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What's your Average Selling Price?


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Mine is currently at $40 (touched $42 few days ago). Would love to scale it up to $80+ which is not difficult as web development work comes at a good price. But average selling price is not important in my opinion, overall monthly revenue is. If you have avg selling price of $5 and have 100 order then you earn a lot more than the person with 10 orders and average selling price higher than yours.

Try to focus more on getting more clients rather than squeezing more revenue per sale.

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$48 not sure if that would be accurate considering the $450 job I completed a while back. Although I’m trying to increase that average as my work is in website development and my starting point would be in the hundreds of dollars, but finding the clients looking to actually spend money is though. Most buyers I come across don’t even go near $50 for a website.

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