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Order cancellation due to misunderstanding; I cannot contact the buyer


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So I was rankled earlier today due to a negative review…apparently I need to tell my side of the story, but I could not contact the buyer directly, so here goes:

This person ordered a gig from me…now his/her request was a little backhanded from what I was advertising but I agreed to fulfill my part of the bargain. At first I was stuck because to fulfill the order I’d have to download a certain app and it was ssssssooo slow downloading. I let the buyer know what was going on and I intended to do what was requested. S/he sent me another link as what I perceived to be a counteroffer as in "try to download this link instead"

Howver, the first link managed to download successfully at last, so I completed the order request and apparently s/he approved it with a "positive"

Then…Today I get a negative feedback from this person who apparently cancelled the order saying I did not deliver on time…I feel like that was unfair because I feel like I did hold up my end of the bargain. Did they want me to rate 2 apps? It sounded like it was more a matter of “well if that one doesn’t download here’s an alternative one to try instead”.

So now I got a negative review and I cannot contact the buyer because there is no option, the order was cancelled and I cannot tell my side of the story. That hurts for someone who hasn’t earned their “badge” yet. Any advice? Well, if you look at my profile you’ll see there isn’t a place for me to explain my side? is there?

I’d be happy to resolve the issue another way, but it looked to me like the buyer just cut and run.

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Sounds like the type of buyer who would blackmail you to do stuff for free, knowing that one negative review will destroy your reputation.

I’d contact customer support with more info, but from what you’re describing it looks like they might as well side with you on that one.

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Honestly, If you can’t contact the buyer and have the order cancelled and the rating removed. I would just delete the gig and create another one. You have two orders off of that gig and 2.5 stars. That’s a bad way to start off. If you had a lot of orders on that gig it wouldn’t matter so much. However that rating is going to harm your business.

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Wow, that sucks. I am so sorry that happened. I am sure you did all you could. Just remember, you are not your ratings or your work. You are fab you!! Just wondering mickeyforpres…if you remove the gig does it remove all the bad ratings? It’s not stuck to your whole account?

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Reply to @waysofstyle: I had a friend who did this earlier today actually. He deleted a gig, where he got a negative review basically for the same reason. It removed all the bad ratings from his profile.

Personally, the only negative review I have received has been a four star but they left a great comment and when I messaged them about it they said it was an accident. So I cancelled the order, refunded the money then they reordered and left a five star.

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Reply to @mickeyforpres: Thanks, I really appreciate that suggestion; it’s not one that I had thought of 🙂 Especially since that particular gig is not one I may be very passionate about in the long-term…so I may decide not to re-create it. I’m much more interested in doing real graphic work than stuff having to do with apps. I think I will check out that link above though by mrproofreading 🙂

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