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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. Greg, since you asked here's a few things to work on if you want to get hired. First, develop a serious demo which shows off what you can actually do. The video you have feels like you are just playing at voice over, I would stop trying to do the Movie Trailer voice or silly cartoon voices, and remove those from your gig. You need a good 60 seconds showing how you would sound reading an actual commercial for a business. I would also not worry about impressions right now. Branch out on those (in separate gigs) after you get some success at straight VO. Find some straight copy for a plumber, car lot, bar, anything you like and actually present what you VO would sound like. That's where to start.
  2. Yeah, the only think Fiverr can mean is "cheap."
  3. Corporate name change is not hard, and has been done on a much more grand scale than Fiverr.
  4. These are enough to put major ad agencies off using Fiverr though. They have made it so much worse by not dealing with the separation of professional services and goofy crap years ago, before launching "Fiverr Business," or PRO sellers. Now they are stuck because no one takes the push toward professionalism seriously when obvious fraud is allowed.
  5. @vickieito I've been watching this thread and keep wondering , "Is Fiverr changing, or is Fiverr promising to change like a spouse that gets caught cheating." We saw the spiffy new "Briefs" replace the horrible swamp of buyer's requests and the end result is the same lousy content, just in a new template. We were promised "Fiverr Business" was to be an elite, vetted, pay wall sanctuary where actual pro buyers and sellers could collaborate, until they chucked it and said, "It's free and open to anyone." Now we have been promised a shiny new PRO 2.0 experience with enhanced traffic and opportunities. However, all we've seen so far is a lowering of the TRS requirements, and thousands of new "PRO" badges being handed out to people who didn't even ask for them, or in some instances, qualify for them. As to site security and professionalism, we are in the same place where we were 5 years ago. I can hop a plane to a village that only has power 4 hours per day, use a burner phone to create an account and post a gig that claims I am a "PhD in SEO", or even the "CEO of Fiverr", and get it approved with no question, remember those both actually happened. As a sideline, I can also offer a gig which will claim to resurrect a dead relative from the grave for only $5, and it will be approved. That also happened, and remained up till we mocked it off the site. I suppose taking $5 for promising to make a supermodel fall in love with you is OK, but promising to make Abe Lincoln tap dance at Mardi Gras is the step too far. It seems the only thing that Fiverr has taken a real starry eyed shine to is AI. They are stuck between being sure to include the statement "AI guided by talented and valued humans" every time they mention it, but if you look at the number of AI related webinars, blog posts and initiatives, it is clear that they are gaga n love, and can't wait for Fiverr 4.0, where blades of servers and bots do all the work and don't ask for 20%, don't bug CS for level increases and don't complain about revision requests. All orders will come with unlimited revisions by subscription. I suspect that this why they allow obvious AI fakery in wholesale levels on a tremendous number of gigs. They have launched an AI art contest this morning with a $1,500 prize. Note: Human created art need not apply. I know they are promising change. But we have heard that before.
  6. Have you considered saying, no?
  7. Same answer we gave you earlier. If you were an ads expert you would know the answer to this, and you should not lie about your English proficiency, because you are definitely not a Native/Bilingual English speaker. Instead of just posting the same question on multiple posts, try being honest about your qualifications. No one will buy your services here.
  8. There you go. Fiverr loses money just as you do when they have to cancel an order, therefore they do not like to cancel. However, the TOS states that if you do not provide what you sere supposed to, then the buyer has the right to cancel. Your problem is that once Fiverr reviewed the claims of the buyer, and what you delivered, they determined that you did not fulfill 100% of what was required. That is a different story. You should work on your service and quality of deliverables, and BTW, the 2nd order, in which you delivered without full payment is not the way Fiverr is supposed to work. The sure sign of a scammer is someone who promises to pay the rest later. I know these are unfortunate, but learn from them and adjust how you work. But to claim that this happened for no reason, and that Fiverr is unfair is just not true.
  9. They never, ever cancel an order without a cause. What actually happened?
  10. I swear, I was in a meeting exactly like this today.
  11. The 2 points are not at odds with each other. My most famous client is National Geographic, but Joe's plumbing gets the same quality service and product, exactly.
  12. 1. If you were an actual "SEO Expert" you would know exactly how to get orders, lots of them. 2. You are definitely not a "Native/Bilingual" English speaker as you claim on your profile. Try being honest about your qualifications, and selling something you actually know how to do.
  13. Interesting that you will never address the issue, only deflect, like this non answer. Maybe you should start a gig for writing fiction.
  14. What an odd way to avoid discussing the fact that you are selling something that you cannot perform. You are a marketing "expert" yet are baffled at why sales have dropped. You possess no ability help yourself, beyond asking the forum and eventually support, instead of checking any of the available tools that an actual "expert" would have checked to see traffic patterns for the month, but I guess those are only available to professionals who subscribe to them as a tool they use in providing "digital marketing" services. Bottom line is that you are taking people's money for something you can't even help yourself with is well, dishonest to put it in the nicest terms. An experienced digital marketer would have been able to answer your question, and certainly would never had had to ask it of the general public. That is the point. We tend to not like deceptive sellers here, so if that demotivates you, sorry, but how about selling something you can actually deliver?
  15. You are only allowed to have one Fiverr account, and all gigs must be in English.
  16. newsmike


    This is the second thread where you call "unfair" anything that affects you negatively. Are you suggesting Fiverr should ignore poor performance due to sickness, when you could have simply (as others on this thread have already pointed out) paused your gigs?
  17. newsmike


    The question is legitimate, not rude. Perhaps if you had a more solid grasp on English you would realize that. It is you who is being rude. But I understand why. 😉 The question remains, how did you sign up for something you clearly do not understand? Then declare that it is somehow "unfair" because you did not understand? Farcical.
  18. Cat, I'm trying to choose a realtor to list my villa on Lake Como, can you help me choose? I can't decide.
  19. If this is true: You should be able to figure out the first steps of Fiverr. By the way, you should change "English-Fluent" on your profile, as you are clearly not. Being dishonest about things is not a good way to start.
  20. OK, in a serious effort to help you, whenever you see someone say "promote your gigs on social media," go to their profile and you will see that they are generally brand new, have no skills or sales. It is nonsense that gets repeated constantly. The algorithm rewards sales, nothing else. You can only "rank" by making sales, and you can only make sales by offering better products and services at a better price than the people who got here before you. No, it will not be quick or easy. Think 1-2 years for any real traction. Good luck. If you get the opportunity to use promoted gigs, jump at it. All else is BS.
  21. He's not saying he does not want orders, he's saying he does not want to spend a dime to get them by promoting his business. Filip, if I ever say something like "I know what works, but want to do the opposite." Kick my arse will ya?
  22. I know that I can cure this infection with $5 worth of antibiotics, but I don't want to do that. I want to sleep on the lawn in a chicken suit instead. Why go with what is proven to work when you can fiddle about with the suggestion of every non selling noobie?
  23. Agree. It is ironic that that the folks who are celebrating the lower standards have yet to realize that TRS is virtually meaningless now. When everyone gets a trophy, it means nothing and sellers will understand that TRS and PRO are a joke now as PRO is being devalued rapidly as well by handing out thousands of these badges.
  24. Exactly the advice I knew you would have. This is indeed a community, one which really dislikes when people claim to be able to offer things which they actually cannot to unsuspecting buyers who lose their money. We're funny that way. Thanks.
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