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How one review ruined Fiverr for me


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Usually I post optimistic things here, but today after almost a month without orders (and I’m a level 2 seller) I can’t.

Until recently, I had 100% 5-star ratings on my gigs. Then, I got an order from a repeat buyer who had previously been great to work with. He requested something I couldn’t provide (an image I didn’t have and couldn’t find for free). I communicated the issue with the buyer and, when I didn’t hear back, I delivered the gig as best I could without the image, using a drawn graphic instead.

A couple of days later, I got my first 4-star rating.

I contacted the buyer and edited the gig further as best I could, but the review didn’t change and now, almost a month later, I’ve had no further orders.

It seems unfair that one less than perfect review dropped my standing so far, but I guess that’s how Fiverr’s algorithms work. Sellers beware.

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I feel really bad for you regarding the review issue. I hate the star system and I don’t think it works well at all.

On a positive note, I know most Top Rated Sellers eventually get some reviews under 5 stars partly due to sheer volume. Many drop lower than 100% positive eventually. Still, most do recover in time, another order comes in and they get a 5 star review and things pick up. Try to look ahead as best you can and good luck as your username says!

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You should have cancelled the gig at the start. I don’t think you would be penalized. I too had a 4 star gig, the first out of 800, it was perfectly good but I had a couple of upload issues. Buyers don’t realise the impact a lower star rating can have on the Seller. If the gig is a bit tricky then refuse to do it.

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4 stars is very good! Even 3 stars is considered a positive review by Fiverr, which will only increase your gig’s position. Many have even 95% rating and every sixth review is 3-4 stars, yet get tons of orders. So don’t stress about it!

You just need more orders before your position increases, and then more and more orders start to occur as a result. And to get to that point, keep providing excellent service and make sure everyone is happy.

You should also promote your gigs elsewhere. Create your own site or a blog for them where you can discuss them in greater details, post the best reviews, examples etc. and link back to Fiverr. You can also do SEO and drive traffic to your site to boost sales further.

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Hi folks,
A few quick thoughts.

  1. Telling @luckygutsy that she SHOULD have done X, Y, or Z unfortunately doesn’t really help at this point except make her feel worse.

  2. Yes, three or four-star reviews aren’t a death sentence, but they’re certainly not ideal for future sales or promotions.

Claire, if you’re reading this shoot me a message and let me know which gig it was so I can place an order. Everyone else, if you DO want to help her out, I suggest doing the same!

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David, your idea is a good one. One way to help each other during hard times is to literally help when we see someone with good gigs and a good background get a no-good response from a harsh buyer. While I’m sure none of us advocate “fake” reviews and I know that isn’t what you meant, if we can help each other out at times with a real purchase and review, that can make a big difference. I’m behind the idea 100% and would love to know how I can help.

Maddie at “FontHaunt”

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  • 2 years later...

Hi folks,

A few quick thoughts.

  1. Telling @luckygutsy that she SHOULD have done X, Y, or Z unfortunately doesn’t really help at this point except make her feel worse.

  2. Yes, three or four-star reviews aren’t a death sentence, but they’re certainly not ideal for future sales or promotions.

Claire, if you’re reading this shoot me a message and let me know which gig it was so I can place an order. Everyone else, if you DO want to help her out, I suggest doing the same!

Wow! That’s very nice and thoughtful of you.

As a new seller on Fiverr, this is what I’m currently experiencing. Honestly, the 4 star rating is terrible one for any seller on fiver…

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...

Sometimes I wonder if these buyers are even legit buyers! I had a new buyer who loved my first order and gave me a tip (which fiverr took) anyways. He left a good review and gave me 4.3 stars. (Hater) then announced that he would be placing another order tonight with me, almost like it was a setup for him to publicly shut me down . I finished the next order, which was singing 3 words. I communicated because the sample wasn’t clear at all. I responded with the details, and did it exactly the way he wanted…then he posted a negative review😳 stating “ Don’t feel like she put her heart into this one. Wont use this track. Will use my own scratch track, (which i like better instead) it’s cool though. Would still like to try a couple more tracks. Hopefully come up with stuff more like the first track she sang for me a couple days ago”.

 Then to to it off, he gave me 3 stars for services as described. Would recommend, And communication🥺

On 5/11/2020 at 7:57 PM, maryam_faiza said:

Hi , dear I have same the issue the buyer was really happy and even he gave me tip for the work but he left 4.3 review will that will effect?


 This feels like an angry ex who found me on Fiverr and is trying to ruin my experience 😡

 wishing  i could delete this negativity!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sometimes I feel there are some buyers who intentionally order and cancel order saying that it's their fault and order was not intentional. In earlier years Fiverr considered it as cancelled order and ceased rankings for gigs. Maybe something like that. 

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  • 1 year later...

I just had an issue just 5 days ago , buyer asked me to many things , not included tin the order , when i said these are not included in the order should I add extras , he said I thought you are a cool guy, and you are committed to work , if you start saying this kinda thing you can cancel the order , later for his too much dreaming I and using slang language I said I will cancel the order. He said finish the work we are close that's how he talks, there is nothing more than that . I did the job in the last time of the delivery he asked me to do another thing, but I did it . I thought I should give him 1star the way he behaved I felt terrible . I gave him 1star , but wow  he gave me 5 star , but after seeing it he gave 5 star I wasn't able to change it . I didn't saw it first . And he changed the review to 1 star because said all the truth, and he was offended . I apologize to the seller , he said go to the customer support remove the review until its removed don't come back and send me a msg . I sent to the customer support that I made an unfair review . Customer support didn't reply yet . and I am not getting order from 10 days . Though I had 4 orders, i got 5 star . The Fiverr system is weird, hard to understand . If I didn't even see what buyer gave me , If I gave him 5 star , for that seller change his review . But I can't change , I can't see it first . Like a trap . Once you are done with review, you are done . No apologies will work I guess . Even Thanos can't change that . lot of member said it is a communication problem , you need to work on it . I have all the 5 star and every one said at communication. Sometimes It's hard to predict , I should give him 5 star and move on, for that I am feeling regret and really want to change it lets see what customer service can do 🙂  .

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