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Posts posted by max3dmodel

  1. On 11/1/2022 at 11:17 AM, lions_graphics said:

    Buyer request apps are off but the computer has decreased a lot, now it is almost non-existent. What can I do in this situation?

    Fiverr is never about getting orders from buyer requests. Instead of relying on a dead feature, try to convert clicks into orders. if you are not getting clicks, try to improve the profile/gig quality 

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  2. 29 minutes ago, clxvers_designs said:

    I'm a teen

    I'm sorry, but you don't have to mention it at all. If you could provide a quality service like a pro, that's all it matters. If you keep mentioning that you are a teen, some buyers might skip your gig, thinking that you don't have enough experience to do the job.

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  3. What do I need?


    • Username & Password


    I think this is why you are not getting orders. I'm a page admin too and I'm pretty sure you don't need login details to make it grow. and the method you are using (follow unfollow) is a violation of the user agreement. it's not organic even though YouTubers say it is. sharing login details is also a violation. You could just send them a brief document explaining what needs to be done to grow their page.

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  4. 32 minutes ago, rigthawaymedia said:

    This is unacceptable tho, i get 10 every day. No exceptions. I had to disable email notifications because of fhem. Why fiverr is not puting an ID system check at the registration?How do theese spam account keep registering ? Dont you need a phone number ?

    It doesn't matter. Scammers will always find a way to scam. That's what they do. It's our job to identify such things. If someone asks you to contact or work outside of Fiverr, always say NO and report them right away. Otherwise, you will be the one who gets the warning (might get banned). 


    33 minutes ago, rigthawaymedia said:

    How do theese spam account keep registering ?

    Fiverr doesn't have an AI to detect someone's intention when creating an account. Anyone can create an account. Don't worry Fiverr disable those accounts when they review the reports. You can help the system by marking them as spam or even reporting them. 


    As a new seller, focus on getting orders instead of thinking about scam messages.

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  5. Fiverr Pro benefits

    • A highly professional environment, high-end business clients and elite peers. 
    • A hassle-free process, so you'll get paid easily and on time, every time.
    • Assistance from our dedicated Success Managers to set up, navigate and make sure you will maximize the platform.

    Pro seller eligibility

    Fiverr business clients want the very best. So we request Pro candidates to go through a vetting process. We'll ask you to tell us about your:

    • Professional background
    • Higher education
    • Portfolio of previous work or examples of notable projects you've created for clients outside of Fiverr, etc.


    Read those articles about Fiverr Pro.  then Apply

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  6. No one is guaranteed to receive orders right after you publish the gig. Also, there are more than 88000 sellers in your category You are competing with them. So you get the idea. Fiverr is a marketplace and already allowed you to open your store. Now it's your time to sell. Do the research. See how other sellers are selling in your category. Analyze gig performance. Like if you are getting a good amount of clicks but no orders, then it means you already have an attractive gig image and title but something (description, about, packages) is preventing buyers from ordering from you. Also, keep this in mind. when you edit your gig it will take a few days to show the result. So at least keep a 4day gap between edits.

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  7. Which Gigs can be promoted?

    To ensure a quality ad experience for buyers, only sellers who meet all our quality metrics can participate in this program. 

    You are evaluated for Promoted Gig participation eligibility according to the following standards:

    • You are a Level 1, Level 2, or Top Rated or Pro seller.
    • Your Gig scores are 4.7 in the public rating.
    • Your Gig has at least 20 reviews. Pro Gigs require only 5 reviews.
    • You meet additional quality metrics.


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