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I would gladly appreciate any feedback/criticism on my gigs


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Hey! Thanks for checking this out!

So, I made a Fiverr account a couple of days ago and have posted five gigs since. Now, I’m not expecting to be getting orders or any popularity whatsoever this early, but I just want to know if there is anything I could improve/add to get the attention of potential buyers. I would really be thankful to anyone who could click on my username and check out my gigs; any tips or feedback is greatly appreciated. I know there are lots of experienced Fiverr users on this forum, so I am hoping I can get some good tips.

Thanks a lot, Spacejelly


Hello, First thing is your “About me.” It is vague and does not establish you as a professional in anything. All your gigs are already heavily saturated on the marketplace with people who have an established authority so you need to tell how you are better than other people at what you do. Yes sounding more casual can result in more sales but, you need not sound to unprofessional. All gig descriptions need to answer the 3 W’s which I made a post about here http://forum.fiverr.com/discussion/49599/the-3-w039s-to-include-in-your-description Do not overly use highlights and make everything look uniform. To see an example you can take a look at my gig description in https://www.fiverr.com/tylerullery/make-you-this-website-commercial Before everyone says this is not place to advertise gigs I am not advertising I am using it purely as an example. After you incorporate the 3 W’s into your description please send me a message on fiverr or let me know here and I will take a look and give you more feedback.


You rule @tylerullery,

For giving advice and helping people on Fiverr.

How ever, I read your website-commercial-gig description and feel that it coul be written better.

It’s weird to read that For 5$ I get to provide script and images. I’d make the “what you get” ,and “what you need to provide” more clear separate sections. Yeah you have the process section which is, in my opinion, weird choice of word for the section. Hope you get my point I’m trying to make with my broken English.

The video of the gig is top notch!

Hope you don’t mind me saying this. I’ll get back to you when I’ve made changes on my gigs for your comments.

@spacejelly, sorry for taking this conversation off track.

Guest cust0mcr3ationz

Honestly the description in the about me isn’t seriously important I have seen some doozies. Seriously, I have worked on here over 3 years. I write a Fiverr blog of my own with lots of traffic called Fiverrtastic. Sorry for the plug just Google it. If you want my humble opinion there’s nothing wrong with the gigs or your page it’s the traffic. You need to promote them on wherever you can: Facebook, twitter, pinterest, create a facebook page, write a blog, and put your gigs on traffic sites like traffup. It’s not guaranteed but traffic sites are amazing. They work on a points system so keep the points up by viewing other members sites. Happy Fiverr’ing.


Reply to @pictureduke: I am playing around with the layout and phrasing of my gig description, I agree it is not perfect yet but, a work in progress. The character limit fiverr limits is what really caused most of my odd choice of phrasings currently. I also look forward to providing you feedback.


Reply to @cust0mcr3ationz: The about me is not a 100% deal maker but it can influence a buyers decision positively in your favor. Also I do not recommend sites like traffup or youlikehits because people view specifically for the points and do not usually take any notice to the site. I do however agree that promotion is key to being successful.


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