a U87 in my studio” = nice. “settled for”, makes it sound like dropping a few grand on a mic is a casual purchase, and it makes it sound like a compromise. I’d settle for a hamburger without cheese, but I really wanted a cheeseburger. I’d settle for a 103 if I wanted an 87, I’d settle for a Synco over a 416, am joking about Synco, I wouldn’t but you know what I mean. Was the U87 a compromise? I might be a Neumann fanboy but know it’s not about the mic, it’s what you do with it. Answer this: if you got your mic, weighed it and calculated it’s equivalent price in gold, would the value of the gold be higher, or lower than the money you’ve made with that mic? I think the Zoom H4NPro is a noisy recorder, but know it’s worth more than its weight in gold in the right circumstances. Ends my two cents… 😉 ahh fantastic, you destroyed my post… 😊 no, honestly, wonderful reply. Anyway voiceover guys, you have the best experience with mics, I presume, so I prefer to trust your words. The coloration is something that can spice my guitars, so I can’t say I don’t like it. But I agree for anything else.
  18. No, we are just talking about our DAWs… I was introducing the topic…
  19. I think any of us has at least one DAW to produce our ideas. I’ve got a powerful system made of 2 DSP hardware cards from Sonic Core (if you remember, it was Creamware, few years ago). It’s a very complex system but really very powerful. I’ve got also another DAW, (I’m a very happy Steinberg customer) and the two machines are positioned in a huge desk (in a “L” form). So I pass my day moving my armchair between the two positions 😊
  20. Hello anyone, it’s great to be here writing in this new category. My name is Manuel Marino and I started as folk and country guitarist. From there I jumped into videogame soundtracks, made probably more than 300 soundtracks and many for mobile games, but also for PC and Nintendo Wii. Lately I had my first feature films, after testing my skills on shorts and documentaries. I learned music partly with teachers, and partly through direct experience (playing, partying, reading many books and having fun). So now I play guitars, basses, keyboards and drums but I can’t tell I’m a great performer. Also because I prefer to study my score and producing it than exercising. The result is that as producer I meet many performers helping me to create the best scores and melodies in my mind. This means I could need any of you for my productions! Let’s meet and learn more from each other 😊
  21. NT1 is fantastic but Rode products in general are the best. I use an NT3, I’ve chosen it since the high versatility, you can use it out or in studio, for the voice or my guitars. I love it and I absolutely recommend it if you want an alternative to NT1.
  22. Hey congrats! Fiverr has the best Customer Service, I Always had the best advices and I can tell you it’s 100% best service in the world! I’m very happy for you 🙂
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