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How I got Over 70 sales in my first 30 days


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Buyer Requests - Offer your services in a polite way to as many Buyer Requests as possible. Remember it is not about how good you are. It is more about how good your product will be for your customer. Instead of thinking I am the Best. Tell your prospective client that you will provide them with the Best product. Tell them what makes your product the Best.

Don’t Hold Sales in your Que - I know some people think that holding Sales in their que is a good idea, and yes in some ways it looks good to have sales waiting. But it is even better for you and your business to deliver quickly. That way, you build a reputation as a professional, you build your brand and you get better reviews.

Be Flexible - If you are new and someone wants a special deal. Do it!(within reason). What do you have to loose? If you want returning customers and if you want to impress clients, be flexible with what your are willing to provide. You don’t want to Give to much. But if it only takes a few seconds or minutes to accomplish, it is worth the risk.

Use Quick Responses - Make a quick response for customer who request your services or order your Gig. Do your best to respond to your customers as quickly as possible. Using the Phone app for this is an excellent idea! Remember to Log In through out your day to refresh your internet connection, to make sure your not missing out on any messages.

Be Polite, Consistent and Confident - Everything worth having is worth fighting for. You don’t need to be pushy. But be Consistent and be willing to go the extra mile. Always be polite even if your client is not, and above all else be confident. You are amazing and so is your product.

Have a great day!


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Yeah, holding sales in queue because it makes you look popular or gives people the impression that you’re in demand is a silly strategy because - speaking for myself, at least - the overwhelming majority of my sales come from repeat buyers. If I play games with delivery times, they’re going to get fed up and go do business with somebody else. Plus, why wait until tomorrow to finish today’s work? If the client requests a modification, then this can bung up my work schedule for the next day.

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I didn’t even know this was a “thing”. The only reason sales are in my queue is because I run a full-time business and Fiverr supplements the local business income. Sometimes I’m out of the office or busy with a project. Otherwise, I clear jobs from my queue as quickly as possible – because it’s good customer service & because then I get paid sooner.

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No, @patsvoice… that is not a nice gig. It is never a good idea for users to spam our forums with links to their gigs. In fact, this goes against our Forum Rules.

Not to mention, hakim’s English is atrocious. Good gigs are spell-checked. If a seller wants to be taken seriously, they will build a gig that looks professional, and is readable in English. Anything else is probably going to drive buyers away, rather than convince them to purchase anything.

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Guest ralucamath

Firstly, you should work at your English. There are a lot of mistakes. Secondly, I don’t think you are right when you say that holding your sales in quoue makes you popular among your buyers. That’s suspicious, since I always deliver quickly to my clients and there are no sales in quoue. What’s important? Not respecting your deadline or being quick and fast?

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Okay @jonbaas… I’m still new to the community and I realize that certain things grate on long time Sellers and clients. I was only excited at the positive comment and meant to return the kindness. I will be more careful and selective of my responses in the future.

I value your input and thank you for taking the time to respond. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

And hey look at that. Its my Birthday!



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Guest ninjanic

Nice tips! I always look in the buyer requests to see if there is something I can do, but usually more than half of the “requests” are just people trying to sell stuff. Thanks for the great tips, though!

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