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How to ask the buyer politely to change the feedback


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I suppose they have an internal tally chart, but we better don´t start to speculate on the algorithm for that one or try to find out by inching closer to it if we can avoid it I guess. 😉

Thanks for the reply!

you are correct, next time i will avoid it 🙂

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It said:


To create a fair and respectable marketplace, we ask that you do not try to manipulate or find workarounds to “trick” our system. This is consideder as improper behavior and a violation of our terms

iI really don’t know what happens next time, it is not clear but i don’t like this and i don’t want to find out, i think this is the purpose.

Did you offer something to the buyer in exchange for the positive feedback? Or, how did you word your request for feedback revision? Was it in a way that could be interpreted as an attempt to bribe the buyer?

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