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About carddesignrr

  • Birthday November 23


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  1. yes want to know the answers
  2. You should contact with support team. They will assist you.
  3. Is it mandatory to provide a personal photo of me on my profile picture?
  4. Yeah, its frustrating when the review time extends each day
  5. As Fiverr's new "Get Briefs" feature allows sellers to set their rates and get matched with clients based on their briefs, providing buyers with the option to find the best seller for their needs.
  6. Contact the Fiverr Customer Support Team to get a solution for this issue. They will guide you correctly.
  7. I am also facing this but don't know what is the hidden process behind the rating system.
  8. Patience has its own reward & Honesty is the best policy in this marketplace that's what my experiences saying.
  9. Patience has its own reward & Honesty is the best policy in this marketplace that's what my experiences saying.

  10. Somethings that you are going to want to improve if you want to have buyers hire you is focusing powerful gig creation.
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