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Posts posted by frank_d

  1. On 4/2/2024 at 2:13 PM, emmaki said:

    When Seller Plus launched, they offered a locked in discount rate ($19) to people who were invited pre-launch. I was one of them. The price was meant to stay at $19 until you cancelled the sub. Then you would have to pay regular rates.

    On April Fool's Day (lol) they sent an email to me and seemingly everyone else with locked in prices. They basically broke their promise and shredded up a bit more trust that anyone might have had in the platform.

    I did the math: $19 to $39 is (aside from being a 50% price increase) is an extra $3,800. I have come to the conclusion that Fiverr is living in poverty and must push aside morals and principles to shake out some more dollars from people. Anyway, seems like Fiverr's happy to break our trust over $20, which says a lot about how they value them - and how cheap they are when it comes to breaking their promises.

    It's not really the price increase that annoys me. It's the broken promise.

    And to make matters worse, the initial batch of users that got the $19 price were a little over 100 people.

    So Fiverr decided to squander any trust built initially just to get 100 or so people to pay like everyone else.

    Fiverr built the entire feature by testing it on that initial group of sellers and for the longest time, the entire program was pretty much deprived of features.

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  2. 34 minutes ago, smashradio said:

    I've seen the same thing happen. But now, it's like everyone's itching to drag me into endless Zoom calls before they decide to buy anything. And what gets me every time is that they end up expecting everything for nothing. One of my main reasons for loving FIverr, was that I didn't have to waste half my day speaking to clients. 

    Same here. Once I point them towards my paid consultation they stop needing a call.

    I always bring up money as soon as possible to establish project fit but this latest wave of tire kickers think that them stating a budget is like being in a game show where they need to guess how much my service is.

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  3. 7 minutes ago, vhskid said:



    Calm down, Karen.

    I'm saying that you'd probably be more critical about the new system if it would hurt your business or if it looked like it would be hurt.
    One's perspective changes when encountering a specific experience. Imagining being in someone's shoes doesn't equal knowing how is it to wear them. 

    I'm not saying that you are the face of the "less critical sellers' movement" but the disproportion of the criticisms' scope of affected and unaffected people is very noticeable. Even if we exclude strictly emotional feedback.

    Please refrain from name calling, this is warning 1 out of 1.

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  4. 3 hours ago, kingpirux said:

    trying to understand the new system i noticed something else, your rank is in risk according to how long have you been in fiver, more than 6 years will be heavy punished, new commers will have more presence because it average the time, not the experience or results. just an hipótesis, Looks like anyone from 2020 or 2021 is an 8... if you ask me, this is because the holistic is just crappy averaging by time over average stars, and not quantity by sum of scores, that explains the famous room for improvement that doesn't change unless you are perfect, also the strongly negative (because only one 4 is needed in 2 years to give you 6, if you are older this impact is higher but if you are new it will change from one day to the other)... and also explains the sudden flags on very old or very new freelancers, as expected, all this magical fantasy over explained, vaguely supported and with total absence of facts and examples, is common when you use ChatGPT asking or building anything, because that's AI, a simple averager with a few random noise so it doesn't look repetitive, but ask any real developper or data analyst and will tell you that is would be very very dumb if they used it as a real base for their new system, i mean, even OpenAI is not using their most powerful AI this way because they know the basics behind it... but is just an hipótesis...


    oh i can write again 🙂 there is like a limit of posts i think because they flaged me with negative points in the forum, they didn't answer any questions but they are angry that i posted memes.


    I’m a seller since 2013 and my Success Score is 10.

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  5. 15 minutes ago, melanielm said:

    (Emmaki, thank you for the last webinar transcript and sharing shots of the slides for this one. Definitely helps me!)

    I'm curious about the Buyer Diversity thing. What does that really mean?

    "Tailor assessments to accommodate the unique characteristics, patterns, and preferences of diverse buyers."

    This says nothing. Do buyers from different countries matter (Surely not!). Buyers at different price points? Those who do one-off orders vs. subscriptions? Those who order different services from various sellers on the whole platform?

    There is no actual, usable information about what any of this means. I'd get a serious hit to my "Client Satisfaction" and "Value for the Money" scores if I wrote this much fluff in the content I deliver.

    Fiverr has a completely different system in place to quantify buyers.

    So they probably have now implemented a way of checking if sellers get orders from different types of buyer profiles, or if for example a seller keeps getting orders from the same buyers.

    To clarify, they are probably taking into acount both the buyer "persona" and the actual buyer profile, as to figure out if purchases are honest and within a specific range of parameters.


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  6. 2 minutes ago, exdesigns said:

    Hi everyone. I have a total of 2.2k 5-star reviews.  My success score is 4 after launching the next level system. But for the last few days, I got new 4-5 5-star reviews. But still my  But still success score is 4 😒

    Public reviews don’t carry that much weight when compared to private ones. Also: we are not sure how long it takes to see changes in our SS.

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  7. Let’s call it what it is: Fiverr is not thinking about rolling this new system back.

    They seem to be willing to filter through the feedback and see if they can make minor adjustments based on things that are happening to our profiles.

    This system, however, seems to be working as intended: they needed a way to weed through the thousands of underperforming sellers.

    The issues they may consider fixing are things that truly backfired and affected good performers.

    I am still thoroughly confused about how many things work, but that’s my opinion based on what I am seeing at the moment.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, virgoca said:

    Ran said they are considering our feedback about the Value For Money metric, however he also stressed that their data has shown no correlation between it and our lower reviews on that specific area. He does kinda say they are looking into it and considering alternatives, but he keeps stressing that, at the moment Fiverr hasn't found any evidence of the metric being bad for us on their end. Seeing how this is the only place they've acknowledged fully one of our concerns and said they are "considering alternatives", take it as a 50/50 they MIGHT do something about it, maybe, perhaps, possibly. (probably not)

    I just submitted a review today and they changed the question to “what was the value of the delivery” instead of “value for money”.


    so it’s true, they are experimenting with how it’s phrased at least.

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  9. Hey gang.

    Since @Kesha locked the official news thread, I felt like it was valid for us to create a new thread on this section of the forum, so we can gather our questions, concerns and feedback on the new system.

    Let's please refrain from actually asking for support for our personal accounts, anyone who needs immediate assistance should open an official ticket with CS instead.


    This thread is for sellers, members of this community, to openly ask questions, express opinions and discuss their issues or concerns around the new leveling system.


    I will try to keep this thread open but I will also do my best to ensure off-topic replies and requests for support are hidden, so we can keep things clean.



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  10. Hey Tommy!

    2023 was a bumpy ride for me personally.

    I am grateful for all the business Fiverr brought my way.

    I launched a new gig that ended up bringing in 40% of my revenue for the year.

    I also ended up spending way more money on promoted gigs than I’d like to admit. (No I didn’t get a good ROI in case anyone’s wondering)

    It took me a while to navigate whatever change came with the Pro update thing, and I am still figuring out what changed in Fiverr’s metrics re: seller performance.

    I’m also hitting the gym consistently and getting some good results, maybe that poster of you in a tank top next to my nightstand helped me feel motivated. 🙂 

    This is the first time that I really don’t know what to make of my yearly data and performance on the platform, or get a sense of what I need to keep doing for 2024.

    Things feel rather… fluid.

    What I do know is that all the money and time I invested so far in positioning my business outside the platform was a great investment and will only help me in the long run.

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