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Useless gig


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4 month ago “vectorize VECTOR your logo” was my main gig with about 100 postivie reviews and it has about 15 orders per day. One day my gig was gone i could not find it, after support help me back my gig, my impressions number was incredibly low – Today (4 mount later that gig is usless) with very low impressions and rarely orders 1 in 20days . I have no idea how i can “fix” my gig , im thinking to delete this gig and make new one, but before i want to see your sugestion.



Too much effort 😦

Fiverr support:

"We recommend adding a video to your gig which will help. This has been tested and gigs with videos tend to get more sales than those without."

Well i upload nice video but nothing.
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Very sad to see a trs struggle indeed 😦 It seems that your gig is in a heavily saturated market now. There are thousands of people doing vector work now and from my initial impressions of your gig I do not see anything that makes you stand out from competition other than your rank. Fair enough I am not a digital designer I do not know the kind of work it takes to do that nor is this my niche but, one thing that has worked for me is to make sure my descriptions answer 3 fundamental questions you can read about here http://forum.fiverr.com/discussion/49599/the-3-w039s-to-include-in-your-description Also your gig video is not awful but is also not the best either. Good luck to you.

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I am also not familiar with your niche. I would really study your competition and constantly revamp your offer, thumbnails, and videos to compete. Your competition is constantly changing their marketing and you should also. Your response time may also not be competing well with your competition.

You are doing great. Good luck!

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Reply to @skydesigner:

Your gig is not gone, it just isn’t ranking highly in the search results. It is still accessible and marketable on your Fiverr profile. Try to find some places to promote it elsewhere on the internet; bring in traffic from off of Fiverr. Don’t depend on the Fiverr search results to be your only source of traffic.

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