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That is an Awesome feeling


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@idostuff74 I actually had to go look at what that is and played the video 3 times lol bookmarked it too, I might find a reason to need that some time. I generally like your profile and gigs and videos too.

@pastordre It´s always nice to read your posts. Congrats, if now 1st or 5th, it´s awesome either way.

Thanks @miiila appreciate the shout out…

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@idostuff74 I actually had to go look at what that is and played the video 3 times lol bookmarked it too, I might find a reason to need that some time. I generally like your profile and gigs and videos too.

@pastordre It´s always nice to read your posts. Congrats, if now 1st or 5th, it´s awesome either way.

@miiila Thank you very much! Especially the bit about the profile. I am sometimes tempted to shovel more random stuff onto it but I feel like it’s better in the long run to make it somewhat coherent. Make it “mine”, so to speak.

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