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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. Thank you for sharing valuable advice. Now how I rank my gig?
  2. Even though this is slightly outdated data, it surely illustrates why Fiverr needs to move to a substantial monthly fee to sell. I refuse to believe that no countries besides Pakistan and Bangladesh are producing the most talented artists, designers, writers, proofreaders, etc...despite having far fewer schools teaching those skills than many other countries. Even though Fiverr's advertising talks about quality, quality, quality, the reality is cheap, cheap, cheap. This is more of a guide to buying sweatshop services for incredibly depressed wages than a catalog of vetted, quality services. Is this where Fiverr stays?, who knows, but anyone who browses the forum is already familiar with the imbalance of skilled vs unskilled "exparts" here.
  3. The TOS only specifically prohibits Google Ad Words for promotion. You can use Facebook, but I have not seen folks here who have said that it paid off. But you can do it. I would suggest "promoted gigs" here on Fiverr.
  4. Who are you suggesting will pay to promote your gig?
  5. I have never been ordered. I sit here on the shelf, waiting and waiting.
  6. Yeah, in a Greyhound bus station sort of sense. 😀
  7. I heard that there is a new single coming out soon recorded by all of Taylor Swift's ex boyfriends. It is called, "Maybe you're the fu**ing problem."
  8. It's like not having to wait in the security line at the airport. You go in the back door, and get priority level help and advice. That's all. Plus I believe even regular old CS responds faster. I always get a respose and resolution within 2 hours and that's 24-7.
  9. Yeah, that is such a huge disparity, it almost seems like they want you to take the VO, then hold you up, or threaten you into the big payment. I've never seen anyone charging $5 for VO and $150 for rights, can you PM me the link to their gig? I'm curious to see their talent level.
  10. Stay away from new sellers who are running a scam like $150 rights on a $5 gig. Just filter TRS or PRO and there is no game playing. Explain your usage to the seller and they will either include or exclude com/broadcast rights as needed.
  11. The fact that I can email someone inside fiverr who can go talk to anyone in the company within a few minutes is worth is alone. My SM is super helpful, available to Zoom whenever I need to talk to him, and has given me advice that is already worth the year's fees. It gives you access to the inside level of fiverr.
  12. I realize that I am wasting my time her since you don't even take what you sell seriously. Just don't have the time for yet another noob who hasn't even bothered to read the TOS yet offers silly suggestions as to how things should work. Thank God for the ignore button.
  13. There are many of us who take what we do here seriously, so it kind bothers us a bit when people don't take it seriously. Like the following from your gig: First you describe your self as a "Professional Voice over artist" in your gig thumbnail, then say the following... I'm doing this simply for fun and as a way to make extra money, so please consider me if you want someone who is fun, lose and not as stuffy as everyone else presents themselves here XD Some of us are running businesses here, so we take offense to people who don't give a damn about things like reading the rules, being serious about what they sell, or misrepresenting their race in their profile pic.
  14. No, not noobs, but yes, people who show up, don't learn how things work and then complain about it. Yes absolutely.
  15. Just more folks who didn't bother to read the TOS when they signed up. Being surprised by it is not on fiverr, but it says a lot about the person who is dumbfounded by it. Why is reading and comprehension such a chore for people who are self described geniuses in their profiles?
  16. OK, so how do you get aroung the fraud issue that was brought up? There are plenty of scammers here, so how would you propose they prevent that?
  17. This has been discussed many times over the years on the forum. So here is a question, if they stopped taking 20% from tips. Do you really think that people would not immediately start asking for a $200 order to be paid for as a $5 service and a sneaky $195 tip to avoid paying fiverr? That would happen 5 seconds after they changed the rules.
  18. Texas is great. I guarantee you, one tends to be a bit more polite in settling a dispute when both parties are strapped.
  19. The Vikings would not recognize the place.
  20. That's not necesarily a bragging point. 😄
  21. Nah, Karma for refusing to stoop so low as to call anyone "sir". I already accused you of being a Viking ruffian for this in another thread. 😀
  22. Maybe if you stopped hitting him, and messaged him. However like they said, it is spam. But you are using "Knock" incorrectly.
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