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  1. Oh, I saw . I felt that way too with TOP we can do better in some way . For me so far I didn't need to change any price , because my price already very cheap .
  2. Your portfolio looks neat, what impact will it have on your business after losing TOP?
  3. By the way ,I'm sorry you're in the same situation. I have been Top Rate maybe about 3 years , not remember so well again . Maybe one day we'll have a chance to get it again . Hope so 🙂
  4. Thank you , I will learn this learn this experience . Just hope one day Fiverr can give me Top again , after I do some good job for buyers .
  5. I had contact CS and told them about I can't use Fiverr, it only show me online , but actually all the buttons not works to me . They give some idea and teach me how to fix it , but the idea didn't works to me . After two days I can use it again without any problem . But meanwhile, I lost my Top seller too. Maybe they check my account and see me ask for buyer's mail address or maybe a buyer sent a complain to CS too ......... But what can do if I don't ask for the mail address ? Because I can't send the video to buyer without can use Fiverr ...
  6. Hi , don't know what to say because I just got a mail that I lost my Top seller . The last few days I got the problem to login to Fiverr, and that time I have some orders haven't finish too . Because of that , I have to asking some buyers send me their mail address to send them the videos, because of I can not login Fiverr . I don't think it's my problems , because my computer and phone can not login too . After I have chance to login today , and then my Top seller gone too .........
  7. I am very interested in this post, thank you for sharing 😊
  8. Chinese ,Basic English , A little bit German
  9. Hi, vickie 
    How is your day going ? Is that Chat-gpt makes some problem for your work ? Just hope everything all right with your kind of work. 
    Greeting from Lily

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lilychinadancer


      HI, glad to hear from you and sounds good it was fine for your service . I'm not worry about my gigs because my gigs were about dance , they currently do not have the ability to create realistic dance robots. Perhaps there will be in the future, who knows . 

    3. lilychinadancer


      And I'm glad your granddaughter is also a dancer, and I believe she will become outstanding ^_^

      Best regards 

    4. waheedseostudio


      Chat-GPT has not effect anyone because it is also Service. A person who know how to use Chat-GPT will not hire anyone. But if somebody didn't know about it. How he or she will work on it. I claimed that is a new service so, started work on it. And also research to learn and find new things. I apologise for the post. Thanks

  10. Genius only means hard-working all one's life. (Mendeleyev Russian chemist) There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power. (Balzac) Cease to struggle and you cease to live.(Thomas Carlyle) Keep on going never give up. I like many different one , actually . 😄
  11. HI, again, vickieito . They had called me today , and ask me to send a sample video about how the problem looks like ( I had showed them pictures one day ago) , but they need more informations , also send them my phone " Diagnostic log" to their engineers ,they need time again to check the problem, and will contact me again next Tuesday . I asked whether they have used the same kind of phone for testing? They said different one, then I said if you use different one , how to know this kind of phone get the same problems ? ..... etc , how ever , I have to wait again for few more days ......
  12. HI, I haven't get the call from Apple yet , maybe tomorrow afternoon , that's what they promised. They need time to use same type of mobile phone to check the problem first , and see if they also get the same problem or not , and then find out the idea to fix to me . I will continue to follow up this topic if I get a solution 🙂
  13. Looks really cool , interesting 😄
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