I am now Seller Plus for last three months.. Awarded with Seller Plus around June 9th. Its been good as I got orders from brief, Gig Rankings were high and got lot of orders and
7 day Clearance system
Plus Quick Cash by giving additional 1% and it Helped me.
We can know insights of buyer activity like how much they are ordering, rating given and also category they order.
Keyword analytics for your gigs and also in fiverr Marketplace
Plus Customer success executive which you can report your issues regarding gigs and they will give us tips whether you take or not is your like.
Only issue is that After August 14th Gig Rankings and impression went on downhill gradually each day. I had around 4k Impressions every day and All my orders were correctly delivered and buyers rated me high and even they gave repeated order. Its like My Total revenue was around 72000 until June and It went up to 80 within that 2-3 month period.. Also I got Fiverr Loan of 1500 which I paid in a month itself.. That is almost $4000 job needs to be done for paying that loan as we get 40% from overall Earning.. And It all paid in a month. 30-35 Orders completed too.
Now Impressions is around 200 per day from 4k that reduced gradually in a month. But still Seller Plus is active and renewed for this month. I put two more gigs based on the keywords and they are saying like to wait 2 months for result. I am waiting and will post the results after that..
I am getting like 1-2 messages from New buyers and orders are there so its all going good.. Gig promotion is also active as a panic button. So Now I am playing a waiting game to know whether Seller Plus really helps. This is the time which I will get an idea How good the Seller Plus is as Impressions are less even with high ratings from clients even internally as Customer success manager already told that Buyer impressions are great ( She said it was lower after first meeting and in initial stage and after second meeting she said this) So I ll get an idea How seller Plus works.. If it works I will definitely post it in a month.